Global Pandemic Part V: Enjoy a Corona while flying Delta

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Both he and Abbot in Texas are asking for outside assistance to combat covid all while doing everything they can go combat their own states ability to respond.

Texas is asking for more nurses and healthcare workers to assist with their surge

Florida is asking the feds for 300 extra ventilators.

Loads of schools start this week in Florida and without any protection there is going to be a lot of suffering with kids. I still don’t know if kids getting sick, or even dying is enough for people to turn on the GQP
Don't even know what to say about that one. It's not just about your sick choice to die rather than get vaccinated. Because you can infect others too.

Me me me
Oh it’s definitely come to that. Natural selection is the sad reality. If you’re unvaccinated by choice, I don’t really care what happens to you.
i again reiterate that it is a mistake for the media to focus on the trump/q types when it comes to vaccine uptake. they are missing a huge part of the story. the misinformation/disinformation that is coming from that side certainly doesn't help in the muddying of the waters - but there remains a huge problem of vaccine hesitancy with persons of color.

a higher percentage of white people are vaccinated - largely by 10+ points - in every state of the union with the exception of Mississippi, Louisiana, Idaho and Alaska - where it's more or less even.

considering as poverty rates are higher in communities of color - this, and not that Billy Bob doesn't want to wear a mask, remains the biggest issue of the pandemic. it is again disproportionately impacting communities of color.
You and I have been on that for a while now. I noticed it in DC due to the large black population. Someone I went to the gym with, who was obviously progressive given his background and DC location, had looked at me like I was taking on a very big health risk and said “I’ll take my chances.” It was eye opening for me, that’s when I sort of caught on and did some research and started theorizing that it was more of a community-related skepticism/attitude. There are equal parts understanding and criticism to be afforded here. I understand why the attitude exists, but also I’m not here for excuses either.
I have family who have treated their bodies like garbage cans for bad food and copious amounts of alcohol and cigarettes draw the line at poisoning their bodies with the vaccine.
I'd say having a parent who behaves that way is far more difficult for a child than wearing a mask in school

Washington Post

The first day of classes at a Northern California elementary school ended with a bloodied and bruised teacher allegedly beaten by a parent who was upset over seeing his daughter in a mask, according to school officials.

An unidentified father of a student at Sutter Creek Elementary School in Amador County, Calif., arrived after the school had commenced its first day back. He saw his daughter and the principal wearing masks, Amador County Unified School District Superintendent Torie Gibson told KTXL.

He allegedly argued with the principal, left and returned to speak with her again, Gibson said.

An unnamed male teacher intervened, but that led to a physical altercation between the two men that resulted in the teacher needing medical attention at a hospital, KCRA 3 reported.
The Atlanta Falcons are fully vaccinated, the team told ESPN on Monday, and are believed to be the first NFL team to reach this milestone.

Atlanta has been proactive with vaccinations in the community as well, offering vaccines at its preseason game last Friday and the team's practice inside Mercedes-Benz Stadium earlier this month.

The Falcons did have five players on the reserve/COVID-19 list at the start of training camp, but all have since been removed from the list.
He already got a 3rd booster shot
He’s taking Regeron, which is only supposed to be used if you’re in the most severe illness of covid infection

But yeah, everyone else in his state…breathe in that delta!!!
New Zealand announces it's locking down the entire country ... over one Covid case

By Julia Hollingsworth and Chandler Thornton, CNN

Updated 7:40 PM ET, Tue August 17, 2021

(CNN)New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a nationwide lockdown after the country confirmed one coronavirus case -- the first locally transmitted Covid-19 case in the community since February.

Ardern told a press conference Tuesday authorities were assuming it was the contagious Delta variant, although genome sequencing is still underway.

An unvaccinated 58-year-old man in the country's largest city Auckland tested positive for the virus. The man had traveled to other parts of the country, and had no obvious link to the border, Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield said Tuesday.

New Zealand will be under the strictest level lockdown level for the next three days starting from 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, local time, Ardern said. Under level four lockdown, everyone must stay home and businesses are closed aside for essential services such as supermarkets and pharmacies.

New Zealand was last under its most serious lockdown level a year ago, Ardern said.

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