Has Pop been remastered (or have my speakers just gotten better)?

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Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
I was listening to the amazing radio mix of Every Breaking Wave and marveling in not only a properly mastered version of the acoustic version... but the added ambiance as well!

So that got me in the mood for Pop (my favorite U2 album) and I jumped over to the album section of U2.com to check it out.

Now, this could just be the fact that I'm listening through some proper studio monitors now, but have they tweaked the songs? The ambiance and synths and such seem to have been brought out quite a bit in a fantastic way.

Either way, after all this time, it's an entirely different listening experience and is blowing my mind all over again.

If it's not remastered, I hope they do at some point... I think a 5.1 mix might actually melt my face.

edit: While it seems prevalent all the way around, listen to Please and then at 3:18 when the synth starts and then 3:40 or so it really comes to the forefront. Is that just me?
It's the new speakers. All of your records are going to sound brand new. Congratulations!

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