For Cat Lovers Only XVIV - Post Pics, Ask Questions, Comments, Etc.

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My boy is doing so much better. His litter box is back to normal, he's taking his pills like a champ, and the people at the specialty pet store were completely amazing yesterday and helped me select his new food and new treats. We will be transitioning from Blue Buffalo over the next few weeks to a new brand. The vet called to check up on him yesterday, which I found very comforting. Words cannot describe how happy I am with his new vet and new pet store! I'm so relieved.

One thing that I'm amazed by how he hates the treats I got yesterday. Wesley is a complete fish freak…and he loves treats. He will do anything for a treat! If we have any type of fish cooking or have canned tuna out he is all over it. So I bought some freeze dried white fish treats and he hates them! :( When the sales person at the pet store suggested them I thought for sure he would go nuts over them. But he's completely annoyed anytime I suggest he eats one. Good thing I bought him some sort of chewy treat too. He loves those. The fish is still sitting on his placemat next to his bowls.

Anyways to everyone that's read this, thanks for letting me vent about Wesley's bathroom issues here. I've been talking about it non stop to my family, friends, coworkers, gym classmates, and online for 2 weeks :reject: I plan on finding a new topic of discussion tomorrow at work. I think my coworkers are completely over the Wesley poop am I! Just so happy my boy is ok. I'm super poor now but that little guy is worth every penny spent. :)
Good to hear Wesley's getting back to normal. transitioning to new foods over a period of multiple weeks is the right way to go. Animals are creatures of habit. you can't shock their system with new experiences, it has to be gradual.

Moving on from Wesley's bathroom habits..Do you guys think Bono hired a guy just to wipe his ass after his accident. I mean he was pretty banged up, no way he could have done it himself :wink:
My boy is doing so much better. His litter box is back to normal, he's taking his pills like a champ, and the people at the specialty pet store were completely amazing yesterday and helped me select his new food and new treats. We will be transitioning from Blue Buffalo over the next few weeks to a new brand. The vet called to check up on him yesterday, which I found very comforting. Words cannot describe how happy I am with his new vet and new pet store! I'm so relieved.

One thing that I'm amazed by how he hates the treats I got yesterday. Wesley is a complete fish freak…and he loves treats. He will do anything for a treat! If we have any type of fish cooking or have canned tuna out he is all over it. So I bought some freeze dried white fish treats and he hates them! :( When the sales person at the pet store suggested them I thought for sure he would go nuts over them. But he's completely annoyed anytime I suggest he eats one. Good thing I bought him some sort of chewy treat too. He loves those. The fish is still sitting on his placemat next to his bowls.

Anyways to everyone that's read this, thanks for letting me vent about Wesley's bathroom issues here. I've been talking about it non stop to my family, friends, coworkers, gym classmates, and online for 2 weeks :reject: I plan on finding a new topic of discussion tomorrow at work. I think my coworkers are completely over the Wesley poop am I! Just so happy my boy is ok. I'm super poor now but that little guy is worth every penny spent. :)

So glad to hear all is well with Wesley and you now have a vet you trust. :up:
So....4 weeks ago tonight we lost Abby, one of our kittens. our calico girl. I took her to the vet just two weeks before that, because she had lost a bit of weight, but was otherwise okay, eating normally and everything. They thought at first that it was a really bad hairball or irritable bowel disorder. Very worst case scenario, but unlikely - a stomach lymphoma. We followed the suggested treatments. Less than a week later, I took her back to the vet because I was concerned. They told me at that point it probably was a lymphoma, but if she responded to the new medication, it could give her months, or maybe a year or up to two. Whatever it was, it was very aggressive, and we lost her 5 days later.

I know some of you have been following my guys since they were born, and know the whole story of how I took in their stray mom who ended up being pregnant, and then we fell in love with all of her six kittens when they were born, and kept them all, and we went from zero cats to seven in two months. It's been pretty devastating for us, but we're trying our best to concentrate on loving her mother and siblings. Still....sigh. :sad:
That's very sad news :( but in some happier news, please say hello to Teresa :)


So....4 weeks ago tonight we lost Abby, one of our kittens. our calico girl. I took her to the vet just two weeks before that, because she had lost a bit of weight, but was otherwise okay, eating normally and everything. They thought at first that it was a really bad hairball or irritable bowel disorder. Very worst case scenario, but unlikely - a stomach lymphoma. We followed the suggested treatments. Less than a week later, I took her back to the vet because I was concerned. They told me at that point it probably was a lymphoma, but if she responded to the new medication, it could give her months, or maybe a year or up to two. Whatever it was, it was very aggressive, and we lost her 5 days later.

I know some of you have been following my guys since they were born, and know the whole story of how I took in their stray mom who ended up being pregnant, and then we fell in love with all of her six kittens when they were born, and kept them all, and we went from zero cats to seven in two months. It's been pretty devastating for us, but we're trying our best to concentrate on loving her mother and siblings. Still....sigh. :sad:

so sorry about your sweet Abby :( I remember when you posted about the kittens.
Wesley had an awesome week….and so did his Mama. So relieved to not have that stress of him not feeling good. He completed all of his pills and is now on a probiotic. He started week two yesterday of transitioning to his new foods so now he's on 50% of each. He's definitely back to his old goofy little self. His fur is shiny and fluffy (and shedding his winter coat like crazy!) and he's way more alert and playful.

I'm glad Minnesota had a very mild winter and we are already on our way with spring weather because his ducks are now home in our backyard pond a few weeks early. He totally earned that after not feeling so good for a few weeks. He hasn't left his duck hunting spot in the family room all week. :heart: He loves those ducks so much!
Love the cat Cobbs.

Didn't you have a dog, as well, or was he at your parents?
Ah, gotcha, I just remember that video of you and the dog, and us having a long conversation about your accent :lol:.
Oh I must get some new pics of our cats up soon, but now we have someone's cat, people across the way, it visits and, up until now it wasn't a prob but turns out the cat hisses and makes funny noises and we haven't even TOUCHED it but it might attack?

I stupidly let it roam about the house a bit to play with the other cat's toys and so that I could get a bit of craic but now we have to try and get it out of the house, as it wanders in if door is open (my fault, I know!)

We don't know if its a bit 'ferrel' (?) OR, if the owners mistreat it (why it hisses and nearly attacks even thou u just look at it)...................shame, its a lovely wee kitten, black and white like the Felix cat (those in UK would know what I mean :) )
We went to the zoo today, Cheetah (who is usually asleep and we barely get to look at him) was pacing along the fence-line. I had to take this picture. He was totally staring us down.


Something was up because both Ocelots were pacing in their enclosures too. Even the male lion, who normally is asleep, was up and about. And the Tiger, who normally is pacing, was sitting still but keeping a watchful eye on us. Could have been the weather i suppose.
We went to the zoo today, Cheetah (who is usually asleep and we barely get to look at him) was pacing along the fence-line. I had to take this picture. He was totally staring us down.


Something was up because both Ocelots were pacing in their enclosures too. Even the male lion, who normally is asleep, was up and about. And the Tiger, who normally is pacing, was sitting still but keeping a watchful eye on us. Could have been the weather i suppose.

It could have been close to feeding time. All those zoo animals have that built in clock because their feeding times are so regulated. When it gets closer to feeding time they instinctively get more active cause they know what's coming.
Well iPhone app you rule. I got a Sphynx cat. I'll upload photos from the actual Internet.

Me no like technology.... :|
Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference


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