July 8th and 9th- Hippodrome- Montreal!! (Part 7)

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Don't feel bad... my entourage will not have a working phone in Canada.:reject: We are going to rely solely on Interference and e-mail for communication.
I just got my bill from Sprint for our time in Winnipeg. 2 calls cost less than $2, and all the data I used (e-mail and Facebook) was barely another $2. So, if I can keep my Int'l phone bill to about a dollar or two per day, that's not bad.

(I won't say what our New Zealand bill came to once, :yikes: )
so that's why you guys need to settle on a place now. Keep in mind a bar will not have "dinner food." That's why I recommended both.

And yes, this will be on the 7th.

Irish pubs usually have dinner food.

I've no clue what our iternary was on the 7th, so I guess it's safer to go for drinks rather than having to be somehwere for dinner at a certain time.

Yeah, usually the easiest meet-up is to say we will be in this bar (that has some food/apps) between this time and this time.

So, I'm for that. Someone make the call on what place and what times.
I've been trying to find a prepaid phone (one of those "pay as you go" types you can pick up for about $20) that will work in Canada, since my carrier doesn't have coverage there. If I find anything (I've been too busy to search much yet!) I'll post here so those of you in the same no international plan boat can know, too!
I was just about to ask the same question, if this was the night of the 7th we're talking about...but I kinda just waited to see if someone mentioned it or asked first :reject: :lol:

I'll get charged for texting Canadian numbers too, I think.

All the pubs sound divine :drool: They don't card at the door, do they? I mean you can go in and eat if you're under, what is it, 19?

Are you under 19? If so, I guess we need to take that into consideration. Legal drinking age in Canada is 19, though so if you're 19 or older you should be fine.

so that's why you guys need to settle on a place now. Keep in mind a bar will not have "dinner food." That's why I recommended both.

And yes, this will be on the 7th.

Don't feel bad... my entourage will not have a working phone in Canada.:reject: We are going to rely solely on Interference and e-mail for communication.

How will you get Interference/email if you're out and about? Or will you just have to check at the hotel occasionally? I'm bringing my laptop - must check with hotel to see if they have ethernet/wifi. If not, I guess there's no point to bringing it.

Yeah, usually the easiest meet-up is to say we will be in this bar (that has some food/apps) between this time and this time.

So, I'm for that. Someone make the call on what place and what times.

I say let Romi make the call. He's been there before. Romi, just keep in mind some people will want at least something to eat (appetizers or whatever), not everyone drinks beer (apparently Mark drinks wine and I perfer the hard stuff :giggle: ) and we're not all staying in the same location. But just go ahead and pick something that you think will work for the greatest majority of us. If we can make it, cool. If not, we've got 2 days in line to meet n greet.

OK. We are meeting at this place: La Vieux Dublin Pub at 7 p.m. on July 7.


They have food in the $10-$15 range. Their kitchen closes at 9:30 p.m.

Is that good for everyone?
Also be careful with those cell phones. I took my work phone to Montreal and Quebec last year. I came back with a $500-bill. My boss was not happy.
That Irish pub is about 10 minutes from the cool sights of Old Montreal. Anyone who wants to come there with me and my group before or after is welcome.
:up: That pub works for me. As long as I can get a poor man's Black Velvet I'm happy!

I just checked, and apparently texting for me is 55 cents a piece. That's not too disastrous. I can let people know where I am.
Add your name if you are coming (quote and then add your name so we always have a list of everyone)

Roman (Romi)
Michelle (U2Mama) + 3?
Laura (Lauramullen)
Jorge (maybe... if he's not too drunk already)
Mark (Kramwest1) + Heather

(keep adding names like this, please)
just for the dinner/drinks. send me a message if you want to hang out some more before or after
I say let Romi make the call. He's been there before. Romi, just keep in mind some people will want at least something to eat (appetizers or whatever), not everyone drinks beer (apparently Mark drinks wine and I perfer the hard stuff :giggle: ) and we're not all staying in the same location. But just go ahead and pick something that you think will work for the greatest majority of us. If we can make it, cool. If not, we've got 2 days in line to meet n greet.

I like wine because I can drink it w/o worry. I can only stomach one beer (maybe 2) in a night.
Love cocktails and will indulge, but I should watch what and how many to some degree.
How will you get Interference/email if you're out and about? Or will you just have to check at the hotel occasionally? I'm bringing my laptop - must check with hotel to see if they have ethernet/wifi. If not, I guess there's no point to bringing it.

My husband just bought one of those Google based androids, and it has been attached to him whenever we travel. As long as there is free wifi, we should be all set. I am not sure if we will bring it to the concert site... I am hoping to find some wandering peacocks there.:wink:
Make sure Edge is properly dressed by then and you'll have no trouble. :shifty:

I'm fine with joining you guys for drinks. :)

*snort* Fine, fine, clothes back on before the plane goes down. Lands. Whatever you want to call it.

I keep saying I'm going to need a giant vat of booze as soon as I land in Montreal to recover from the trip, so maybe I'll just head straight from the airport to the pub and get comfy. :D Except NO! Must go visit the claw first.

OK. We are meeting at this place: La Vieux Dublin Pub at 7 p.m. on July 7.


They have food in the $10-$15 range. Their kitchen closes at 9:30 p.m.

Is that good for everyone?

That place looks perfect!

Add your name if you are coming (quote and then add your name so we always have a list of everyone)

Roman (Romi)
Michelle (U2Mama) + 3?
Laura (Lauramullen)
Jorge (maybe... if he's not too drunk already)
Mark (Kramwest1) + Heather

(keep adding names like this, please)

I'm in :D
can you guys add your name to the actual list? As in, if you're in, copy and paste everyone else's names and then add your own under them.

Roman (Romi)
Michelle (U2Mama) + 3?
Laura (Lauramullen)
Jorge (maybe... if he's not too drunk already)
Mark (Kramwest1) + Heather
Kristen (KristenCaNaDiAn)
Paul (paulrg) for sure
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