
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
BTW, take a look at the last page of the Portland thread in this section...

:drool: :drool:
Thought you'd like them :sexywink:

I was spotted all the way to the right, so we had a few visits that allowed Jeff some prime picture taking opportunities... not that he needed them... his camera is :drool: :drool: :drool:
Apparently i not only grab picks like a monkey at a zoo... I cling on like one too :wink:
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Miroslava said:
Apparently i not only grab picks like a monkey at a zoo... I cling on like one too :wink:

Niiiiiiiiice monkey, gooooood monkey...

Monkey want peanut??



Good job, my little monkey!!! :drool:
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bfloxng said:

and bacardi...:hmm:

Now Kevin, just merely being in our presence is payment enough, now isn't it??

Maybe we'll throw in some bacardi in for good measure... :wink:
oh gosh...I leave this htead for a few days and you guys go insane...........:tsk:

We didnt go insane, we already were... we just chose to make that a bit more public :shh:

I am thinking this is UTTEOTW when he came over? Or it could be the end of MW too...

April, does that look like your hand? :hmm:
I see some familiar looking blobs getting some loving from a Mr. Clayton


I thought so :sexywink: And, if that is you, then we know who's to the left of that purty hand... :drool:

Also, impressive hand reach :love:

Now if we could just figure out which song it is... :hmm:
Gawd Miro--that's gooooorgeous!
I can't believe this thread is still alive, almost a month later. I can't blieve it was a month ago--feels like a million years!
But everytime my work computer goes on screensaver, I get to view my slideshow of pics from the show (I tried to load them here, but the darn files are too big. If I get around to it this weekend, I'll try to figure it out again!).
Aw. Thanks!

And I am still not over how GREAT Cleveland was... best show EVER overall for me just cause of the fantastic company, fun times while in line, location, etc.

And I would love to see your pics. :D

Give a whirl :sexywink:
Miroslava said:
'cause I am failing miserably at getting some actual work done (though this AM was actually productive) and cause I like these two pics, I made me a WP today in about 5 minutes, so don't look too closely. Iit got shrunk, so it actually looks cooler on my desktop):

Niiiiiiice Miroslava... very nice... :drool: :hyper:

It worked.
Will wonders never cease...

Now let me post just a few more. (maybe someday I'll figure out this freaking software and can reduce my file sizes so I can post stuff on here...sigh)

Now, when you upload with tinypic. If you grab the third link down, the one that starts with you will make the pictures visible here without having to click on the link! Judging from that first one, seems like you have good ones!

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