The Climate Crisis

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Blue Crack Addict
Aug 16, 2002
the killerwhaletank
i'm not gonna resurrect a long-dead thread called "global warming revisited" at this point because that name seems too simplistic.

antarctica went above 20 degrees. this is all happening worryingly fast.

meanwhile, canada is about to break ground on the largest oilsands facility ever built which is meant to run at full capacity until at least 2060 and is forcing pipeline construction through unceded first nations land.

Yep. We're fucked.
I say this all the time about climate change; even if it is a complete hoax and total nonsense what is wrong with looking after the planet anyway?

It's disgusting how the need for money is more important than what kind of world future generations will live in.
I feel more hopeful today than I have in a long time, mostly because of the way the financial industry and institutional investors are behaving. Look no further than the annual letter from Larry Fink (BlackRock CEO) - the others are all following like sheep, but in a good way.

Good odds that some of that oil is never coming out of the ground.
I feel more hopeful today than I have in a long time, mostly because of the way the financial industry and institutional investors are behaving. Look no further than the annual letter from Larry Fink (BlackRock CEO) - the others are all following like sheep, but in a good way.

Good odds that some of that oil is never coming out of the ground.

Do you live on solar or wind power? And what kind of electric car do you drive?? Just curious....
i'm not gonna resurrect a long-dead thread called "global warming revisited" at this point because that name seems too simplistic.

antarctica went above 20 degrees. this is all happening worryingly fast.

meanwhile, canada is about to break ground on the largest oilsands facility ever built which is meant to run at full capacity until at least 2060 and is forcing pipeline construction through unceded first nations land.
It’s really fucked up and sad! I feel sad for our grand children especially who will pay dearly for our fuck ups!
I feel more hopeful today than I have in a long time, mostly because of the way the financial industry and institutional investors are behaving. Look no further than the annual letter from Larry Fink (BlackRock CEO) - the others are all following like sheep, but in a good way.

Good odds that some of that oil is never coming out of the ground.

I want to see it go beyond lip service though. This letter is good because it speaks about actually fucking exiting investments in damaging businesses. There are so many companies/bodies etc that bang on about climate change but don't do anything to actually address it.
Do you live on solar or wind power? And what kind of electric car do you drive?? Just curious....

I live in two cities where cars aren’t necessary. We have one, that’s almost 10 years old and in great condition because we drive it so little. We recycle everything we can. Our yard is specifically landscaped to absorb excess rainwater so it doesn’t leak into nearby waterways. Low flush toilets and showers. We also eat very little beef as it’s the most CO2 unfriendly food out there. If we buy a second car, which we may have to due to changing life circumstances, it will be electric.

I know a favorite tactic is to try some type of call out — “yeah, well, you rode on an airplane once” — which is cheap and stupid and unfair and also pointless. Simply because someone believes in doing as much as they can to stop climate change doesn’t mean that dropping out of a world run by fossils files is even possible.

And besides, for all the supposed climate virtue I listed early, I do the single most important thing that makes 1000x more of a difference than any individual action I could take:

I don’t vote for Republicans.

That’s literally the best thing you can do for the planet. Vote them and their rapacious, earth-raping Leader, out of office.
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Anitram :up:
That man is helping to further worsen, and speed up it's effects.

I don't have kids, but I've a wide and long view. I've 3 generations of younger cousins, and friends I love who will suffer; I tend to care about humanity, and the planet in general. So yeah.

As someone who did a lot of protesting in the 80's about supporting various Renewable energy methods :sigh: we could have been quite better off. Reagan took Prs Carter's solar panels off the WH roof etc.
Do you live on solar or wind power? And what kind of electric car do you drive?? Just curious....
Do you enjoy sticking your face in front of am exhaust pipe and bathing in the waters of the Anacostia?? Just curious....

You'd think that, seeing as you care so much about what the political parties were 50-100 years ago, that you'd be a conservationist like fellow republican and occasional independent conservative Theodore Roosevelt. Or do you only go down that road when it fits your narrative of pwning the libs?
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I say this all the time about climate change; even if it is a complete hoax and total nonsense what is wrong with looking after the planet anyway?

It's disgusting how the need for money is more important than what kind of world future generations will live in.
Exactly. Even if in your heart of hearts this is just cyclical, why on Earth would you not want to breath cleaner air and have, ya know, wild life and shit?

This is weak. It’s called virtue signaling, same as when Bernie and Warren travel on private jets, etc.

Be an example, so someone can see you’re serious. As you can see, NONE of the Democrats live by their own crap principles they preach to everyone else about climate, income inequality, socialism, giving, compassion, none of it, zero.

Yet you guys think they are pillars of virtue. “Do as I say, not as I do” is weak BS.

Put your money where your mouth is, walk the talk libs.
This is weak. It’s called virtue signaling, same as when Bernie and Warren travel on private jets, etc.

Be an example, so someone can see you’re serious. As you can see, NONE of the Democrats live by their own crap principles they preach to everyone else about climate, income inequality, socialism, giving, compassion, none of it, zero.

Yet you guys think they are pillars of virtue. “Do as I say, not as I do” is weak BS.

Put your money where your mouth is, walk the talk libs.

what steps are you taking to help improve our environment?
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what steps are you taking to help improve our environment?

Umm, I throw away my garbage.

The “Climate Crisis” is another liberal sham that makes people like Al Gore millionaires.

According to these climate experts, we all were gonna gonna die in 1990, 2000, Gore said all the icecaps would be gone by 2014, it’s a joke. The Green New Deal is just more expensive crap.

