Coldplay - Everyday Life

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Yeah, I agree that the first couple singles are steaming piles. My Universe with no BTS could have been cool, but higher power is irredeemable. But, everything's not lost with a gem like this:

Awkwardly I think BTS is far better in My Universe than Coldplay. Chris Martin’s parts are all repetitive cliches with no effort. He’s not a lyricist but at least his mediocre lyrics are his own. These aren’t his, they’re anyone’s.
hmmmm… if only there was some other band we were familiar with that made those same choices…

You weren't kidding. Browsing through the Coldplay forums to see their fanbase's reactions. And my word... just replace "Everyday Life" with "No Line on the Horizon", "Max Martin" with "Ryan Tedder", and so forth, and it's just like these forums during a new album release!

- It’s the band trying to stay relevant definitely, but at the very least, I can still see the heart and genuine passion put into the record. There was clearly a lot of effort put into this record, but it’s clear that the band are responding to EL underperforming. Hopefully these harsh reviews will be a learning point for Coldplay and for them to reevaluate
- This is a bit trash. Been a huge fan since the Viva days and I acknowledge the band's made some very wide ranging material but this is hopelessly off the mark. Officially a "Not Good" from me.
- i don’t get it either. it’s like, martin does pop… and idk about anyone else but i’ve never once pegged coldplay as a pop band. sure, sometimes they dabbled in it and that was fine… sometimes even fun, but i hardly recognize this band anymore. it’s almost like they’re chasing some way to make fast, generic, guaranteed hits.
- i don’t think people want to hear this, but what the band desperately needs is brian eno, or someone like him, to come in and seriously challenge their creative process. i’m not saying we need VIVA part 2 or anything, but my god… where has all their artistic integrity gone?!?? even just between this latest album and EL… to go from arabesque to my freakin’ universe?!?!??? it’s bizarre and sad. i mean, isn’t anyone else wondering why coloratura seems to be such a fan favorite?!
- So today, I don't understand Chris. Imo he's not being honest with himself. They say they don't care about chart performance but hire Max Martin as the producer, release 100 versions of Higher Power hoping to get it up there, collaborate with BTS even though it's very difficult to get it to work. They seem to exist in a kind of duopoly now -- songs that are made to show their musician skills (eg Coloratura) and then songs that are made to get hits (My Universe). The hardest thing in music is to write a good song that can also be popular -- which is what they achieved with their initial albums but are not doing imo with the newer ones.
- Petition to bring back Brian Eno?

To be fair, this is just the segment that doesn't like it. Plenty of other people seem to be responding well to it, particularly Coloratura.
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I've listened to it. It's trash. I thought the best song was the penultimate track, I can't even tell what it's called. Pitchfork cowards for giving it a 5.1. It's a real shame that Everyday Life sold "poorly", it is by far the best thing they've released since Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends.

I'll always defend Coldplay, because I think at their best they make transcendent music. It's simple, and nothing groundbreaking, but it feels universal, lived-in and has substance. It often risks being cloying and overly saccharine, but up until A Head Full of Dreams I felt like, for the most part, they were just talented enough to pull it off, and they certainly pulled it off in parts on Everyday Life. A Head Full of Dreams and this awful, awful record are unredeemable trash. I get why they're going this route - it's the same thing U2 are trying to do and will likely continue to do - but it results in fucking shit music.
I've listened to it. It's trash. I thought the best song was the penultimate track, I can't even tell what it's called. Pitchfork cowards for giving it a 5.1. It's a real shame that Everyday Life sold "poorly", it is by far the best thing they've released since Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends.

I'll always defend Coldplay, because I think at their best they make transcendent music. It's simple, and nothing groundbreaking, but it feels universal, lived-in and has substance. It often risks being cloying and overly saccharine, but up until A Head Full of Dreams I felt like, for the most part, they were just talented enough to pull it off, and they certainly pulled it off in parts on Everyday Life. A Head Full of Dreams and this awful, awful record are unredeemable trash. I get why they're going this route - it's the same thing U2 are trying to do and will likely continue to do - but it results in fucking shit music.

This is sorta what U2 are trying to do, but on steroids. I mean nothing on SOI or SOE even comes close these first two shitty singles. Teaming up with BTS?! Yikes. I mean, at least U2's choices of Lykke Li, Gaga, Haim, etc... are decent artistic choices.

And Pitchfork. LOL. Never fail to disappoint. So this steaming pile gets a higher rating than No Line and SOI, and almost the same as SOE.
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I started this album at like 9 AM and it's almost noon and I haven't finished it. Shit is trash.
Why am I feeling compelled to listen to this based on these reactions?

Me too. It's like, Oh GAWD smell this!!! I mean, you kind of have to.

4 "songs" in...

Oh, and one with Selena Gomez. And half the songs aren't named, just emojis. Now I'm just angry.
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I just finished it. WOW. Not even sure what to say. The emoji songs may have been the best because they gave a welcome reprieve to the songs with lyrics...

Biutyful is probably the worst, or maybe the Selena Gomez one... Both are embarrassing and worse than Higher Power and My Universe. if you can believe it.
Infinity Symbol and Coloratura are the only worthwhile tracks and they both come after 25+ minutes of garbage. I kept hearing that People of the Pride was going to be a highlight and it sounded like Imagine Dragons.

It's cool that the last two tracks are good and make up a third of the album but I also don't understand why they're here. What is this album trying to be? It's mostly a cheap sellout but then it shows some artistic integrity right at the end.
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I’d call it an identity crisis but it’s not really - Coldplay are trying to be two things and they seem content to do so.

The ultimate pop stars, pining for adoration from the masses - releasing this new emoji album with that ghastly BTS song, the Chainsmokers collaboration, and playing Sky Full of Stars twice consecutively at their gigs.

But they’ll also go away and release something like Everyday Life two years ago which had some great tracks .Ghost Stories had some takeaway moments.
I was going to say this album isn't *that* bad, but then My Universe happened.
From that first flirtation with the pop charts in their Rihanna collaboration, they’ve abandoned what made them great to make sure they can play stadiums. Didn’t bother checking out Everyday Life except for “Guns.” And beyond that, I don’t know if I’d recognize anything they play live if it’s anything after Viva la Vida but hey, look, synchronized light-up bracelets!

Listen to “42” and it’s a completely unrecognizable band. Oh well.
Human Heart and the infinity sign are the only songs that I liked. Everything else…one big pile of meh.
Adding BTS to My Universe was the worst thing they could have done. Horrible decision.

But whatever, I hope I can finally see them live on their upcoming tour.
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Everyday Life is lovely, you're right.

Which is why these setlists they're playing for their shithouse new album Lovescape (if I'm lucky there's about four people here who might get that joke) are so fucking insulting:

Higher Power
Adventure of a Lifetime
Charlie Brown
The Scientist
Viva La Vida
Hymn for the Weekend
Let Somebody Go
Bani Adam
In My Place
Human Heart
People of the Pride
Infinity Sign
Something Just Like This
My Universe
Sky Full of Stars
Fix You

You think about their catalogue, they could make a phenomenal show, and they serve that up.
Well good on them for supporting their new album, even though it’s dog shit.

But also, everyday life is one of their best albums and it makes me sad that it didn’t get a tour.
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