Spacefarer's Guide to Getting off this Planet

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yup, F-35. that fucker was loud. there was also a CF-18 that started off the show, but i didn't get any pics of that one since we were a little late getting down to the shore.
got some pretty cool pics of the air show in toronto today:

Awesome shots!! I see you got to see the snowbirds too! I haven’t been to a show in ages! Did the Abbotsford show here in BC for a few years and did the Toronto show when I was a kid way back in the day when they had the black bird! I was so happy to have been able to see that beast. But anyway thanks for sharing! Fantastic shots!
I’ve taken a sortoff “Astro” vacation myself to this remote cabin near Kamloops BC where the skies where quite dark. I brought all my gear and got 5 great nights of observing/photographing. Only the 6th night was cloudy and rainy! I’ve taken many deepsky shots mostly of galaxies and some nebulae. I only just begun to look at the images and I’m usually a planetary photographer so deepsky photography is still new to me especially the processing which seems like rocket science lol. So when I learn how to do it properly so that I can process all the data I acquired, I’ll post more pics. But here are two pics of M31 The Andromeda galaxy and M33 the Triangulum Galaxy. I know if I truly learn the processing side, I’ll get much better results with the pics I already took so I’ll post again later. These shots are composed of 5-6 frames each of between 4.5-5.5 minute long exposures in ISO 8000 and composed of equal amount of dark frames with the same exposure times and settings as the “light” frames.


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Awesome shots!! I see you got to see the snowbirds too! I haven’t been to a show in ages! Did the Abbotsford show here in BC for a few years and did the Toronto show when I was a kid way back in the day when they had the black bird! I was so happy to have been able to see that beast. But anyway thanks for sharing! Fantastic shots!

thanks dude! other than getting stung by a wasp who really wanted to get into my drink, it was a really fun day.

your shots look amazing - they honestly look like they are from an observatory or space telescope, the detail and amount of stars you were able to capture from a regular ground camera is astounding. definitely post more when you get the chance to go out again!
thanks dude! other than getting stung by a wasp who really wanted to get into my drink, it was a really fun day.

your shots look amazing - they honestly look like they are from an observatory or space telescope, the detail and amount of stars you were able to capture from a regular ground camera is astounding. definitely post more when you get the chance to go out again!

That sucks about the wasp sting! Never been stung myself but I imagine it hurts like a MOFO!

Thank you very much for the kind comments! Yea you would be amazed at what you can capture even with a small telescope and under dark skies! Actually the andromeda galaxy I didn’t even use a telescope, I used my 100-400 mm telephoto lens mounted on the mount of my scope. And the other galaxy I used my smallest scope to get a wider field of view. I took many pics during that trip, but with work and being so tired these days, I still need to get around to them. As soon as I do I’ll post more for sure. For now I’ll add one more photo of the Orion Nebula. This one was actaully taken a year ago so not a new one but I processed it this time with the other two pics.


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got some pretty cool pics of the air show in toronto today:

Ooooo, great photos! I've yet get to one of these.
A great variety. Swept back wings, formation ? flying, "crop duster", and a WW2 Plane? Guessing that bc the motor noises sounds like every WW2 TV show I've ever seen/heard.

Thanks for showing us. ?

Wow, look at those galaxies! :hyper: :love:
And the Orion Nebula - so pretty!

Dave C is right - these look like observatory quality - most especially the Andromeda Galaxy, and it's spiral arm definition! :applaud:

I'll definitely look forward to seeing more when you get the practice, and time in. :up:
Congrats for your efforts paying off.
Thank you so much Dazzle, LN7 and COBL for the great comments! My apologies for not responding sooner! Ben working 6-7 days per week that last 1 month or so so when I get home I’m totally beat to even check email lol. I still have a lot of unprocessed pictures from this trip/session. In a couple weeks I’m back to working my normal 5 days a week so hope to work on more pics and will post some more! :) BTW heads up, this Saturday night has the potential of having a bright northern lights display especially for those living in the northern states or Canada! There was a HUGE X1 class solar flare and the earth is on the direct path/bulls eye. If predictions come true, hopefully we will be in for a nice show! Too bad for me I have to work both Saturday and Sunday dang it!!
Ouch, dab. Sorry you have put such extra days!
totally get practically passing out when get home.

