July 26, 2011 - Heinz Field - Pittsburgh, PA

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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I'll post my list of GA line bullshit later.
People should be ashamed to be acting that way.
And don't worry... I WILL use names and documented proof.
Very disappointed in the awful Pittsburgh crowd but proud of U2 for still putting on a great show - Bad was the perfect way to end a long couple years following U2 around on this tour - Just wish the crowd hadn't ruined the mood - Worse than Houston! - But, again, U2 delivered
Very disappointed in the awful Pittsburgh crowd but proud of U2 for still putting on a great show - Bad was the perfect way to end a long couple years following U2 around on this tour - Just wish the crowd hadn't ruined the mood - Worse than Houston! - But, again, U2 delivered

I dunno about that one....the crowd was right it in, in my opinion. What a show.

I'll post my list of GA line bullshit later.
People should be ashamed to be acting that way.
And don't worry... I WILL use names and documented proof.

I have some pictures too....
My side of the stadium was sitting most of the sings, not singing or moving - It was awful - And people making rude comments - Mt section and the two sections on either side of me in the lower bowl near the stage - It was nuts - even during the hits
More details to come later, just on a quick lunch break. That will be the absolute last time I do GA. What a pain in the ass. Ended up next to the most annoying group of drunk people who seemed to have an endless supply of joints and were not into the show at all, they just kept turning around to talk to each other... and they kept talking to me too! And this girl kept dancing with her boyfriend, and it seemed that no matter what direction I turned her ass was grinding into me.

The show was great as usual, and Bad at the end really made my night. But the next time i will be paying the money for very good seats and not go the GA route.
Another awesome show - wish we wouldn't have been so high up as the crowd wasn't as into it the entire show. I danced the night away anyways :lol:

I was one of the lucky ones who got pics of Bono & Edge signing autographs - they both signed cd booklets for Mr CK & I, and I even got a belly rub from Bono! (I'm 9 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child, so of course I just HAD to ask!!)

My full report on LJ will be written up today, and pics will be loaded to my FB as well. It was great seeing some of you again! :grouphug:
Great time in Red Zone last night. I thought the crowd was very good overall, contrary to earlier post.

A big thank you to U2 staffer Fran from Chile who moved both my friend and I to RZ1 (We had 1 RZ1 and 1 RZ 2)

She saw us asking the RZ security if it was ok to watch the show together from either side, and she stepped right in and whisked us over to RZ1 and switched out the wristbands. :applaud:
I had a great time and moved back and forth from center soundboard to inside Edge's side of pit all night. Couple details I'm fuzzy on...

What was Larry holding up triumphantly above his head right before he began the beat to EBTTRT? I think it was orange.

I didn't catch all of Bono's reference about a music festival in their thoughts. Anyone know what he was talking about?

Highlights for me were Two Hearts snippet, With or Without You, and of course BAD. My fav spot the whole tour was center outside rail, but having the freedom to move around from the back of GA to the back of the inner circle was a great experience... got to see the band up close and watch Edge's dynamic with Dallas.

Someone threw a CD at the band as they went down the steps to leave the stage and it just missed their heads. Larry kicked it out of the way and I think Adam picked it up and took it with him.
The show was better than Chicago (the only other 360 show I had seen).

When they played Stay, I cried.
I want to keep this post up-beat and positive. It was such a fantastic show. Sure ther were negative aspects, but the music made it all diminish for awhile.
It seemed the band was really into it. I saw many smiles from the boys. I will never forget the amazing night they gave me.

I met some really nice people. I was happy to share the night with the girl I dated in high school. We both went separate ways, met again some 19 years later, and are dating again. She was my first love.

I'll post more at a later time regarding GA madness.

We haven't eaten since noon yesterday, so we're off to find food!
I'd love to know more about the GA problems. I got there the day before and was already #203, so I figured waiting just wasn't worth it this time for me and found good spots throughout the field and pit all night having walked in at 5:30.
I'd love to know more about the GA problems. I got there the day before and was already #203, so I figured waiting just wasn't worth it this time for me and found good spots throughout the field and pit all night having walked in at 5:30.

Maybe ask Romi how many of his friends he signed up on the list on SATURDAY and what day they actually showed up. Ask Lou the same question.

