Happy Birthday, Dazzledbylight!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Blue Crack Supplier
Apr 3, 2004
The Heartland (Indiana, USA)
Dazz--Wishing you the best birthday ever, and many, many more! :hug:

Oh, CRAPSICLES!!!!!!! I only pop on now and again to make a catch-up post in PGP and somehow I totally missed this yesterday. I'm such a... what's the british term... numpty?

I hope your day was awesomely awesome and maybe I'll get to give you a belated Birthday hug next month in NY!!!

thank you zu, Grace & tinydancer !

Oooo la la! thanks for the video grace!!! :hug: :D
never seen it!

And thanks for the U2 360 cake ms Purl:hug:
shorter time on the net these days so i miss things and time to post. :(
Things should be improving in a bout 3 weeks or so. :yippie:
Happiest of birthdays to one of my favourite PGPers! Sorry I'm late, when I check in, I go right into the PGP thread, and only noticed today that I'm way behind in birthday greetings. :kiss: Hope you have a wonderful day! :hug:
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