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Yes! I have a few we took of Edge a few pages earlier on this thread... Miro posted them for me. We saw the band arrive at the airport the night before and Edge waved to us with his cell phone turned on thru the van window as they drove by. Thought that was nice of him. :wink:
For those of you that missed it, U2rulesmyworld posted a nice compilation video with clips from several songs in the AV subsection of the tour forum!

Halleluiah!!! u2rulesmyworld, you're the man!!! I've been looking for 12/10 video religiously evey night since the show. And finally here's some good stuff. I've specifically been looking for footage of my daughter on stage with Bono. We all thank you... both daughters, my brother and even my ex-wife. You made our day! And hello to everyone else! (I'm such a geek.)
He didn't shoot the show in its entirety. He was in the ellipse enjoying himself. Octagon is the one with the full sourced video and as I understand, there are no plans for this to be released any time soon .
Thanks. I was hoping someone might have video or audio or something of the show in its entirety. I've got a couple of videos I took myself, but that's just LaPoE and UtEotW.
Yeah. I snagged most of those, and they help, but I keep looking every day for a full audio or video boot to show up somewhere.
tha'ts the spirit

In the great words of Tim Allen, "Never give up, Never surrender"
Hey, btw, i was just thinking earlier today, didn't someone take a picture of a bunch of us from the GA line together....? I was just wondering if they had it (Us would include me my mom, I think Beverly, Dewey, thequeenofohiou, and I don't remember who all else)
Miroslava said:
Aw Beverly! :hug:

I would have like to have hung out more with the heater man and his ladies but someone had to wo(man) the front, and I guess that was us girls... Even if it was from inside the tent :shifty:

We scared a few people yelling instructions from in there :lol:

We might have to have a midwest get together next year. Party at Miroslava's!



Ahem...where's the party Miro?
Actually, there's one being planned, but I am only at the beginning stages. U2 Reunion/Miroslava's 30th birthday party in late march....

We'll see. :hmm:
Does anyone still have the video and sound clips that were posted they can share? this was my 1st and only U2 show and I'd love to get some of the stuff that was put up..
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