il super fantastico filo linea generale ammissione: turbanti europee per tutti

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
With the other morally corrupt bootlicking rubes.
@U2start: A bright summer Turin day, just 8 hours to go! Queue for day 2 has reportedly also started. Via @daniDpVox #U2ieTOUR


Viva la Lista!
they better not try to pull that in Paris :angry:

actually, they can go ahead cos i'll be arriving about 10 min before show time haha :D
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I didn't mean to spark a whole controversy. I was just stating what I noticed in fan groups on Facebook. :shrug: And I did not criticize you for your comments, EdgeFest. :wink:

European fans are rightfully saying eff the list. :lol: I saw one person say they should do check-ins so they can play tourist and still have a good spot in line. I can't with these people.
Nah, no controversy, stem and I are bros. I just knew that what you said was not a 'referential joke' because I know the group to which you refer, and they're still acting like entitled assholes internationally now. Sigh.
In fact I can see it now.

"But we couldn't fly in until the morning of, so our friends are starting a 'list' the day before..."

Yep. In front of all the Irish who plan to wait in line.
haha - I can just imagine a check in system being tried in Dublin!! not a chance in hell! AT best they'll be laughed at, at worst, "fighting Irish" will be demonstrated!
Yeah they'd better tell them to get fucked.

I'm going to Dublin 4 so am relying on people at the first three gigs to tell fucking list tourists to put their ass on the ground and stay there.

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