Interference 2020s Fantasy Football Thread

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Nice, that's 6 confirmed of the 8 we had last year. I think the other two teams were Headache and LeMel? You guys in? Honestly you could just autodraft your teams so we have an even 8. That's pretty much what happened last year, at least I know a few teams autodrafted. And I don't have a problem with that.

And of course, if any newbies want in they should feel more than welcome. Fantasy football is awesome.
Haha yeah like I said when I first bumped the thread, all we need to do is literally re-activate the league and then set a draft date. Then we got a stew goin'.

We do still have nine days before the season starts, so we got a little time. But it would be nice to get it set.

Ashley, are you around? I would send a PM or something but don't want to bother since it really isn't that huge of a deal.
Thursday night? That's when we did it last year. Or next Tuesday or Wed nights work for me.
Sorry, my work draft was tonight and this week has generally been hell. Would Monday be too much since it's a holiday?
I can make Monday work. Tues or Weds would work for me too. I would say set a date and then whoever can make it will make it.

If you build it, they will come. (to quote a baseball movie even though we're talking about football).
My autodraft team is fucking awful lol

Dak lost Cooper and his O line is decimated, he can't be my only QB. I have three RBs total. Also, ESPN did the galaxy brain move of stashing a player who's suspended for half the season when the last thing I needed was another receiver.
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lol at headache scoring the most points week 1. Wasn't he really good last year too? I need to start auto-drafting

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