Songs of Songs, Books & Fat Puns - New Album Discussion #8

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This fighting and arguing with each other is exactly what Larry wants

Don’t give him this, be strong!

I know Bono has mentioned SOA more than a few times, but i always fall back on what Adam said years ago

When Bono hears a melody or riff, it’s a song.

I’m sure there’s more than a few songs that are close for a SOA album, but my gut feeling is that the album exists in Bono’s head and still has a lot of work to be done.

This guitar focused album, who really knows.

I personally couldn’t care if the band ever toured again. It’s time consuming, hard on the health and that is more important for me….

I’d love for them to kick back and release albums / vault opening, with the occasional live performance.

They’ve produced decades worth of great music and memories, anything else at this point is amazing. I hope they can
If people start being respectful and accepting of opposing views to their own they’ll get the same back from me. Disagreeing’s fine putting down other views isn’t.

Everyone here is a witness to you not answering my question.
I witnessed that in person.

All I can say is: :|

hear me out, though... bono may have actually been a basketball innovator.

watch that clip again - how bono snaps his head back on each fake dribble... and then think of an impressionable young whippersnapper sitting down to watch Iverson, Shaq and Kobe who saw this performance and was forever changed...

What about if instead of a fancy, 2Pac-stye holographic Larry, they just pay The Simpsons to use their likeness of him from that episode? I'm sure it could be marketed as some post-post-modern nonsense.
U2songs believe that the brand new album is at the same sort of stage SOE was at in late 2016 when they decided to work on that further. Bono had to recover from a serious operation at the start of 2017 and then there was the JT anniversary tour. I think the amount of work on SOE would have been limited in that time and I think it will be the same with getting this new album right it’s probably mainly mixing and mastering left plus small details, I reckon the only thing stopping it being released in the next few months is just the band not being ready to tour yet, they’ll want to have all 4 band members in good health and raring to go to promote the new material and tour it. I think as the band are getting older the delays aren’t around getting the material ready but rather the band not being ready as individuals for various reasons. But admittedly there’s a lot of guesswork in a lot of that, just my thoughts.

Yeah, I think you're on to something there :up:

Bono's quotes about new material can often be hyperbolic or not tell the whole story - in this instance U2songs likening the current status of the next album to SoE in late 2016 may be more insightful.

After all, Bono has been talking about wanting to make a fuck off rock album since 2019, when post SoE studio sessions began. So starting from scratch now to make a rock album doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the rock songs are already in the bag, but they want to re-record/re-work them with a producer more well versed in creating a rock sound - just like how they re-recorded a lot of SoE with Lillywhite in 2017 to get a more live sound, rather than starting from scratch. (I think this is what U2songs is guessing as well)
Back to the boring stuff again, just when we were getting somewhere.

Not sure how we were getting anywhere. You never once talked about what you are going to change when it comes to your approach or demeanor. Once you do so, then we're truly getting somewhere.
Not sure how we were getting anywhere. You never once talked about what you are going to change when it comes to your approach or demeanor. Once you do so, then we're truly getting somewhere.
Well we discovered what it is I want from people to change for me to even begin to consider changing my approach towards them. If people do start to be more respectable then they will get the same from me. I treat people how they treat me. But I understand that online things can be taken differently to how they are meant to come across so I will also make a conscious effort not to come across confrontational or argumentative for the sake of it. That will go out the window as soon as someone decides to go back on what I expect in return, but respect goes both ways so I’m happy to start a fresh with anyone who I have taken issue with or vice versa, whether they accept that is up to them. Going forward I want to discuss u2 matters in a civil manner with people it just needs to be reciprocated regardless of when in agreement or disagreement about something. There you go.
Well we discovered what it is I want from people to change for me to even begin to consider changing my approach towards them. If people do start to be more respectable then they will get the same from me. I treat people how they treat me. But I understand that online things can be taken differently to how they come across so I will also make a conscious effort not to come across confrontational or argumentative for the sake of it. That will go out the window as soon as someone decides to go back on what I expect in return, but respect goes both ways so I’m happy to start a fresh with anyone who I have taken issue with or vice versa, whether they accept that is up to them. Going forward I want to discuss u2 matters in a civil manner with people it just needs to be reciprocated regardless of when in agreement or disagreement about something. There you go.

