Dec. 19, Rose Garden in Portland - Part II

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Miringeltje said:
And LG, looks like you found more than the Irish/Gaelic version of "Thank you" online, I almost doubled over seeing it standing there in Dutch.
And good to see you posting here!!!

Well I figured you were tired of seeing it in English, sweetie. :wink:

Yeah, I know - I've been a bad Interferencer (and even worse PLEBAn - there's so many caps I need to enjoy!). I hope to make it up to everyone with awesome pix of Portland. I got a digital camera (Xmas prezzie to myself this year, a little early) that I'll be taking with me. Oh and lots of batteries. Those little things eat so many freaking batteries. But I got a 1GB memory card, which will take a bazillion photos or so. I just hope I don't freeze to death waiting in the queue! (Really hoping for wristbands but I won't hold my breath for that.)

Leaving for Portland tomorrow - it's mine and Mr. LG's 11th dating anniversary on the 18th, and I'm leaving him with another woman to go see my other man. :lmao: He's happy he gets the place to himself for a few days.

Oh man I can barely keep my eyes open now. Let's see...thank you signs, check. GA tickets, check. Train ticket, check. Hotel confirmed, check. Anything else???? <<sigh>> I need to be more organized. Oh and if anyone is still reading this, I bought some red silk mini-roses to take to the concert. I think I have 9 of them. I may put one or two in my hair and give away the others in the hopes that one of them will make it into Bono's hands. It'd be cool to give them to fellow Interferencers. (I got silk this time - in NYC we got live roses to give to Bono but unfortunately they got smashed and died really quickly, don't know why that happens when you're jumping up and down with a bunch of other U2 nuts in the front row. Anyway I figured silk may be a little cheesy but they work for practical reasons. And damn I hope they inspire the boys to play Fast Cars...)

So look for me and dear Jenny (jellybelly) - we'll be sitting in the blue two-seater lounging chair with blankets.

Oh I bought a black beanie to keep my ears warm. I was thinking of writing I :heart: Urkel on it - any thoughts??? I wonder if it would get a chuckle from Edge and the rest of the boys.

And do you think I really should make a sign that says

I WANT LARRY to cut his hair!!!!!!!!

I want to, but I just don't think I have the fortitude to actually hold it up for him to read. <<sigh>>
Sign Count
Hallucination - 3502
Miroslava - 480
Bratty_cat - 250
Hotpepper - 200
Carek - 300
Miringeltje - 1100
U2fanatic4ever - 200

Total - 6032

*Distributing signs in GA
I Move in Mysterious Ways
StarsforU2 and U2bonogirl
Lemon Grrrrrrl


6620ross (Section 105)
Carek (Section 223) - Has signs
Fah (Section 308)
Hallucination (Section 229) - Has signs
Hotpepper (Section 229) - Has signs
Martha (Section 221)
Sukha (Section 103) - Arrangements for delivery of signs made

Forty + sister (section 119)

Calluna (Section ?)

No problem if you don't have room to bring signs, please help with distributing signs others made!!
I'm sure all help is appreciated!!
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Lemon Grrrrrl said:
Well I figured you were tired of seeing it in English, sweetie. :wink:

Yeah, I know - I've been a bad Interferencer (and even worse PLEBAn - there's so many caps I need to enjoy!). I hope to make it up to everyone with awesome pix of Portland. I got a digital camera (Xmas prezzie to myself this year, a little early) that I'll be taking with me. Oh and lots of batteries. Those little things eat so many freaking batteries. But I got a 1GB memory card, which will take a bazillion photos or so. I just hope I don't freeze to death waiting in the queue! (Really hoping for wristbands but I won't hold my breath for that.)

Leaving for Portland tomorrow - it's mine and Mr. LG's 11th dating anniversary on the 18th, and I'm leaving him with another woman to go see my other man. :lmao: He's happy he gets the place to himself for a few days.

Oh man I can barely keep my eyes open now. Let's see...thank you signs, check. GA tickets, check. Train ticket, check. Hotel confirmed, check. Anything else???? <<sigh>> I need to be more organized. Oh and if anyone is still reading this, I bought some red silk mini-roses to take to the concert. I think I have 9 of them. I may put one or two in my hair and give away the others in the hopes that one of them will make it into Bono's hands. It'd be cool to give them to fellow Interferencers. (I got silk this time - in NYC we got live roses to give to Bono but unfortunately they got smashed and died really quickly, don't know why that happens when you're jumping up and down with a bunch of other U2 nuts in the front row. Anyway I figured silk may be a little cheesy but they work for practical reasons. And damn I hope they inspire the boys to play Fast Cars...)

So look for me and dear Jenny (jellybelly) - we'll be sitting in the blue two-seater lounging chair with blankets.

