Your most exciting tour moments

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
nurse chrissi said:
loads of great moments but one of my favorites thus far would have to be standing in the ellipse at the rail with 4 other very cool members of interference (you all know who you are). Being able to experience the show so close to the band with people who are just as big of fans as you are is one of the best experiences of the tour

a close second - at a the night before a show with a bunch of interference people - some of the crew are there as well - the video for Sunday Bloody Sunday come on the screens and the whole place goes just a little bit quite - then you start hearing some snickering and one of the crew members (in an Irish accent) saying quite loudly "what a bunch of bloody idiots" -with love of course


bonoishot said:
So many good things about the tour

*seeing my 1st U2 show at Manchester and being front rail, then getting front rail again the 2nd night :drool:

*Meeting some of my friends off here and meeting more interferencers along the way :hug:

*Travelling to Toronto and Chicago in September to see the band (and my friends)

*Meeting Edge on the day of my 22nd birthday in Chicago (21st September) :hyper:


*Seeing The Electric Co, Whos Gonna Ride YOur Wild Horses, Fast Cars, 40, Bad and Discotheque the 2 times they played it :drool:

*Being stood feet away from Bono and Larry :happy: (though sadly not meeting them properly)

*Getting in the ellipse 4 out of 5 times for the Toronto, Chicago and Boston shows :faint: and being front rail on the outside rail of the ellipse the time i didnt scan in

*Going to Boston in December to see them (and friends) and all the meals out/drinks i had with friends on tour

So much fun, thanks to U2 and all the people who helped make my 2005 so great :heart:


Jemma, you and all the other Plebans are all part of my incredible memories of 2005 (along with about 3/4 of the people posting in this thread!). So great to hear everyone recounting these favorite moments. What an uplifting thread :up:
ruffian said:

Jemma, you and all the other Plebans are all part of my incredible memories of 2005 (along with about 3/4 of the people posting in this thread!). So great to hear everyone recounting these favorite moments. What an uplifting thread :up:

Ruff :hug::heart: you're part of mine aswell with the pleban gang

hopefully see you in June :) :hug:

and you're right its an uplifting thread :up:
Great thread! I've really enjoyed reading everyone's posts.

Here are my happy tour memories:

--flying out to Phoenix, a place I'd never visited before, and falling in love with the desert

--while in Phoenix, getting to meet a U2 online friend in person for the first time

--also in Phoenix, getting to see/hear Bad and a snippet of In God's Country

--My first GA experience ever in Chicago; got to meet some really great people while in line

--Getting Bono's autograph and seeing him up close on his birthday

--Traveling to Vegas for the first time in my life; seeing In a Little While with Brandon Flowers and One with Mary J. Blige was amazing.

--GA again in St. Louis; getting to meet another online U2 friend in person for the first time; waiting outside in the rain and then cool weather all day--so worth it! And getting a reaction from both Bono and Adam for our sign--and then meeting Joe O'Herlihy after the show.

Such happy memories. What a great year this has been for U2 fans! :heart:
Waiting all day outside the Los Angeles Sports Arena on the chance we might get in to the final dress rehearsal....

Getting in :)

Seeing the "official" opening night 2 nights later.
- queueing all day for London in searing heat and then being within a few rows of the stage. Never been so close before.
- 2 nights in Dublin
- travelling to the US, meeting some great people
- getting in to the ellipse in Boston & MSG
- getting utterly wasted in a bar playing nothing but U2 in NY after the Saturday MSG show

Generally just the whole excitement of following the tour all over the place, roll on the next chance to do this.
By the looks of the posts this thread is just about Vertigo Tour...

- seeing the Band arrive in December in Boston

- getting into the ellipse at the last show I attended (Hartford)

- hearing Arcade Fire's Wake Up before every show

- Boston's third encore

- actually hearing the Band play An Cat Dubh/Into the Heart again after so many years

- seeing Edge rip a massive solo in Pride in Hartford and seeing the reactions of Bono and Adam to it.

- seeing Edge go off in his solo during Electric Co.

- Bono chasing Edge around the Ellipse

There were so many more - meeting a bunch of great people at the shows. This gets me so excited for the next tour and i hope to meet some Interlanders.
When Bono launched into "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses" favorite song of all-time...while standing less than 10 feet from me. That was just so incredibly wonderful.
lisa2004 said:
1 - Hearing them soundcheck "I Will Follow" outside Manc 1.

2 - When the music to WOWY kicked in at Manc 1

3 - Meeting Bono in London

4 - Meeting Adam in Manchester

And just the whole GA experience in Manc - everyone at the front of gate Y were so so nice and I think loved the fact that 3 U2 tour virgins were going crazy and getting more and more excited as time wore on!!!!!!
Agree to all of that except 3+4 you where lucky there,i would also like to add getting the wrist bands when at times we thought every other entrance was getting let in and we where going to miss out.
Roll on the next tour!!!!!!
Meeting Bono last May
Being lucky enough to stand in front of Adam and meet in the ellipse, Montreal:faint:
My first show in 2001 in Albany:up: Streets was on fire:combust: so exciting!
Opening night, the whole thing.

Seeing the first Anaheim show when U2 totally changed the opening and turning to my friend and saying, "Oh my God" a few thousand times at how gutsy and awesome U2 is.

Meeting Edge and Adam in Los Angeles and getting to tell both of them how blown away I was by the show.

Meeting Steve Lillywhite and developing a total crush on him (he's adorably fab).