So essentially, this is a self serving change and you will become more tolerable as long as people act in the way you want them to act?

I do appreciate the fresh start comment but I do fear that without any budging from you, it's going to feel like Groundhog's Day sooner than later.
If people start being respectful and accepting of opposing views to their own they’ll get the same back from me. Disagreeing’s fine putting down other views isn’t.

as opposed to calling the numerous people who disagree with you sheep?

let's get something crystal here. there is no onus on anyone to be accepting of an opposing view when the opposing view being presented is the overwhelmingly minority opinion.

listening and being respectful of the person's right to have said opinion does not come with a requirement of being accepting of that opposing view.

the overwhelming majority of persons agreeing with a view that is opposed to your own also does not make them sheep - nor does it mean that they're just some sort of clique that just sticks up for each other because they're "long time members" or whatever the heck that means.

the "long time members" and "sheep" of which you refer disagree with each other ALL. THE. TIME.

sometimes when an overwhelming majority thinks you're wrong? it's because you're wrong.
So essentially, this is a self serving change and you will become more tolerable as long as people act in the way you want them to act?

I do appreciate the fresh start comment but I do fear that without any budging from you, it's going to feel like Groundhog's Day sooner than later.
Well I’m opening a can of worms here but what do you think I should change? I’ll concede maybe I’ve gone about it in an argumentative way at times but understanding that our opinion is just that, only an opinion, is too important a principle for me to let go. I think if it doesn’t get called out you get the same users taking over threads and online debates, I’ve seen it in several u2 fan places where I’ve not got involved and I’ve left, others I have called it out and still chosen to leave. I might leave here eventually but take a look back and see if you notice the same names appearing being most vocal about their opinion, not backing down and ultimately rubbishing other opinions. There’s always someone or some people in every u2 fan group/page and they should be challenged about it.
Well I’m opening a can of worms here but what do you think I should change? I’ll concede maybe I’ve gone about it in an argumentative way at times but understanding that our opinion is just that, only an opinion, is too important a principle for me to let go. I think if it doesn’t get called out you get the same users taking over threads and online debates, I’ve seen it in several u2 fan places where I’ve not got involved and I’ve left, others I have called it out and still chosen to leave. I might leave here eventually but take a look back and see if you notice the same names appearing being most vocal about their opinion, not backing down and ultimately rubbishing other opinions. There’s always someone or some people in every u2 fan group/page and they should be challenged about it.

don't leave.

just don't think that if people think you're wrong that they're somehow persecuting you.

and the same names are always in every thread because there's only like 20 active people left here. and i'm being REALLY generous with 20.
as opposed to calling the numerous people who disagree with you sheep?

let's get something crystal here. there is no onus on anyone to be accepting of an opposing view when the opposing view being presented is the overwhelmingly minority opinion.

listening and being respectful of the person's right to have said opinion does not come with a requirement of being accepting of that opposing view.

the overwhelming majority of persons agreeing with a view that is opposed to your own also does not make them sheep - nor does it mean that they're just some sort of clique that just sticks up for each other because they're "long time members" or whatever the heck that means.

the "long time members" and "sheep" of which you refer disagree with each other ALL. THE. TIME.

sometimes when an overwhelming majority thinks you're wrong? it's because you're wrong.
And sometimes when an overwhelming majority thinks you’re wrong you can still be right or the point being discussed might not be able to be definitively proven as right or wrong so it should be accepted as a differing point of view and that’s it. So yes you do need to accept a different point of view. You can post and discuss reasons why you disagree, express a disagreement of course, but if you don’t accept a differing view you shouldn't be involved in the discussion in the first place. The only time it is ok not to accept something is when it can be proven wrong, ie if I said u2 played 20 shows on the 360 tour you could come back and say that’s wrong they played this many, but if I say Achtung baby is U2’s best album then you can’t prove that to be wrong and shouldn’t be telling me I’m wrong. You should simply accept it as my point of view, express your differing opinion if you must and why but don’t tell me I’m wrong or put me down for it.
Well I’m opening a can of worms here but what do you think I should change? I’ll concede maybe I’ve gone about it in an argumentative way at times but understanding that our opinion is just that, only an opinion, is too important a principle for me to let go. I think if it doesn’t get called out you get the same users taking over threads and online debates, I’ve seen it in several u2 fan places where I’ve not got involved and I’ve left, others I have called it out and still chosen to leave. I might leave here eventually but take a look back and see if you notice the same names appearing being most vocal about their opinion, not backing down and ultimately rubbishing other opinions. There’s always someone or some people in every u2 fan group/page and they should be challenged about it.

