New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

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Yeah not really sure they’re active in the traditional sense….booking a studio for months and spending days locked up jamming and driving the producers mad

My guess is Edge comes up with 95% of the music. Lays down both the guitar, bass, and some drum loop. Sends a file over to Bono who sings over it…

Keeps fine tuning until there’s a proper sequence. Then they might get together in studio for a week and each plays their respected part. Boom…the hitz keep coming
are we still completely sure that they actually are an active working band?
Fair. I mean there's zero sightings of anyone going into a studio, and we certainly know Bono loves his extended French holidays.

I know there are fewer wackadoodles out there who would be willing to camp outside studios, but as we saw in Vegas, fewer is definitely not zero.
Fair. I mean there's zero sightings of anyone going into a studio, and we certainly know Bono loves his extended French holidays.

I know there are fewer wackadoodles out there who would be willing to camp outside studios, but as we saw in Vegas, fewer is definitely not zero.
someone, u2start or u2songs, says fans have spotted them in an out of Hanover Quay studios this month.

also, ZooTV live in Dublin EP announced today
Yup. I’ve been calling for digital singles for years. Easy way to keep the fanbase engaged and make it at least appear like they’re an active working band
Great, but release them at once. They should not be busy with these things. Still lame activity in just releasing things we (40+ fans) already have. They should be more active to read what fans want.
Great, but release them at once. They should not be busy with these things. Still lame activity in just releasing things we (40+ fans) already have. They should be more active to read what fans want.
i mean... we've already established that no, not everyone has these things as not everything that's been released has existed on streaming (and in high quality). and releasing in a steady, bi-weekly cadence makes infinitely more sense from a business and marketing standpoint than dropping everything at once does.
are we still completely sure that they actually are an active working band?
I did say appear… and appearances lead me to believe the songwriting half of the band hangs out together plenty so they’re probably sketching stuff out when the mood strikes.
They should’ve released The 40ft Man take that closed out the Disney+ special. Simple way have something on audio streaming platforms (and music websites, radio, etc.) to tie into it. Call it demo mix or whatever but it’s something out there that’s new and pleasant without a lot of stakes. They’re so focused on being big they don’t take the obvious wins
I went on an eBay shopping spree a couple of years ago to get the original UK CD singles from Stay to Walk On (had the HTDAAB singles already). Already had the mp3s torrented but with them MIA on streaming it felt nice to have a hard copy. Glad they're finally streaming, really no excuse for any previously released songs to not be.
oh man when ATYCLB came out that was my first (and most only) collecting spree. Was just looking at all my singles from those days (where they were releasing all the different versions with the different b-sides). Memorrrieeess.
£34 for the vinyl from Amazon?! WTAF. I know its just indicative of the current trend for vinyl pricing, but that's just taking the pi$$.

And why would they not just release the whole show on a double CD/vinyl?
i mean... we've already established that no, not everyone has these things as not everything that's been released has existed on streaming (and in high quality). and releasing in a steady, bi-weekly cadence makes infinitely more sense from a business and marketing standpoint than dropping everything at once does.
Business and marketing? Then they should do physical releases like deluxe boxsets, bluray with TJT30 etc... but yes, it would take some time to get these properly done.
A big stand alone single would be huge, and then just include that on your next album and act like it was supposed to be there all along. That's how I would run their marketing strategy.
Trump horribly gets re-elected in November.

Bono & Edge postpone album to rewrite it. "We wanted to be a part of that conversation".

One year later. Cue the pseudo-philosophising. "The American dream has turned into a nightmare' with another dreadful MOR rawk song to accompany it.

Rinse repeat of every album cycle since the 'Songs of...' albums.

Utterly predictable at this stage. Seriously though, at this stage, if they're writing dull songs about Las Vegas then inspiration, artistry and ambition has to be at its lowest ebb ever.
in all seriousness... i know there will be clamoring for an official studio version of the original Mercy to finally see the light of day as a "single" for this collection, but my preference would be to use Xanax and Wine to promote it.
They may release Mercy, but since they have a history of putting new vocal tracks to old recordings (Wave of Sorrow etc.), it could feature vocals and lyrics akin to 360 Tour performances (or maybe something even worse), because because because they clearly want to annoy some people here.

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