A Peculiar Comparison

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


War Child
Oct 20, 2004
Denver, CO
Hope everyone had a good Christmas! Since I'm a bit bored, treading that dead spot in between Christmas and New Year, I'll post this question.

Is your favorite song from your worst (or weakest) U2 album better than the worst song from your favorite U2 album? For example, for me Tomorrow (from October) is definitely better than Exit (from The Joshua Tree).

It's wacky, but have at it! :)
ADecentMelody said:
Hope everyone had a good Christmas! Since I'm a bit bored, treading that dead spot in between Christmas and New Year, I'll post this question.

Is your favorite song from your worst (or weakest) U2 album better than the worst song from your favorite U2 album? For example, for me Tomorrow (from October) is definitely better than Exit (from The Joshua Tree).

It's wacky, but have at it! :)

Definitely not. "Is That All?" (from my fave October) is much much better than "MoFo" or "Wake Up Dead Man" from Pop (the one U2 album I can't stand)

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