July 23, 2011 TCF Stadium Minneapolis II - A Sort Of U2 Prairie Homecoming Companion

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I think the trucks typically start rolling in about 6-7 days prior to the show, so this weekend, probably!
GA, please! No clusterfuck! Let those that do their time properly in line get to go in first, and no stampeding.

So, I emailed TCF Bank two days ago, not about the Chicago "we're gonna get you out of the sun" incident, because people familiar with the stadium were saying how TCF is too small to have a concourse (also, we just got really lucky in Chicago, I guess)

In my email to TCF, I quoted and linked the atu2blog's post on Montreal's horrible GA line, while telling them that atu2blog is a popular fansite, which hopefully makes it reputable in their eyes. I also recounted (subtly suggested :lol:) how some stadiums like Soldier Field lets the GA line in small groups at a time to prevent a stampede.

No replies from them, but hopefully this messgae is going past the PR puppets to top brass and security. TCF (like many other stadiums, and especially being a college stadium) will probably not expect U2's GA line to get so hardcore and so early on.

If you think this is a good idea, go ahead and email TCF Bank Stadium about your other good GA experiences (specifically mention tangible things, like "metal barricades"). But hurry. We need all the time for this subtle suggestion to diffuse up to top brass and for them to do something about it by Friday/Saturday!
GA, please! No clusterfuck! Let those that do their time properly in line get to go in first, and no stampeding.

So, I emailed TCF Bank two days ago, not about the Chicago "we're gonna get you out of the sun" incident, because people familiar with the stadium were saying how TCF is too small to have a concourse (also, we just got really lucky in Chicago, I guess)

In my email to TCF, I quoted and linked the atu2blog's post on Montreal's horrible GA line, while telling them that atu2blog is a popular fansite, which hopefully makes it reputable in their eyes. I also recounted (subtly suggested :lol:) how some stadiums like Soldier Field lets the GA line in small groups at a time to prevent a stampede.

No replies from them, but hopefully this messgae is going past the PR puppets to top brass and security. TCF (like many other stadiums, and especially being a college stadium) will probably not expect U2's GA line to get so hardcore and so early on.

If you think this is a good idea, go ahead and email TCF Bank Stadium about your other good GA experiences (specifically mention tangible things, like "metal barricades"). But hurry. We need all the time for this subtle suggestion to diffuse up to top brass and for them to do something about it by Friday/Saturday!

I'm not waiting in the GA line, otherwise I'd help with this.
You should be able to find campus security or the U of MN police force online. Hit them up with GA info, too. It'll only help to have multiple people in charge thinking ahead on this.
Exactly. I've always been happy that way, greed is ruining the process and that's just sad. :shrug:.

I'm trying so hard to resist lining up. I know Travis doesn't want to do it again since this trip is going to be lot on us as it is (8 hours there, 8 back for a barely two day trip is a lot).
I agree with K. This whole sign up thing doesn't really seem fair. If you want to have a good spot, you should have to park your ass in line and stay there.:up:
I figure I'll end up doing the line up all day in GA thing at least once this leg, especially if I'm driving all the way up there. After Pasadena in 2009, I'll keep my expectations for a great lineup procedure somewhat grounded.
The sign-up thing has gotten a bit out of hand. I think it still works, but it does put pressure on people traveling to get there as early as they could.

In 2009 it was also a sign-up procedure, but the sign-up sheet normally did not start until the night before the show. After you signed up, they told you whether to stay in the venue or to just come back during roll-call based on the venue's regulations. I think it is because in 2009 there were only a few people running the line, and since they had to take turns guarding the line, they did not want to overextend themselves by starting the line too early.

Now more and more people volunteer to guard the line in shifts, so inevitably the sign-up sheet starts popping up really early without putting too much pressure on one person being there for the entire time.

Don't be stressed out. You'll get there when you can get there. I had #205 in Nashville, and had the greatest time since I was together with my friends. I'm less worried about the numbering (what number I get) as long as I get there the day before the show. I'm more worried about people who think they are entitled to certain spots on the rail and so they push or annoy people who were there first in hopes they would scoot over and give them space. :down:
I wish nothing but excitement and anticipation for you GA folks this coming week. I do not wish stress upon you.

Find your zen happy place. All will be well. :)

I think I've found my zen happy place about my second-hand tickets as well. ( Thank god. I couldn't handle another week of stressing out about it. :lol: )
It seems like stadiums are really struggling with GA procedures for this tour. I did GA 3 times during the Vertigo Tour, and all three times it was handled pretty well (Boston had the best GA procedures ever). I'm sure a lot of it is the crowd size, but Pasadena was so bad in 2009 that it left many of us with the impression that stadium management was just winging it.
I haven't really seen any catastrophe as far stadium GA procedures this tour. I thought it's been pretty smooth. Yes, there may have been a few quirks here and there, but nothing close to Rose Bowl 2009.

What I have seen is the increase in rudeness of people in GA once you're inside. People who get there in the afternoon and trying to push their way in. People trying to get close to their friends and in turn push other people who were there first. It seems to be very bad inside the pit, although I've seen people in outer rail get squished too.
We arrived late and walked right into the pit in Montreal, however, we did ask those around us if us standing there was ok, and they said yes. I didn't want to ruin anyones view!
What I have seen is the increase in rudeness of people in GA once you're inside. People who get there in the afternoon and trying to push their way in. People trying to get close to their friends and in turn push other people who were there first. It seems to be very bad inside the pit, although I've seen people in outer rail get squished too.

Even outside the pit they can be bad. I suppose one advantage of lining up early is the ability to plant yourself amidst diehard fans.
Well, I walked by there last night. It was pretty dark, but I could tell that the field cover had NOT been installed. It's been pouring rain all morning (4.5" between 9 AM and 12:30 PM here at El Rancho), so I can see staffers waiting until lunchtime to start. The first trucks will probably arrive here from Philadelphia Sunday morning.
I looked at weather.com this morning, and it said severe storms today. :yikes:

Still looking promising for next Saturday.

Although since the high yesterday in Seattle was only 62, I will greatly welcome 85 and sunny next Saturday. God, this summer blows. I welcome a few days of actual heat.
Seriously, what the actual fuck. God, that shit just pisses me off. Such entitlement.

I heard about two instances (it wouldn't surprise me to learn it was the same jerk both times) of people getting a rail spot and some woman trying to bully them into moving "Bitch, you're in my spot" kind of thing.

Christ, what an asshole.
Well, I walked by there last night. It was pretty dark, but I could tell that the field cover had NOT been installed. It's been pouring rain all morning (4.5" between 9 AM and 12:30 PM here at El Rancho), so I can see staffers waiting until lunchtime to start. The first trucks will probably arrive here from Philadelphia Sunday morning.

Thanks for checking! (El Rancho?) We have gotten tons of rain today too. Now stinking hot the next week :angry: but still looks good for Saturday!
I need to drive over to campus on Monday just to make sure I know exactly where I'm going next week. So if there's any action going on I will take photos! :)
I looked at weather.com this morning, and it said severe storms today. :yikes:

Still looking promising for next Saturday.

Although since the high yesterday in Seattle was only 62, I will greatly welcome 85 and sunny next Saturday. God, this summer blows. I welcome a few days of actual heat.

we had quite the downpour this morning. :yikes: It was awful.
Maybe if it pours at the concert, Bono will sing "Get Out Your Boats!" instead of "Get On Your Boots!"

.... yeah, that was pretty bad.
I seriously would not mind ONE summer downpour concert, esp. if it's really hot. ...hopefully no one who went to Montreal1 would have to get rained on, though. ;)
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