Found a longer version of North Star from Transformers

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Registered Dude

Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Aug 11, 2008

About 2:30 seconds of it.

Kinda crappy quality, But most we've heard to this point I think..
I like the music quite a bit but Bono's melody isn't very good and the lyrics are awful. The chorus is jarring but with a bit of tightening this could be a pretty good song. I'd love it if they had a mellotron based album
Man. This place sometimes. Like occasionally it’s cool to hear something new.
Yeah that's direct from the movie with the talking and background noiss edited out. It sounds like bits of the song stuck together out of order and with vocals missing.
I'm still amazed this didn't least appear on the movie soundtrack.
Thanks for posting the clip, I recall seeing a video with all the background noise included(characters talking?)around the time the flick was released.

This may not be a popular opinion, but the song does absolutely zero for me(live versions included) and I would genuinely detest it being on a future studio album. I find it funny for a song titled North Star that the song really has little direction and seems to go almost nowhere. That they decided to toss it away on some bloated, trashy, cgi michael bay brain dead epic piece of shit seems totally apt to me. It would seem to indicate they never truly bought into the song. It just sounds so generic and bland. Again, just my two cents. If it floats your boat, more power to you.

What I would actually be cool with is the track showing up on some sort of odds and ends type release so that we can have a proper listen. That, or perhaps they may try to tackle the song again by re-recording it for a bonus track, B-side or something. I just don't really don't want it to take up space on a studio least not in the states it was presented in.
On the spectrum of cringe-worthy Bono lyrics, and let's face it, there are endless candidates, "Here I am, a space cowboy" is up there with "Candy floss, Ice cream!" as one of the very worst. Just a disaster. This song was never any better than a B-side, which is shocking to me since I feel it (or at least the title) was bouncing around for years. Wasn't this what they worked on with Michael W. Smith?
I'm in the minority here in that I actually love the song and the lyric. To me, it's one of the better vocal melodies they've written in recent years and the "I can't wait, I can't wait..." part does it for me. I'd love to hear a form of this recorded in the future.

That said, this version seems overwrought, musically, and they didn't get a very good vocal take from Bono.

An acoustic re-recording, a la "Flower Child," would sound lovely.

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