2013 - 2014 Misc New U2 Pics (Holiday Edition)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I'm sure that woman is thrilled to have that last oh-so-flattering shot floating around the internet. :lol:


(Recently, 4th May 2014) - Bono in Los Angeles/USA with fan. Edge (not in picture) has also traveled with Bono.

"It's against my religion to solicit celebrities for pictures but @gstocks wouldn't let up since it was Addie's first sighting. After commenting on how cute she was and holding her hand...we just had to snap a shot emojiemojiemoji #bono #U2 #nicksanerd #addieinherownworld @U2". Link - Instagram photo by @danikjewelry (Dani K) | Iconosquare

(U2 Even better Than The Real Thing FB Page)
Thanks for those Babyface! I thought Edge must have been there but didn't see his pic included on the sites I saw. He hardly counts as a 'celebrity' to most entertainment bloggers, I guess!

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