I think I counted 30 people within the first 200 that were "plus one's". The system is... they will add a friend even before that friend shows up. when the TWO lists originally started there were 12 people actually there on Saturday morning... but 27 people on the list.

Maybe some people think it's fair that you can add a friend. I don't. And certainly not 30 friends.
I really hate the current list system because it allows so much room for dishonesty and favortism. The bottom line is that there are different rules for different people. Who you know is more important than when you get there. When was the last time you went to a show and saw an unfamiliar face in one those prime rail spots directly below Bono? Pittsburgh was an extreme example of this because so many of them turned out for their last show (nobody I talked to all day was going to Moncton). Even Bono commented on it last night.

Maybe the fact that I recognize all of them is evidence that I go to too many shows myself. :doh:

Anyway, line bullshit aside, it was an amazing show. Bad was so perfect. :heart:
well, there were two people in front of bono who had never done ga lineups before. i know because i brought them. and they had a blast!
if you are talking to me, tell me what my unethical and dubious behavior was!
and if you ARE talking to me, well, you seemed awefully friendly with me in line, which makes me think you don't know who i am.
I had a great time! I headed to Philly early this morning for a baseball game tonight, (the SF Giants won, yay!) so and ready to crash for a while before heading back up to Edmonton in 14 hrs.

oh yeah, I got one of the roses Bono tossed out into the crowd. :applaud::applaud:
I'm still on a high.
I am talking to you. Roman.
You write for the Oakland Tribune, Contra Costa Times and San Jose Mercury News.
You were there to "plus one" all these people minutes after the list started.
You "plused one" Brad. You remember him? He wasn't even going to be in until Sunday or Monday. I may have looked naive and gullible, but I'm really not. Your entourage of people added their "plus one's" too.

I remember you saying "We do this at all the shows".

And of course I was friendly with you. I was friendly with everyone.
Very disappointed in the awful Pittsburgh crowd but proud of U2 for still putting on a great show - Bad was the perfect way to end a long couple years following U2 around on this tour - Just wish the crowd hadn't ruined the mood - Worse than Houston! - But, again, U2 delivered
I don't know what you are talking about. The Pitts. crowd is always a good crowd. Next time I suggest that you go for GA. Come hang with us in line and then I'm pretty sure you'll change your mind about the whole crowd thing.
ah, so you are Tony! nice to meet you, buddy! that's right, the rules were you could add a plus one if that person showed up that same day. brad got crossed off when he didn't come that day. so once again, what are you talking about?
So you yourself are saying it is OK to add someone that isn't there?
How ethical is that?
If you think it's fine, and not being unfair... your moral compass is broken.

And beyond that you called it a plus ONE. However, you yourself had 3 additional names.


What if we all added 3 names?

The purpose of the list is to make up for venues not allowing overnight camping. It is to acknowlege a "first come" status to allow fans to enter the venue in that order.

You, Lou, Arlette, and whomever else added people should never be allowed to touch the list again. Your right to pencil whip other fans should be revoked.
whoever runs the list makes the rules, Tony. Sorry you disagree. Everybody got a plus 1, not three, so not sure what you're talking about there. I don't know why you keep referring to everyone as my group, besides the fact I'm pretty well-liked and talk to others, while you... well, I didn't really see you talking to anyone.

By the way, sending an anonymous, threatening email to someone who has access to databases that track the actual IP address and personal information of the user is not a good idea, Tony. Just sayin.'

This will be my last time responding to you, unless I have to call your local authorities... (should I tell people where you live?) You are not worth my time.
gotta add one PS. Just so everyone knows, I was not running the line (and the people who did run it did a decent job). I was No. 10. My other friends were in the low 20s. They were next to me at the show not because i had them next to me in line, but because I got the the front faster.
I don't know what you are talking about. The Pitts. crowd is always a good crowd. Next time I suggest that you go for GA. Come hang with us in line and then I'm pretty sure you'll change your mind about the whole crowd thing.

Coudln't agree more, her and Heartisabloom and scarlet wine showed us a great time for our first GA date. Pittsburgh rocked, as expected.
I thought the crowd, at least in the pit, were great. Before the show, I did see quite a few empty seats in the stands, though...
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