Global Pandemic Part V: Enjoy a Corona while flying Delta

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Pfizer Says Its Antiviral Pill Is Highly Effective in Treating Covid

Pfizer announced on Friday that its pill to treat Covid-19 had been found in a key clinical trial to be highly effective at preventing severe illness among at-risk people who received the drug soon after they exhibited symptoms, making it the second antiviral pill to demonstrate efficacy against Covid.

The drug appears to be more effective than a similar offering from Merck, which is awaiting federal authorization. Pfizer’s pill, which will be sold under the brand name Paxlovid, cut the risk of hospitalization or death by 89 percent when given within three days after the start of symptoms.

Pfizer said an independent board of experts monitoring its clinical trial recommended that the study be stopped early because the drug’s benefit to patients had proved so convincing. The company said it planned to submit the data as soon as possible to the Food and Drug Administration to seek authorization for the pill to be used in the United States.

“The results are really beyond our wildest dreams,” said Annaliesa Anderson, a Pfizer executive who led the drug’s development. She expressed hope that Paxlovid “can have a big impact on helping all our lives go back to normal again and seeing the end of the pandemic.”

........Pfizer said it expects to be able to produce enough pills for more than 180,000 people by the end of this year and for more than 21 million people in the first half of next year. Merck, too, has said it plans to ramp up production over the next year.

The government expects to pay about $700 per treatment course for both drugs, the official said.

The treatment consists of 30 pills given over five days. That includes 10 pills of ritonavir, an old H.I.V. drug, which helps Pfizer’s drug remain active in the body longer.

Awesome news from our pharma industry. With a big ramp-up of production planned for early 2022. Main drawbacks at first appear to be cost (kinda), and the inconvenience of 6 pills a day for close to a week.
Pfizer Says Its Antiviral Pill Is Highly Effective in Treating Covid

Awesome news from our pharma industry. With a big ramp-up of production planned for early 2022. Main drawbacks at first appear to be cost (kinda), and the inconvenience of 6 pills a day for close to a week.

That’s good news!! 6 pills a day is a lot but a small price to pay if it means it will save your life. I remember when I had a serious eye infection (ocular herpes to be exact) I almost lost that eye but for the first week or so I had to take like 3-4 different eye drops every hour all day long plus some pills. Looking back at that, 6 pills doesn’t seem like a big deal.
Got shot #3 today.

How was everyone else’s reaction to the booster ? Besides faster internet and satanic horns growing out of top of head ?
I got the booster on Thursday. Ive had Moderna for all 3. The booster side effects were maybe only half as bad as the 2nd dose was for me. Mild aches and fever that lasted about a day. I wasn’t nearly as fatigued either.

I did try and drink a lot more water this time around, and started on Tylenol right away this time, so maybe that helped.

All in all not too bad. I was still able to work Friday, and I’m glad to have it done.
J&J for me first time around. No reaction for about the first 24 hours, and then flu-like symptoms for about 36 hours after that. Sore arm for about a week. All in all I'm very happy with their one-doser :up:

Had a Moderna boost a few weeks ago, no real side effects to mention.
Pfizer 2 was worse than 3 which was a little worse than 1.

Like the Rocky movies.
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Pfizer 2 was worse than 3 which was a little worse than 1.

Like the Rocky movies.

Hopefully we never have to go for Pfizer 4.

Well my uncle is dead from COVID.

Thanks unvaccinated. Really appreciate you keeping the virus alive and vital far longer than it needed to be.

Very sorry to read that, Irvine.

I lost some older family members at the very beginning of the pandemic. It was a confusing time back then. What’s happening *now* is unconscionable. Your anger is justified.
Well my uncle is dead from COVID.

Thanks unvaccinated. Really appreciate you keeping the virus alive and vital far longer than it needed to be.


Really sorry to hear that Irvine. My condolences. I lost my aunt to covid last year she died after she made an initial recovery after a coma. It’s heart breaking but more so now that there are vaccines available which many morons refuse to take. It really does suck!
Well my uncle is dead from COVID.

Thanks unvaccinated. Really appreciate you keeping the virus alive and vital far longer than it needed to be.



Sorry to hear that. Agree with DeVaul that your anger is justified. We should not be dealing with this thing at such a level nearly 2 tears in, we should adopt the Austrian model of locking down the unvaxxed and see how many people suddenly have a change of heart.

Sorry to hear that. Agree with DeVaul that your anger is justified. We should not be dealing with this thing at such a level nearly 2 tears in, we should adopt the Austrian model of locking down the unvaxxed and see how many people suddenly have a change of heart.

Trust me the anti vaxxers will not change their mind if they go the way that Austria is doing. They will just be loader and have more stupid protests. I’ve had it with those people. They were even protesting the vaccine mandates here during the Remembrance Day ceremonies here in Vancouver yesterday. The nerve and disrespect of these people is astounding. Nothing will change their minds sadly. But with that said yes we should do what Austria is doing! Make it as hard as possible for them to live their lives without the vaccine.
So this new variant seems to be getting a lot of pub, despite no one really knowing how dangerous it could be

The guesswork is it’s as contagious as delta and escapes the vaccines (which we don’t know how severe illness would be for those vaccinated)

Even some of the doctors who usually call them “scariants” due to the media freaking out are showing some signs of caution.

We aren’t done with covid until the rest of the world can catch up.

Until then i think it’s likely we have a booster shot every 6-12 months
We should have vaccinated more of the world when we had the chance.

If it’s more transmissible than Delta, doesn’t it have to be less deadly?

My understanding is there’s no evidence that the vaccines won’t work.

But, in advance, let’s thank the unvaccinated (and they’re everywhere!) for ruining everything again.
It’ll be interesting once the data size is large enough to be clear

Delta is one of the most infectious diseases ever so if Omicron is above that then…crazy.

Not sure if a virus has to be less deadly if super contagious but that’s out of my realm.

We can agree that this is due to the richest countries hoarding vaccines and allowing Africa to fall behind.

Not that the USA used up all the vaccines we could, and with 40% still unvaccinated that’s a large enough sample to mutate quickly like we’ve seen over the last two years.

I was hopeful that this latest wave were about to experience would be our last but might be looking at another spring surge too if this variant takes over
My non scientific brain hopes that the speedier transmission will also lead to a speedier burn out.

I'm basing this on nothing more than the knowledge that I can't mentally take this much more of this shit, and something that's worse and that gets around the vaccines is something I just don't want to think about.
Idk maybe if they know this variant is going to be a problem, start working on a booster for it now before it runs rampant across the western world? We were told that one of the benefits of mRNA technology was the potential expediency of vaccine modifications.
Pharma says they can start clinical trials within 60 days and have a booster by summer

Eric Topol from UCSD has been talking forever about a pancovid vaccine that would basically cover ALL variants going forward. We have the technology and smarts now but need the dedication to get it done

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