July 26, 2011 - Heinz Field - Pittsburgh, PA

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
U2 have confirmed that the final date on next year's rescheduled 360° tour will take place on Tuesday, July 26th in Pittsburgh at Heinz Field.
Use the code for this last show? After going to Chicago, 2x MTL, Toronto, and NJ? Do I tack this one on at the end? Or do I tack on East Lansing at the beginning. Decisions, decisions...
I will definitely try to get some GA for this show!

But what is the U2 Bundle thing? I'm not a paid-member to the U2 site, so I guess I'll have to wait until Monday to try to get my tickets since the U2.com Presale won't have codes online :/
So.... WTF? Is there not such a thing as "Red Zone" tix anymore? I was hoping to do that for Nashville if they announce it.

PS - Cheesed about this one. No way I can make this one unless I win the lottery and/or quit my job. I know I'm not alone for those who were stoked they had tix for the 'last show' in MSP - I also had tickets for the 'last show' the first time around (NYC).
So.... WTF? Is there not such a thing as "Red Zone" tix anymore? I was hoping to do that for Nashville if they announce it.

PS - Cheesed about this one. No way I can make this one unless I win the lottery and/or quit my job. I know I'm not alone for those who were stoked they had tix for the 'last show' in MSP - I also had tickets for the 'last show' the first time around (NYC).

Only $86 for a greyhound from Minneapolis to Pittsburgh. 22 hour bus rides FTW. :hyper: :crack:

Then I'll be taking the megabus from Pittsburgh to Philly and then another megabus from Philly back home to Boston. That will cost around $10 if the prices are the same in July. Yup, doing this on the uber-cheap. :lol:
I don't know anything about P-burgh. Anyone got any leads on any reasonably priced hotels ($150) within walking distance? Several are sold out already. This roadtrip may be more expensive than my trip to France to see them! Yikes!
Walking distance? That will definitely limit your options. There's only a few hotels on the North Shore. Many more are Downtown and that is walking distance, although a bit further away and requiring a trip across a bridge.

Check here for your best options: Heinz Field hotels in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

If anyone wants, I have a couch to crash on. I'm a few minutes up the river from the stadium, so it's pretty close.
Thanks. I'm holding a reservation at the Renaissance but don't want to obliterate the
U2011 fund on one show. Still waiting on the Baltimore announcement too. Montreal is a most definite, then I still need to decide about Philly...decisions, decisions.
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