Oh I bought a black beanie to keep my ears warm. I was thinking of writing I :heart: Urkel on it - any thoughts??? I wonder if it would get a chuckle from Edge and the rest of the boys.

And do you think I really should make a sign that says

I WANT LARRY to cut his hair!!!!!!!!

I want to, but I just don't think I have the fortitude to actually hold it up for him to read. <<sigh>>

I'm here to read.
Of course.

:drool: at the thought of photo's.
Hope you tried using the camera though.
New camera's may need some figuring out at first.
It's most important that you enjoy the concert though.
I was planning on making loads of pictures in Oakland to share here.
But although I brought my camera with me the first night, I never even made an attempt.
Just have a GREAT time!!!

I'll be thinking about everyone waiting in the cold.
I really hope that they decide to hand out numbered wristbands or have people wait inside.
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Miringeltje said:

I'm here to read.
Of course.

:drool: at the thought of photo's.
Hope you tried using the camera though.
New camera's may need some figuring out at first.
I've had time to play with it. The only thing I need to figure out is what the heck "night mode" is. It's for low light pictures. I just need to :shocked: read the instructions.

And nice to know you'll be thinking of me! Please send warm vibes up to Portland, k?

Oh, and btw - did the email info work?? If not I have something else you could use. I'm such a sneak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Lemon Grrrrrl said:

I've had time to play with it. The only thing I need to figure out is what the heck "night mode" is. It's for low light pictures. I just need to :shocked: read the instructions.

And nice to know you'll be thinking of me! Please send warm vibes up to Portland, k?

Oh, and btw - did the email info work?? If not I have something else you could use. I'm such a sneak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plenty of time to read the instructions on the train ride to Portland, me thinks.

And of course, I'll be thinking about you!
Warm vibes, warm vibes!!
Wanna spread them all around.

Email info?
Now you confused me.


But if I'd have to take a guess what it's about:

My signs have found a lift!!!
:hyper: :hyper:

And now bedtime for you, lady!!!
Before you end up sleeping though your alarm clock, forgetting things, missing the train etc.
We can't have that happening!!
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Miringeltje said:
Sign Count
Hallucination - 3502
Miroslava - 480
Bratty_cat - 250
Hotpepper - 200
Carek - 300
Miringeltje - 1100
U2fanatic4ever - 200

Total - 6032

*Distributing signs in GA
I Move in Mysterious Ways
StarsforU2 and U2bonogirl
Lemon Grrrrrrl


6620ross (Section 105)
Carek (Section 223) - Has signs
Fah (Section 308)
Hallucination (Section 229) - Has signs
Hotpepper (Section 229) - Has signs
Martha (Section 221)
Sukha (Section 103) - Arrangements for delivery of signs made

Forty + sister (section 119)

Calluna (Section ?)

No problem if you don't have room to bring signs, please help with distributing signs others made!!
I'm sure all help is appreciated!!

I am so excited to see this actually pulled off!
Hey Carek!!


You're already in Portland right??

It's very exciting indeed.
And looking very good.

I think it's GREAT (and very helpfull) to see that both Interference and atu2 have an item about this fan action at the front page of their website!
Miringeltje said:
Hey Carek!!


You're already in Portland right??

It's very exciting indeed.
And looking very good.

I think it's GREAT (and very helpfull) to see that both Interference and atu2 have an item about this fan action at the front page of their website!

:wave: Hello Hello! Yep I've been here since very late Thurs night cuz my connection in DFW was all messed up but I made it....another reason for getting here early! It is so COLD here....but I am managing a great time with my sister hanging out. We went downtown tonite and met a new Interferencer named Pete from Perth Australia who flew here for the show! He's got GA tix so you guys look out for my new friend!

Anyway the weather report doesn't look too favourable for Sunday night or Monday sister is freaking out about even attempting to drive if the sleet and cold begins. We can take a cab to get to the nearest MAX station will really put a damper on our plans. Don't worry! I will NOT forget the signs I am bringing!

But whoever can, PRAY for decent least for NO RAIN!

Can't wait to see everyone! We're going to be at the shindig at Kell's Sunday night! :wink:
Well this is typical. My car is broken. Yup you heard me right. My car decdied to fuck me in the ass just now so as it stands we don't have a way to get to Calgary to catch our plane. Hilarious. I'm desperatley waiting for a friend to erturn my call to see if he can give me a lift. I've learned that not too many people appreciate being called at 3:00am to see if they can drive 3 hours(round trip) at 5:30 am on thier weekend. This is sooooo lame. :( :angry: I'm so damn angry right now, that I have actually lost the excitemnet I had for this trip. Of course I want to go but honestly right now I'm not in the mood. I don't want to have to come home and deal with my shit car right before Christmas. I already spent $600.00 fixing it earlier this month. FUUUUUUCKKK!!!!:rant:
Oh no!! :(
That sucks major league, Hallucination.
You're in desperate need for a big :hug:!!
I'm sending loads of positive vibes your way.
Really hope you find someone to give you a lift to the airport.
If I were your friend, I'd have driven you.
We got a ride. My own brother pulled threw for us. So that rocks!:rockon: Though I'm still feeling the effects of that massive kick in the nuts. No doubt the pain will subside while I'm in Portland but chances are it'll flare up as soon as I get home.:(
U2Fanatic4ever said:
Glad to hear you got a ride! What a pain in the arse eh? See you soon! Have a safe flight!:wink:

Thanks U2Fanatic4ever. Anyways everyone this is it. I'm out the door and on my way. I'll be in contact with some of you(you know who you are) Maybe if the hotel has internet I'll post again but if not...whhoooooooooooooo!!!!! PORTLAND!!!!!!!:dance: :applaud: :dancing: :rockon:
See Miro's signature on the first page of this thread.

Or click here (from Miro's sig...)

****MAKE sure you print in landscape!!! She said to do that but I just jumped the gun and started printing and it ran out of room.****

Okay kiddies, this is it for me! I'm getting on my way to the train station...actually I'm going to eat first if anyone really needs to know. Well before that I'm going to bundle up for the's 31F up north of Seattle.

Right now, Portland at the Rose Garden says it's 32F but it feels like 19F!!!!!!!! Agh! <<sigh>>
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I wonder if the Rose Garden will move the line inside in the case of freezing rain on Monday. :hmm:
Alright people, GA line report. Four of us already conducted scouting operations at the Rose Garden. The GA line will definitely form outside the North Entrance. Security was very quick to come out and talk to us upon seeing us. While friendly, they indicated that there are to be no line ups at all in their property until tomorrow morning. They advised that in theory we could start the line on the side walk, but it is a HORRIBLE wind tunnel and the police could potentially get involved. On top of that, I believe everyone is aware of the forecasted weather conditions.

So to summarize, there is no line yet (thank god) and if we are all smart, there will NOT be a line at least until MUCH, MUCH later this evening after the basketball game. However, security did indicate that they have 24 hour security teams.
Thanks for the report! At the moment, my plan is to check out the line first thing in the morning and then decide when to get in line. Right now, I'm just glad the freezing rain isn't supposed to start until after I arrive in Portland.

OK, just hooked up with Miriam and retrieved her 300 signs.

I'm flying up late tonight, so I'll check in with Miroslava or Kevin on Monday morning.

I have a GA ticket, so I can help pass out the signs there, if needed.

Can't wait to see "The Person Of The Year"'s response, should be a great atmosphere in there.

corianderstem said:
Thanks for the report! At the moment, my plan is to check out the line first thing in the morning and then decide when to get in line. Right now, I'm just glad the freezing rain isn't supposed to start until after I arrive in Portland.


It's already happening. Snow I can live with but I won't drive in this shit.
Oh, I see my name on the list. I don't think I'll be able to make my own signs, but do you want me to "spread the word" around in my section, and direct them towards those who have signs? I'm confused LOL.

Also, it's now snowing here (and a little windy)! This is exciting since we haven't had snow in a couple years, but I can imagine it won't be fun for the GA-ers. :(

EDIT: gabrielvox, have you tried Portland's subsection on craigslist? A lot of people are trying to sell their tickets for face value, so maybe there's a GA ticket in there somewhere. I'm sorry I can't help more.
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forty said:
Oh, I see my name on the list. I don't think I'll be able to make my own signs, but do you want me to "spread the word" around in my section, and direct them towards those who have signs? I'm confused LOL.

forty, I put your name up after I saw you post this:

forty said:
Hey Carek - my sister and I will be in Section 119. Could we mosey on over to your section and pick up a couple of signs? :wink: This is going to be cool (and hopefully it'll work! lol).

Don't worry, you don't have to make your own signs.

Spreading the word would be GREAT!!!
Helping to distribute the signs others made, would be even better.
Hallucination made 3502!
I'm sure he could use some help.
Ah, okay! I'm not sure how easy it'll be to move around the arena (i.e. how crowded it is around seats, sections, etc) but I can try to help pass around some of Hallucination's signs, spread the word, etc. Again, I don't know if it's a guarantee, but hopefully I can.
Ok, another quick update:

My friend Casey spoke with the General Manager of the Rose Garden and they are dead serious about the not camping situation (thank god). So I guess I'll see you all tomorrow morning :wave:

Is there ANYONE that has 100-level seats that would rather be in GA???


There is a poster who has 3 GAs in hand and is in Portland right now...

If you were to trade them your two 100s for their two GAs, then....I could buy their remaining lonely GA!!! If I scan, I'll bring both of you with me guaranteed...and Im prettttty lucky ;)


cmon, you KNOW you'd rather be in the ellipse!!!

Look at the post in the "What Do You Have" section....


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