Eternity Poem

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Cute Irish Bono

Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jan 11, 2004
I can't fantom or realize
A life as I please
An open space or continuum
But not like a vacuum
But complete honesty and bliss
With people you have to no longer miss

The very atoms and particles in us all
Will be us, we will all be entralled
As we capture each moment
Like it's the very first time it has happened

What is eternity?
Nothing more than forever with you and me
Dancing in a slow motion daydream in the street light
Riding tame eagles as they take flight
Swimming by caressing waterfalls
Or a young boy with endless cars and girls with endless dolls

It is whatever you dream of
You will know you are loved
Now please take this time
And reflect on forever
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