Filming Melbourne 2?

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Mar 29, 2005
Does anyone know if they are filming the second Melbourne gig tonight or was it just night one?
Not sure...but if that is the plan I hope we can still get a pro-shot bootleg out of night one. I'm not going to night two.
It is part of the IMAX 3D U2 experience film to come out.

A lot of filming also took place in South America.
cdb657 said:
Does anyone know if they are filming the second Melbourne gig tonight or was it just night one?

just back from the dome...the signs regarding filming are still up so yes they must be filming again.....didnt hear a soundcheck today! They must be feeling confident! Last night was awsome:drool:
just back from the dome...the signs regarding filming are still up so yes they must be filming again.....didnt hear a soundcheck today! They must be feeling confident! Last night was awsome

There were signs up? I didn't see them, what did they say?
coolian2 said:
I'd imagine they will film both.

Is the 'plan' for shooting concerts to use night one as a test run and night two as the actual show to film?

Yes. U2 have always used the second night for the majority (though not all) of their footage, excluding UABRS as they only did one show at Red Rocks.
Axver said:

Yes. U2 have always used the second night for the majority (though not all) of their footage, excluding UABRS as they only did one show at Red Rocks.

They're not gonna want to use that second night :wink:
That's what I was thinking. Edge stuffing up and saying goodnight Sydney (even if it was a joke, a fair few people called up on the radio and complained about that.)
bono_man2002 said:

What the hell for? :shrug:
Well this one woman called up some station (3AW? I don't know, it was my mum that told me about it.) and how she was really disappointed that they couldn't remember what city they were in and shit like that. But yeah...some people are stupid. Like people that call up and complain that they could barely hear anything when they bought seats right at the top of the stadium. ...You are in a tin can! You expect good sound at the back of the stadium?
belgarath68 said:

Well this one woman called up some station (3AW? I don't know, it was my mum that told me about it.) and how she was really disappointed that they couldn't remember what city they were in and shit like that. But yeah...some people are stupid. Like people that call up and complain that they could barely hear anything when they bought seats right at the top of the stadium. ...You are in a tin can! You expect good sound at the back of the stadium?

Some People Eh?, If Those complaing about bad sound were probably just Blow Ins anyway (And I mean that in a nice way)...just going cause its U2 and the big event.
are there any pics out there that shows the cameras? On Mexiko, Chile, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires they had a big crane - right to the stage - is it still there?
Well i took him saying 'Goodbye Sydney!' either two ways

1. He was joking - which shows his very cool sense of humour and makes me love him for it


2. He honestly thought he was in Sydney and made a mistake which is EVEN FUNNIER! I loved it!

And judging by how much Larry and Adam and Bono were pissing themselves laughing i think they thought it was the funniest thing ever!

:heart: Edge!
perrypickwick said:
are there any pics out there that shows the cameras? On Mexiko, Chile, Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires they had a big crane - right to the stage - is it still there?

Melb 1 had the crane, we were front row, luckily it didn't obstructe our view too much as it was moving they were filming crowd shots and people singing, UNFORTUNATELY they filmed my friedns and me quite a bit im hoping we won't be shown! One of the ADs was lovely and was telling us about the first rushes they've seen one has the edge playing with smoke around him and it feels like you're on stage with him the smoke travelling around you as well

Melb 2 didn't have the crane, but had handheld camera men on stage at the back, only shooting larry like i said before!

can't wait to see the movie!!! :D
dazzlingamy said:

can't wait to see the movie!!! :D

thanks for the infos - can't wait either.

I think this will film is going to be awesome - they had 700 hours of footage only from South America - and now the filming goes on - that`s cool. We will get all the pearls, I think :drool:
I bet they also shoot Hawai
dazzlingamy said:

Melb 1 had the crane, we were front row, luckily it didn't obstructe our view too much as it was moving they were filming crowd shots and people singing, UNFORTUNATELY they filmed my friedns and me quite a bit im hoping we won't be shown! One of the ADs was lovely and was telling us about the first rushes they've seen one has the edge playing with smoke around him and it feels like you're on stage with him the smoke travelling around you as well

Melb 2 didn't have the crane, but had handheld camera men on stage at the back, only shooting larry like i said before!

can't wait to see the movie!!! :D

That was my friend (the cameraman!) :hyper: He was on a crane in the crowd Sat. night, and behind Larry on Sunday.

He emailed me a pic of his stage pass, and he said he might try and call me tomorrow. He was at the WITS video shoot too. Lucky bastard!!! :grumpy: :wink:

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