What Headache said to a T. Headache and I agree on probably about 95% of what's discussed here, but you should see our back and forth on the iTunes scandal, haha. But never does it resort to name calling or anything condescending and normally some sort of common ground with a slice of "agree to disagree" is achieved.

I think that's all we're asking.
What Headache said to a T. Headache and I agree on probably about 95% of what's discussed here, but you should see our back and forth on the iTunes scandal, haha. But never does it resort to name calling or anything condescending and normally some sort of common ground with a slice of "agree to disagree" is achieved.

I think that's all we're asking.
Well I will use the agree to disagree comment if disagreements seem to be going on too long or derailing a thread. There’s obviously still a bit of a difference of opinion between me and headache about the acceptance of opposing views, perhaps I just need to agree to disagree with that point itself even though I think it’s fundamental to having a sensible discussion but I’m happy to just try and draw a line under this just now and see if things can go a bit smoother moving forward.
i love how the "IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN" absolutists have changed into "maybe it will, maybe it won't," which was the entire argument against "IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN" yesterday, bringing them in complete agreement with the people they were arguing with yesterday, yet are somehow still finding semantical things to be contrarian back.

never change, interference. the rumors of your untimely death were greatly exaggerated.

Did anyone mean that they thought there was literally no chance of it happening? Of course it's possible that U2 play a show without one or two members. Pretty much anything is possible. Generally when people say that something will never happen they mean that it's highly unlikely that something will happen. It's something called "hyperbole." Like when someone says there's no chance that Vladimir Guerrero Jr will be traded - of course there's a chance! It probably won't happen, though. Just like U2 probably won't play without Larry or Adam or Edge or Bono.
And sometimes when an overwhelming majority thinks you’re wrong you can still be right or the point being discussed might not be able to be definitively proven as right or wrong so it should be accepted as a differing point of view and that’s it. So yes you do need to accept a different point of view. You can post and discuss reasons why you disagree, express a disagreement of course, but if you don’t accept a differing view you shouldn't be involved in the discussion in the first place. The only time it is ok not to accept something is when it can be proven wrong, ie if I said u2 played 20 shows on the 360 tour you could come back and say that’s wrong they played this many, but if I say Achtung baby is U2’s best album then you can’t prove that to be wrong and shouldn’t be telling me I’m wrong. You should simply accept it as my point of view, express your differing opinion if you must and why but don’t tell me I’m wrong or put me down for it.

Again - and perhaps it's once again semantics here - but there's a difference between respecting ones right to their own opinion and accepting/respecting the actual opinion.

Going against the grain for the sake of going against the grain does not make you Galileo.

You argued against Pearl Jam having a greater variety of song choices to their setlist. I don't have to be accepting of that opinion, because it's so obviously wrong. I don't have to be accepting of your opinion that rushing the stage mid-show to get an autograph is wrong. I don't have to be accepting of someone trying to argue over the definition of the word plan. I don't have to be accepting of some loon who wants to tell me the 2020 election was stolen.

There are some "opinions" that are just wrong, and no, I don't have to accept them, nor does anyone else, when it's so obvious that they're wrong.

And yes, sometimes the earth really does revolve around the sun. But in most cases? It's just a bad opinion not based in reality.

If you argued that one album is better than another? See, there is where I can disagree but respect your difference of opinion. And we can discuss the finer points of why you feel differently, and never come to an agreement, but still be respecting and accepting of the opposing viewpoint.

And this appears to be where the hold up here is.
I wonder what Larry was referring to when he said that the challenge is to be more generous. It really demanded a follow up question.
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