All of Marvel Studios 'stories' HERE

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Ant-Man, and all that shit.

I was trying to get the iron man thread converted to this, but I couldn't PM anyone.

Thanks for taking the initiative for a topic you hate :)
I'm starting to find myself ever so slightly beginning to enjoy Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

That being said, this might have been the funniest thing I've ever witnessed on television:


I'm starting to find myself ever so slightly beginning to enjoy Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

That being said, this might have been the funniest thing I've ever witnessed on television:



Yeah she jumps out of the plane like 30 seconds before he goes after her, but he of course catches her.
He made his body more aerodynamic!

Or something.

But no, the face he was making was what made me laugh so hard. I mean, he really looks like he's prepping for the runway.
Yeah I got that from your other half's Zoolander response. I just wanted to add to the ridiculousness of it all because the odds of him catching her are far less than that miracle flight to Houston we saw a couple weeks ago on Blacklist.
I looked into whether or not that Houston flight was possible, btw, I just never responded.

According to what I found, it's a 2 hour and 33 minute flight. Since I'm assuming they have their own plane, give them maybe 30 minutes to get in the air, that's 3 hours, 30 minutes to get to the harbor, that's 3 hours and 30 minutes. They figured out where to look immediately because they knew the name of the person who was signing off the checks. Give them 25 more minutes to find the right hanger and you get to the last 5 minutes of the timer.

Uh...I really need to do my homework now...
Is this film part of the Avengers series, or is it just a coincidental project?
Right, but I mean, let's not pretend like the Fantastic Four movies from a few years back are from the same "canon" as these Avengers flicks. That's more what I meant.

I mean, I don't think the Spider-man movies are part of it either. Or at least they appear to be hesitant to add him into the story.
Both FF and Spidey are are different studios with their own planned universes right now.
agents has been just a consistent ok show. Not worse but not better. They really just have a lot of misplaced storylines . They also need to stop saying nick furys name every 2 mins. When hes not going be there. Like courson saying
I'm like ten episodes behind now. I'm not sure if I'm going to try and catch up or not...
I've watched it quite sporadically. Really hasn't grabbed my interest enough to make me watch religiously.
Did watch the Marvel Assembling special or whatever it was called last night, not bad.
It's funny, the last episode I saw was the one where the tech girl almost died, and it was my favorite episode of the series so far. Surprised I immediately stopped watching after that.
they botched the thor follow up episode. Instead of a thor cameo its some other asgurdian character that the audience doesn't know or care about. But then later they have a lady siff cameo. The plot for that episode is actually good but should have been a 2 parter. And they should have had siff show up for that one. This villain of the week stuff does not work well for them.
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