Honolulu Setlist Watch and Party, Part III v2.1

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WTF? Is that the Edge and his "future people"? Or is that you Axver getting your revenge for so many incorrect set lists........
gmc said:
Or is that you Axver getting your revenge so many incorrect set lists........


What a perfect way to end the tour: U2.com finally gets its come-uppance for its total incompetence.

This couldn't have been done on a better day.
I do actually feel bad for them, because I know I'd feel like shit if something ever happened to U2VT, but I can't help also being amused. And really, for such a high profile site, you'd think they'd have better security - but the damn hack's still up!
:scream: WAAH I slept trough my alarm, woke up when the show was already over!

THEY PLAYED WGRYWH?? :shocked: :drool:

Interesting new layout U2.com :hmm:

I wonder how long it'll take before the staff finds out about this :lol: about.... two weeks (cough tour dates) aka two months?
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Rigth now, Half interference is sleeping because they were at the concert, the other half is sleeping because of the setlistparty hangover just a few of us are watching how history is made by this hacker :lmao:
Was Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses full band?
I've read on the U2tour.de forum that Bono totally messed up the lyrics. It wasn't a very successful version, I'm afraid.

Anyway, it's been a great tour. This was a great closure, considering that my favorite band Pearl Jam joined them. And Love and Peace made a comeback which was great. I only dearly miss Zoo Station and One Tree Hill on that setlist.
Just got back after a long absence... what exactly (or approximately) did the hacker do to U2.com? They seem, unfortunately, to have gotten things back together now. :(
bgmckinney said:
Just got back after a long absence... what exactly (or approximately) did the hacker do to U2.com? They seem, unfortunately, to have gotten things back together now. :(

But I can´t see the site yet!!!! it´s still hacked and with the speed of U2.com staff it will be like that forever
Caroni said:

But I can´t see the site yet!!!! it´s still hacked and with the speed of U2.com staff it will be like that forever

Site should be back up when the new album is out.

And since we don't really know when tha could be, .....who knows! :wink:
Belated thanks, Axver and crew for doing your best.

And it looks like U2.com is back to "normal", meaning that Interference puts it to shame almost any day of the week.

For the next tour, U2.com had better have a major overhaul or else they'll never get anybody to pay $40 for what they can find elsewhere on the Web for free.

And by the next tour, YouTube will be able to carry live streaming video from anywhere in the world, which will turn it into Tube, I guess.

I am cry, too, that this is over for now, at least.
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Also, reading the article, it says, "near sell-out" and "47,000" fans which is about 4,000 short of capacity. And this with Billie and Pearl Jam.

Whereas on the mainland, they could have filled Michigan Stadium (108,000) with a show like that -- and everyone would have been able to park. Of course, it would have been 30 degrees and no palm trees. But we like it that way!
U2Girl1978 said:



Do I remember correctly that a band member's brother or other relative runs U2.com? He'll have some 'splaining to do about security.
silvrlvr said:
Do I remember correctly that a band member's brother or other relative runs U2.com? He'll have some 'splaining to do about security.

Wasnt that a joke about adam's brother ?
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