PGP: Waiting for some Crumbs From U2's Table

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Ah...that's the mini/test version of my huge art I'm entering in the contest/gallery thing.

I'll attempt to photograph both pieces...(there's a large one and a small one, neither of them that one. Both ink and watercolor)
Skunk kitteh. :cute:

Veep, leg is doing alright. The past two days I've only felt the need to take painkillers when I wake up and right before bed. I have my follow up appointment at the hospital where I had the surgery a week from Tuesday. I get the surgical staples out and hopefully cleared to start physical therapy. :pray: Physically I'm doing as OK as can be expected with a broken leg. Mentally it's been tough. :sigh:

I've been receiving updates from Dazz about her rehabbing and PT. Sounds like things are going well. Glad to see she's home. :heart:
Thanks Thora! It's the first time I've had off in nearly a year and a half that wasn't illness-related. I've booked off a whole week at the end of the month. Excited for that!

I'm so glad it's working out for you - you need that time off! :up:

I'm trying to plan what I'm going to do for the long weekend coming up. I was thinking about going to Seattle, but that was getting too complicated and expensive, so I think I'm going to go visit my parents, if I can, since that will be free. :wink: I really wanted to spend a little bit of time up at their place this summer, and that weekend will pretty much be my only opportunity to do that, since I have so many events that I'll have to work at on weekends now. :)
:cute: what an adorable kitty! So fuzzy. Yeah, baby skunks look similar, larger heads though I think

What band are you wanting to see? /curious

My older sister's going to the PDX festival in Portland around when I'm gonna be there
for a funeral. :| my family's in stressville organizing most of it/getting this deceased person's book published/etc
Needless to say, I haven't heard of any of the bands in that, cause they're local Portland bands and I'm off in Baltimore mostly. I dunno if I'd want to come with her. I may have to socialize with family friends instead. Also there's the chance the music would suck, or I'd be standing around like a doormat with my sister's friends all doing the cool-20something thing, drinkin' their beer.
But on the other hand—music festival!

I'd say if the price is reasonable, go! That way, even if you don't love any of the bands, you've seen live music for a reasonable price, and you can't really go wrong with that. :up:

I almost feel embarrassed to say who I want to see. It's just because I've become this uber-Steely Dan fan in the past year. You'd have to like that genre, but besides that, they're (Fagen and Becker) frigging amazing songwriters, producers, and they put together top-notch backing bands. I saw them last summer, and it was great.

I'm going through serious withdrawal, and who the fuck knows when they're going to tour again. My brother's friend is a huge Steely Dan fan too, and was at the show last summer. He's also a musician, he actually recorded at Daniel Lanois and his brother's studio, back before anyone knew who Daniel Lanois is - they lived about 20 minutes from here.

Anyway, Donald Fagen from Steely Dan is touring solo with Michael McDonald, the singer from the Doobie Brothers (who actually got his start as a backup vocalist for Steely Dan in the early 70s) and Boz Scaggs, another rock/jazz/funk artist from the 70s. The three of them are touring together, with Steely Dan's backing band. I checked out some setlists last night, and it looks like they play like half old (but cool) pop/soul covers, and then the rest they do original material from the three of them, but Steely Dan's material makes up most of it.

So yeah. Kind of lame, but I'm desperate. :lol:
Ah...that's the mini/test version of my huge art I'm entering in the contest/gallery thing.

I'll attempt to photograph both pieces...(there's a large one and a small one, neither of them that one. Both ink and watercolor)

Post more pics of them when you do them!

Skunk kitteh. :cute:

Veep, leg is doing alright. The past two days I've only felt the need to take painkillers when I wake up and right before bed. I have my follow up appointment at the hospital where I had the surgery a week from Tuesday. I get the surgical staples out and hopefully cleared to start physical therapy. :pray: Physically I'm doing as OK as can be expected with a broken leg. Mentally it's been tough. :sigh:

I've been receiving updates from Dazz about her rehabbing and PT. Sounds like things are going well. Glad to see she's home. :heart:

I feel so bad for you and Dazzled. :( I remember what Sarah went through, and she had me with her 24/7 to do things for her, and to help keep her amused. Hang in there. :hug:

I'm so glad it's working out for you - you need that time off! :up:

I'm trying to plan what I'm going to do for the long weekend coming up. I was thinking about going to Seattle, but that was getting too complicated and expensive, so I think I'm going to go visit my parents, if I can, since that will be free. :wink: I really wanted to spend a little bit of time up at their place this summer, and that weekend will pretty much be my only opportunity to do that, since I have so many events that I'll have to work at on weekends now. :)

