MLB 2020- Coronavirus Version

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Oh yes I’m fine with that because fuck baseball, but I still wager that Rays-Marlins with no fans in the audience would be the best opportunity for maximum lols
Looking like by turns the most predictable (NL) and unlikable (AL) championship series imaginable. Rays need to step it up tomorrow to prevent the same ALCS 3 years out of 4.
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They should have scrapped this abomination of a season, since they didn't, I'm with Headache...go Astros.
Would be the most fitting end to the 2020 MLB season.
Ugh. Unfortunately, too many times over the last 20 seasons, the vaunted Yankee offense goes quiet at the worst time.

Go...Rays? 'Cuz fuck the 'Stros!
I won a healthy chunk of change on the Rays, and now I hope to do the same on the Stros.

Go Stros

Well, congrats and stuff! I hope you win more. Obviously, no iron-in-the-fire for me. Both the Rays and the Astros have provided grief for the Yankees over the years. I almost wanna root for the NL Champ in the WS. :wink: Should be a good ALCS.
The sooner the Rays take out the Astros, the sooner Headache can stop pretending to care about the Astros in order to trigger people online :up:

Aroldis Chapman blowing the ALDS like he blew the ALCS in 2019 was awesome.
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I really don't care about triggering people.

The hilarity of the collective baseball world all declaring the Astros frauds, as if cheating weren't a rampant issue in baseball since forever and their being good is entirely based on a garbage can, being immediately followed up by their going to the World Series again?

They did go 29-31 in the regular season batting far, far below par for them. They were a noticeably worse team this season, such as it is. A couple games break differently and they're not even a playoff team with 8 slots.

For now it looks like they got hot when they needed to. If they put together a championship run this season, cool. Doesn't erase the previous cheating, it only underscores that they didn't need it that badly in the first place because they had talent to begin with.
Dave Roberts will absolutely be fired if the Dodgers don't turn this series around. I think they'll be alright because of their rotation depth, but the bats gotta wake up.

I don't think this series is over but momentum is important and the Braves haven't lost a game yet this postseason. Reminds me of when we rattled off 8 straight wins in October last year and went on to win it all.
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