When you get back to normal days give your self time to reset before start processing stuff unless it gives you extra energy.
Will look foward to them when ever they show up. :up:

We had cloudy skies. But I read earlier today a quik snip that said it didn't turn out to be the big show it had been predicted to be. (#7 high++) :sigh:
Ouch, dab. Sorry you have put such extra days!
totally get practically passing out when get home.

When you get back to normal days give your self time to reset before start processing stuff unless it gives you extra energy.
Will look foward to them when ever they show up. :up:

We had cloudy skies. But I read earlier today a quik snip that said it didn't turn out to be the big show it had been predicted to be. (#7 high++) :sigh:

Thanks Dazzle! Yes it has been an intense month or so at work but I sortoff asked for it, I volunteered to put in the OT, always helps the good ol wallet but the taxman is sure going to be happy! I am certainly looking forward to a more relaxed November and December unless something crazy at work happens haha.

Yes sadly that big event never materialized. The big CME particles missed the earth so we got no big show. But such is the nature of northern lights. Supper hard to predict even when everything seems to line up for a once in a lifetime show! We are just exiting the solar minimum cycle and the sun will begin to be more active over the coming years as it reaches solar maximum. So here is to hoping for more decent chances!! Before covid happened I was planning an aurora tour somewhere up in Yukon or Alaska. Too bad covid killed those plans but it’s ok as now I rather wait for the sun to reach its most active phase of its cycle.

I find the editing of my photos both relaxing and frustrating if there is such a thing hahaha. But I do really enjoy seeing the final results pop out on my screen when I get ones that I am happy with. This weekend I’ll try to work on some more and post some up!
Hey dab
You might be interested in seeing this if you haven't.

I just saw some vid of the solar eclipse. Cool as usual, but also different!

Usually we see the moon arriving at one side, then leaving in the opposite direction; arriving at 7 (position of an analog clock face) , leaving at 2.

This one arrived at 2:30 position, but left at the 10:30 position!

Very surprised for a few secs but realized it made sense since like the moon's shadow was making a tight turn at the bottom of our planet is the only way I can describe it.
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hey guys, check out this photo of my b-hole:

Hello all, haven’t been on much as of late as I’ve been pretty busy these days! :( but I did get a chance to take a week off and take my scopes out to a dark location. Got many pics, here are three of them. I’ll post more as I process them. The pictures are of M13 (the Hercules globular cluster), m27 (the dumbell nebula) and m51 (the whirlpool galaxy). I can post more details about them later if anyone wants to know the settings etc! :)


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Hey dab
You might be interested in seeing this if you haven't.

I just saw some vid of the solar eclipse. Cool as usual, but also different!

Usually we see the moon arriving at one side, then leaving in the opposite direction; arriving at 7 (position of an analog clock face) , leaving at 2.

This one arrived at 2:30 position, but left at the 10:30 position!

Very surprised for a few secs but realized it made sense since like the moon's shadow was making a tight turn at the bottom of our planet is the only way I can describe it.

Oh that’s very cool!! I find solar eclipses so amazing! By far the most amazing astronomical event to see in person! Did you ever get a chance to see one live?
Hello all, haven’t been on much as of late as I’ve been pretty busy these days! :( but I did get a chance to take a week off and take my scopes out to a dark location. Got many pics, here are three of them. I’ll post more as I process them. The pictures are of M13 (the Hercules globular cluster), m27 (the dumbell nebula) and m51 (the whirlpool galaxy). I can post more details about them later if anyone wants to know the settings etc! :)

Amazing. I'd love to know how you did it, from start to finish (without being too technical - I don't understand the technical/settings side of things!)
the webb telescope, and a real mission that went to the moon and back.

what a year for space exploration.

bring on the next step :hyper:
Seems it (Totality) was only on a remote western Aussie island.

If you haven't you tube:

The Ningaloo Eclipse

I watched a very good video of it a few days later
(I fast forwarded through it) I really liked they gave you the real image, a graphic with the time, and a live feed inset of the area horizon to more or less zenith - you could see the darkening of the sky as well as the eclipse itself. :up:

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