The Earth’s climate changes, man has not been doing anything that is causing these changes, or lack of changes, the verbiage changes all the time based on what’s convenient.

And before you say “”well scientists have said”...., yeah , handpicked liberal scientists, but not nearly as many, or as nearly the authority that libs would have you believe.
Umm, I throw away my garbage.

The “Climate Crisis” is another liberal sham that makes people like Al Gore millionaires.

According to these climate experts, we all were gonna gonna die in 1990, 2000, Gore said all the icecaps would be gone by 2014, it’s a joke. The Green New Deal is just more expensive crap.

The Earth’s climate changes, man has not been doing anything that is causing these changes, or lack of changes, the verbiage changes all the time based on what’s convenient.

And before you say “”well scientists have said”...., yeah , handpicked liberal scientists, but not nearly as many, or as nearly the authority that libs would have you believe.

okay sure, let's say human-influenced climate change is all manufactured alarmist bullshit.

but we're clearly polluting our rivers and lakes and oceans, and chopping down forests and belching chemicals into the air which is killing off animals and insects at a pretty alarming rate. you can see that happening with your own eyes.

do you think that we should be doing something to reduce those activities and at least try to slow down the rate of extinctions? or is that just part of "the earth's climate changes"?
Umm, I throw away my garbage.

The “Climate Crisis” is another liberal sham that makes people like Al Gore millionaires.

According to these climate experts, we all were gonna gonna die in 1990, 2000, Gore said all the icecaps would be gone by 2014, it’s a joke. The Green New Deal is just more expensive crap.

The Earth’s climate changes, man has not been doing anything that is causing these changes, or lack of changes, the verbiage changes all the time based on what’s convenient.

And before you say “”well scientists have said”...., yeah , handpicked liberal scientists, but not nearly as many, or as nearly the authority that libs would have you believe.

Oh please. This is just parody.
but we're clearly polluting our rivers and lakes and oceans, and chopping down forests and belching chemicals into the air which is killing off animals and insects at a pretty alarming rate. you can see that happening with your own eyes.

do you think that we should be doing something to reduce those activities and at least try to slow down the rate of extinctions? or is that just part of "the earth's climate changes"?

Well put :up:
Umm, I throw away my garbage.

The “Climate Crisis” is another liberal sham that makes people like Al Gore millionaires.

According to these climate experts, we all were gonna gonna die in 1990, 2000, Gore said all the icecaps would be gone by 2014, it’s a joke. The Green New Deal is just more expensive crap.

The Earth’s climate changes, man has not been doing anything that is causing these changes, or lack of changes, the verbiage changes all the time based on what’s convenient.

And before you say “”well scientists have said”...., yeah , handpicked liberal scientists, but not nearly as many, or as nearly the authority that libs would have you believe.
I had a guy argue with me regarding an article about 500,000 muscles dying in a beach. The article mentioned something about low tides and he asked me the question how can there be tides if the so called climate scientists are claiming that the ocean levels are rising! When I explained that tides were the result of the gravitational pull of the sun and moon and had nothing to do with rising sea levels, he told me he was a science teacher and he knew what he was talking about! Somehow he reminded me of you!
And yes I agree with others here, even if the climate wasn’t changing, we are still polluting at an alarming rate causing many animals to die. What harm could it do to try and strive for a cleaner environment???? What is it with deniers that they have such a problem with us wanting a cleaner earth??? Honestly what do you have to lose?

That’s just one of thousands of examples of what climate change is doing! I feel sad for our grandchildren! Ps that’s a satellite image if mt Killimonjoro, like many glaciers, they are disappearing sadly. I suggest the deniers go to a place like the Columbia ice fields in the border between Alberta and BC and you can see firsthand how fast that particular glacier has retreated in just 50 years.
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That’s just one of thousands of examples of what climate change is doing! I feel sad for our grandchildren! Ps that’s a satellite image if mt Killimonjoro, like many glaciers, they are disappearing sadly. I suggest the deniers go to a place like the Columbia ice fields in the border between Alberta and BC and you can see firsthand how fast that particular glacier has retreated in just 50 years.

Pps here is an interesting link of comparisons of glaciers then and now!
This is weak. It’s called virtue signaling, same as when Bernie and Warren travel on private jets, etc.

Be an example, so someone can see you’re serious. As you can see, NONE of the Democrats live by their own crap principles they preach to everyone else about climate, income inequality, socialism, giving, compassion, none of it, zero.

Yet you guys think they are pillars of virtue. “Do as I say, not as I do” is weak BS.

Put your money where your mouth is, walk the talk libs.

and this is why we can't have nice things
The “Climate Crisis” is another liberal sham that makes people like Al Gore millionaires.

Wall Street is having a major come to Jesus moment on climate change.

The world's largest investment fund is divesting from all thermal coal investments, and others are following suit. Fossil fuels will be next on the list and much of that exploratory oil we read about will realistically never come out of the ground (once the investors pull out and that IS coming, the only question is when).

Financial institutions are now syndicating sustainability-linked loans (i.e. the interest that corporations pay for debt service is tied directly to their sustainable/green performance). This just started in the last year or so and is in its infancy, but is probably the way of the future.

These are not people doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. But because they know full well that the only way to deal with climate change is to radically change our approach, begin investing in sustainable infrastructure (civil and social) and build in some resilience to what is about to come.

Everything you've said here just affirms that you're a dinosaur when it comes to climate change and you've already been left behind even by such well known radical leftists as Wall Street CEOs and hedge fund managers. If you were a thinking person, you'd ask yourself why.

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