That sounds like fun! Last summer, I lived for long weekends. :lol:
VintagePunk said:
I feel so bad for you and Dazzled. :( I remember what Sarah went through, and she had me with her 24/7 to do things for her, and to help keep her amused. Hang in there. :hug:


Was it her ankle or leg that she broke? Or both? Memory fail. :reject:

Right now my days are spent playing around on the Internet and doing some exercises on my leg. Also, I do laps on my walker and hang with my dogs. Go me. :lol:

Aside from the death of Finn which was and still is devastating :sad:, this year had actually been a decent one. New job, lost almost half of the weight I've put on in the past few years, got accepted to an LPN program. And this injury has just put everything on hold. :(
VP—Rock+jazz+funk not my thing, so I'm not one to judge in the first place :p I was just wondering. As for your family not wanting to go—Hell, my family isn't even into mainstream rock, whatever that actually is. My parents were extremely meh about going to see Joan Jett, though we did end up going.

Festival's free! If it's not going to be to much stress on the parents I'll see if I can go.

Here's my badly photographed art


Large piece.

Pretty obviously 'In Utero'-inspired, bit of an accident in that sense. The little sketch drawing you quoted earlier was more based on blood being creepy. As for this, I was just kinda daydreaming and oops, babies everywhere. This piece gave me so much grief. I don't do well with large art. I ended up putting acrylic all over it (all the white), which in general should be avoided when using watercolor. Not to mention when I was trying to obscure large parts of Bean/Kurt's faces on the right, the ink started drying insanely weird and shiny. But I'm satisfied with the final in the sense that I can't wait to sell this thing and have it gone.

Smaller piece, way less ink, way more abstract.

It's supposed to be sort of veins, blood clots, stuff like that.
Nope, just smart. ;)

Plus, I know they'd love to see me. :)

That sounds like fun! Last summer, I lived for long weekends. :lol:

Yeah, it would be so fabulous. We usually talk on Friday or Saturday nights, so I'll bring it up with them this weekend.

Yup, long weekends are definitely going to be looked forward to again! :D We have a small event next weekend that I might go to, but I will DEFINITELY be working all of the following weekend. Since they prefer to give us extra time off instead of getting paid overtime hours, maybe I'll see if I can get the Friday of the long weekend off, and have a nice long break there. Now THAT would be fabulous! :D
Was it her ankle or leg that she broke? Or both? Memory fail. :reject:

Right now my days are spent playing around on the Internet and doing some exercises on my leg. Also, I do laps on my walker and hang with my dogs. Go me. :lol:

Aside from the death of Finn which was and still is devastating :sad:, this year had actually been a decent one. New job, lost almost half of the weight I've put on in the past few years, got accepted to an LPN program. And this injury has just put everything on hold. :(

I'm so sorry about Finn. :hug: I still miss Kelly, and it still hurts. We still have her food and water dish in the kitchen. That's probably really weird. We went on a big cleaning and purging binge last weekend, and at one point, we were in the kitchen. I think we both looked at her dishes, and then looked away, not saying anything. We just left them there, and went on.

Sarah broke her leg, both the tibia and the fibula, just above the ankle. Spiral fractures, which, from what the surgeon told us, almost always require surgery, but hers happened to fit back together perfectly. Not having surgery was good, but it prolonged the healing period, she was in a cast for 13 weeks.

VP—Rock+jazz+funk not my thing, so I'm not one to judge in the first place :p I was just wondering. As for your family not wanting to go—Hell, my family isn't even into mainstream rock, whatever that actually is. My parents were extremely meh about going to see Joan Jett, though we did end up going.

Festival's free! If it's not going to be to much stress on the parents I'll see if I can go.

Here's my badly photographed art


Large piece.

Pretty obviously 'In Utero'-inspired, bit of an accident in that sense. The little sketch drawing you quoted earlier was more based on blood being creepy. As for this, I was just kinda daydreaming and oops, babies everywhere. This piece gave me so much grief. I don't do well with large art. I ended up putting acrylic all over it (all the white), which in general should be avoided when using watercolor. Not to mention when I was trying to obscure large parts of Bean/Kurt's faces on the right, the ink started drying insanely weird and shiny. But I'm satisfied with the final in the sense that I can't wait to sell this thing and have it gone.

Smaller piece, way less ink, way more abstract.

It's supposed to be sort of veins, blood clots, stuff like that.

I didn't even notice the fetal theme, or the faces. :reject: I just find the colours and shapes really appealing.

I used to play sax, and so did Sarah, although she became much better than me. I think that's where my love of that genre comes from.

