Plan and discuss Interference/U2 gatherings here. Find a penpal or cyberpal that shares your interest in U2. Post about your local U2 Tribute band shows here as well. We LOVE Pics!
Off-topic forum. Drop in, order a glass of lemonade and talk with other U2 fans about what you're reading, looking at, watching, or a hobby. There is a sub-forum for General music, sports, TV, and movies.
This is the Green Room of the board... anything and everything pretty much goes here. Beware ;) Please include "It's Official" or similar in your thread titles.
For musicians who want to know all the tech how's and why's. Equipment, setup, and technique discussion. Discuss guitar and bass tabs as well as chords. Tribute band 101 in this forum!
Never made it to Zoo-TV or have new sins to confess? Need to get something personal off your chest or discuss personal issues? This is the place to do it.
This is a general discussion area about U2 and their faith as found in their lyrics, their own words, as well as books written by others on this subject of their spirituality. Not to be used for debates/discussions on religion (use FYM for that).
This is where you can list any U2 collectibles to trade, buy, or sell. U2 collectible discussion welcome.This is NOT intended for commercial vendors, or similar activity. Ask questions and get information about U2 collecting.
Discuss what's going on in the world of music technology on the internet. This forum is for U2 related Audio/Video threads ONLY. You must login to view this forum!