Interference Policy on posting download links/commercial material

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Anything that is commercial material, that can be bought, or that is sold, cannot be posted here for download. This includes any 'leaks' 'snippets' 'videos' etc. and the following:

* Anything from commercially released CD's, Single-CD's, DVD's, Laser Discs, VHS-Videos, Vinyl, etc.
* Anything released commercially in online stores like iTunes,,, etc.
* Anything released for fan club memberships packages.

Ultimately, if you find another website that is hosting files to be downloaded, you may post a link to that site, but not to the direct download links. YouTube videos are ok. Reason being is that's not our problem. They will have to go after those websites specifically (the origin of the files) to have the illegal material taken down. Its the direct download links (like ysi, send space, etc) that are are huge problem and are not allowed here, hence why they are 'censored.'

Please only trade via pm or email or off of this site, preferably. We are doing a favor by even allowing that to happen.

Anything that is non-commercial such as concerts, bootlegs, tv performances, promos, press kits etc. may be posted, but can be taken down at the discretion of the moderators, as everything these days is copyrighted.

PLEASE respect these rules, as we have received Cease & Desist letters in the past from Universal and do not want to do anything to jeopardize this site.
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