Feels. I've been volunteering at the local humane society, playing with kittens, and there was one who looked exactly like my old kitty...she had the same half-visible tabby markings and everything...
Not sure if any of you kids :wink: know/like Dirty Dancing, but I've seen it so many times, I can practically recite it. I love the whole soundtrack, but there's this one song that's cool, and I discovered that Fagen/McDonald/Scaggs are covering it, with Scaggs sharing vocals with a female, who is also one of the Steely Dan backup vocalists. Here is the scene from the movie ( :drool: )

"Love Is Strange" Mickey & Sylvia - YouTube

Here is the full song

Dirty Dancing Soundtrack - Love Is Strange (Mickey & Sylvia) - YouTube

And here is the cover of it they're doing this tour

The Dukes of September - Love Is Strange, Los Angeles, 6/28/2012 - YouTube
VintagePunk said:
I'm so sorry about Finn. :hug: I still miss Kelly, and it still hurts. We still have her food and water dish in the kitchen. That's probably really weird. We went on a big cleaning and purging binge last weekend, and at one point, we were in the kitchen. I think we both looked at her dishes, and then looked away, not saying anything. We just left them there, and went on.

Sarah broke her leg, both the tibia and the fibula, just above the ankle. Spiral fractures, which, from what the surgeon told us, almost always require surgery, but hers happened to fit back together perfectly. Not having surgery was good, but it prolonged the healing period, she was in a cast for 13 weeks.


Thank you. :hug: He was so young. He and Felix had just turned six about a month and a half before he died. :(

Awwww Kelly :heart:. I hope she and Finn have met in doggie heaven. :) It doesn't sound weird at all, it's a tribute of sorts to her. She still lives on. :)

Ah, same as my break then. Mine did require surgery. I'm in a walking cast right now. She was in a full cast for 13 weeks? Ack. Has she found she has been able to do the things she was able to do before the break? I know it's been a few years, but are there any lingering effects for her?

It's not so hard to think about him now.... but, I still cry every time I go to the vet's. :sigh: I have to go there in September with my younger cat, and I'm so scared something will be wrong with her too...

:shifty: My mom just said I can get this for Christmas. *is about ready to explode*

ThinkGeek :: Doctor Who 10th Doctor's Coat

:hug: I'm sure she'll be fine!


Feels. I've been volunteering at the local humane society, playing with kittens, and there was one who looked exactly like my old kitty...she had the same half-visible tabby markings and everything...

Aw. :) Sarah misses our cats so much that she goes to this pet store near her where they have cats they're trying to adopt, and she plays with them. The staff know her now, and tell her to come in anytime and play with them. She comes home and tells our cats that she's cheated on them, but it's only because she misses them so much. :lol:

I just need to calm down, and not think about it unless it happens, right?

Right. :yes:

Exactly. :hug: I can understand you feeling that way, though.
Thank you. :hug: He was so young. He and Felix had just turned six about a month and a half before he died. :(

Awwww Kelly :heart:. I hope she and Finn have met in doggie heaven. :) It doesn't sound weird at all, it's a tribute of sorts to her. She still lives on. :)

Ah, same as my break then. Mine did require surgery. I'm in a walking cast right now. She was in a full cast for 13 weeks? Ack. Has she found she has been able to do the things she was able to do before the break? I know it's been a few years, but are there any lingering effects for her?

I'm sure they're romping together. :)

That's the same as your break? She's totally fine now! A neighbour of ours broke his in the same way about a year before she did, and he was gloom and doom, saying that she'll feel it when it rains, or when she's on it too long, etc. But no, she's pretty much been fine. I think it was late last year, about a year and a half after the break, she got a new pair of Converse, and then started having pain in the area, so she went to the clinic at school. The doctor there told her it was unrelated, that Converse suck because they have no support, and to get better shoes. :lol: She did, and she was fine.

She broke hers March 15th, the day before her birthday. She was in a plaster cast for 6 or 7 weeks, and then an air cast/boot the rest of the time. She started physio at about 12 weeks, did that for 5 or 6 weeks, and then had to go back to school within a week or two after that. I was kind of worried about how she'd cope because she does a lot of walking to and from and at school, but after a day or two of getting used to all the walking, she was good to go!
I know what you mean, VP, about seeing "Dirty Dancing" so many times you can recite the lines. When it was on in the theaters back in the day, it was finally moved to the theater that had $1 admission on Tuesday nights. My sister and I ditched our aqua-aerobics class every Tuesday night for 10 weeks to go see it. It got so that people were reciting the lines along with the movie, like at "Rocky Horror Picture Show." Good times! :love:
I'm almost positive it was a spiral fracture. None of the important details get past me. :lol: All I know is I have rods in my leg and plates between my foot and ankle. I'm the bionic woman. :wink:

That actually makes me feel relieved. I've been worried that it would be tough for me to get back on the floor serving and even more long term, the impact on my nursing career.

ETA: Hi MsPurrl! :wave:
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