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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. H

    Every Breaking Wave Remix

    For fans of Every Breaking Wave...found this beautiful remix on youtube. Hope you enjoy!!
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    The Twilight Sad

    Nobody Wants To Be Here And Nobody Wants To Leave - The Twilight Sad One of the best albums of the year!!! If someone out there would be kind enough to post a song or two from youtube that would be greatly appreciated. I'm a bit of a computer dinosaur and don't quite know how to do that...
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    Fans of The Church? Check the new Isidore out here... Steve Kilbey of The Church and Jeffery Cain from Remy Zero For fans of The Church, there are a few real gems on this new release (released February 21, 2012)
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    Who does music between sets on 360 tour?

    I have to ask you guys (and gals) this question...Does anyone know who is resonsible for the music that is played between sets on this current 360 tour? I have been a "dj" all my life including working in a bar for over 10 years as well as having done a few radio shows and attended the...
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    GOP Nominee 2012 - who will it be?

    If you had asked me a year ago I would have said Sarah Palin but as it stands right now this does not seem to be transpiring (although I wouldn't count her out in 2016) - her poll numbers keep going down and it seems like the powers that be within the Republican party do not want her to run...
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    U2 Week at Rockpeaks

    Word from one writer for Rock Peaks Video is that, in celebration of the current tour they are having "U2 week" - man, they even let me write a review of The Unforgettable Fire. Some cool videos - I don't think there's anything anyone here hasn't seen before but still worth checking out. Also, a...
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    U2 vs Coldplay poll - vote now!

    Daily Poll: Coldplay Or U2? | CHARTattack Quick U2 fans - Coldplay is winning?!?!?!
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    Homicide:Life On The Street

    Have been re-visiting this wonderful series from the 90's and just wanted to say what a great series it was. I would urge anyone who appreciates quality television to take some time and do the same. Just a suggestion.
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    Band Of Horses

    Didn't notice a thread on these guys? What's up?? The have some brilliant stuff from the last few years and it surprises me that no U2 fans have posted anything...although maybe I'm just missing where???
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    A question for the PLEBA'ns

    I know INTERFERENCE discourage's this kind of question but please allow me to at least attempt it...Just got some GA tickets to Montreal for the July 17th show. Sooo excited. Anyways, would anyone know or like to guess where the band will be staying while they are in Montreal??? Where did they...
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    A most amazing story!!!

    Books of The Times - Unwitting Donor to Science in ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’ - Review - This will be the next book I buy and probably read in one sitting!!! Wow.
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    Mystery Comet? Asteroid? What is this???

    Bizarre Asteroid Collision is One For The X-Files : Discovery News Strange stuff. Check the pictures below... Mystery Comet or Asteroid Collision? : Big Pic : Discovery News
  13. H

    Up In The Air

    Just saw it on Friday. Wonderful film. Clooney is excellent in it...and I'm saying that as one who was never a fan (except for his role in Michael Clayton). Anyone else see Up In The Air?
  14. H

    Breaking Bad

    Am I missing something or is there not a thread on Breaking Bad??? Maybe I missed it but I dug pretty deep in the thread department. I saw the season 2 finale last night - holy shit. This is fast becoming my favorite show on the air right now. Anyone else?
  15. H

    "They're going to get us all. It's a plot. It's a plot. It's going to get us all."

    "They're going to get us all. It's a plot. It's a plot. It's going to get us all." "They're going to get us all. It's a plot. It's a plot. It's going to get us all."...
  16. H

    The Unforgettable Fire (Reissue)

    So....opinions, reviews etc. etc.
  17. H

    U2 is getting way too predictable!?!?!?!

    I'm really getting dissapointed with the lack of variation of the setlists. For awhile there in Europe Bono seemed to be coming up with a slightly different and more interesting version of "Bad" well as throwing in "New Years Day" "Your Blue Room" and "Stay" every once in seems...
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    All discussion about Bad here!!!

    This worries me somewhat...two nights and no Bad??? Glad I didn't go 2000 miles to see either show. I'll wait and worry until Vancouver in late October. Sure hope they bring it back by then.
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    Crew passes?

    Just a question...does anyone out there know what the crew passes look like for the North American leg of the tour. Any photo's??? Any descriptions??? I am seeing the band in Vancouver and would love to try and "sneak" backstage...I managed this for the JT tour back in 87 and ended up meeting...
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    Has anyone got backstage?

    Are there any folks out there who got backstage during the European leg? Or does this just not happen these days. If so, please tell us your story. Thanks.
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    U2's new album to be recorded in Vancouver!!!

    New Album And 2010 Tour On The Horizon For U2 | CHARTattack
  22. H

    Why so few new sightings this tour?

    Just noticed that there seems to be hardly any new sightings of the band as soon as they started this new tour. Why is that? You'd think that there would be a flood of new meetings and sightings since they are jumping from city to city...someone must have met them and has a story to tell? Or are...
  23. H

    Predictions for Dublin 09

    Here are mine: - Drowning Man will finally be played (one night) - Out Of Control will be played (one night) - I Will Follow (one night) - Bad (two out of three nights) - The Unforgettable Fire (three out of three nights) - Until The End Of The World (one out of three) - Stay (one out of three)...
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