Getting a set list on Nov. 1 in LA. That whole show was tops--great seats, great performances, singing "Happy Birthday" to Larry, etc.

Being totally giddy passing the binoculars between my friends from our rear-view seats in Vegas.

Finally hearing "Original of the Species" in New York in November and being brought nearly to tears by how much more beautiful that song is live. And "Instant Karma" featuring Patti Smith closing off the show, that rocked.
What a great thread.

1. Mexico City 1 - As "Wake Up" played over the PA, the guys came down this big ramp behind the stage... the 75,000 fanatical U2 fans in the crowd could see them, and erupted into this huge, loud roar that caused the guys to stop dead in their tracks, startled at the noise, and wave to us before continuing down to the stage.... absolutely electric.

2. Getting scanned into the Ellipse for the first time at San Jose 1. I jumped up and down like a psycho, shouting, "YEAH!!" like I'd just won the real lottery. I think winning the real lottery would be less exciting, actually.

3. Travelling to Las Vegas and witnessing the best show of Leg 3, Vegas 2 with Flowers and Blige. It was the only non-GA show I saw, but we sat only 8 rows from Adam and got to see the amazing light show in its full glory for the first time.

4. Being the numbers man at the Portland GA and meeting so many cool U2 fans from all over the world. It was so damned cold and miserable that day that most of us were as happy to get inside to warm up as we were to see the final gig of the year. The ordeal only served to create a massive bonding experience for everyone who was inside the Ellipse and near the rail of the GA that night, making the show feel like a family gathering.

5. Edge's solo at the end of LAPOE, the musical highlight of the tour for me. Combine that with Bono's manic drumming at the end, then Larry kicking in with the start of SBS, and we had one of the great rock 'n roll moments of the past 50 years.

6. Watching Bono dance with Alli and Iris at the two San Jose shows during MY. Iris especially brought the house down... I've never seen anyone dance as good as her at a U2 show, not even Edge's wife.

7. Oakland 2's great setlist, with IWF and Gloria back-to-back, then an enthusiastic version of Fast Cars (with Courtney on tambourine) and Bad at the end. Very underrated show.

8. The "Thank You" sign fan-action at Portland (thank you Miroslava and Miriam!), then the Thank You t-shirt action by U2's crew, standing around the Ellipse. It was great to see the show come to a halt for awhile, the guys were truly pleased.

9. Bono emerging onto the tip of the Ellipse, as COBL opens, confetti rains down on us, and the fans go wild. After waiting in line all day to get in, the feeling I had during those moments made everything worth it.

10. Hearing OOTS for the first time at San Jose 2. They hadn't practiced it very much, you could tell, but it was so unexpected and heartfelt. I'll never forget Adam's look of happiness and surprise when they finished, he looked at Edge and said, "Wow!".

11. Meeting Bono before the San Jose 1 show. He was so cool and friendly, he stayed for 20 minutes and signed autographs for everyone, chatting away and posing for photos. I don't think Jagger or McCartney or anyone else that big does things like that.

Thank God I'm a U2 fan.
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-seeing an opening show in San Diego and not knowing what was gonna happen.

-Sleeping in GA line, meeting amazing people and getting into the ellipse with them!

-getting pulled up on stage to dance with Bono

-getting Edge's pick

-Arcade Fire on stage with U2

-seeing the shopping carts instead of the achtung baby ... DISCOTHEQUE!!!!!!

-meeting amazing people along the way!
- seeing U2 in MY COUNTRY LIVE again,, after 8 f***ing years...

- practicaly not sleeping and get ona bus to go to Argentina, ALONE, and even there, not sleeping on a bed until wednesday since sunday

- spending almost 3/4 over of the real price ona ticket that got me to: watch Bono sneaking for COBL, AND touch his shoulder; stare and stare and stare a beautiful girl that I had no chances fo meeting (but we talk on MSN now :hyper:); and SEE LIVE FAST CARS AND LOVE IS BLINDNESS :love:

- having THE BEST week of my life

- making me spend money on loterry to go to hawaii :wink:
Wow! I just stumbled upon this thread. I have SO many memories.....

~Opening show SD1, my 1st U2 show Live shared in great seats near the floor with my sister (also HER 1st U2 live show)

~All the great Interferencers I've met and come to know online :hug: and the fun setlist parties!

~Scanning into the elipse in Vegas & catching confetti as it fell during COBL, that song takes me right back to the moment of each show I saw this tour, I LOVE that song!

~Watching each of the members of U2 right in front of us on the ramp from inside the elipse...we could reach out and almost touch them!

~Bono singing SYCMIOYO in front of us which brought tears to our eyes (my sister's and mine).

~Seats behind the stage at Vegas2 really weren't bad at all!

~Everything about the last show in Portland, but especially the reaction from the band, especially Bono at the Thank You signs. It was worth all the photocopying, hauling them in my luggage and passing them out!

And now.....I am anticipating Hawaii's show which I know will hold many more very dear memories. Again GA.

It's all been worth the time I've taken off work, the money I've run up on credit cards, emptied savings account and loans to have seen the shows I was lucky enough to see this tour!

It's not over. :wink:

U2 Rocks :rockon: :heart:
-Seeing the stage thru the stadium entrances and dying of excitement
-Seeing U2 for the first time in SYDNEY AUSTRALIA from shitty nosebleed seats but time of my life anyways!
-Lining up for 15 hours outside telstra stadium making friends with the fellow obsessed u2 maniacs!
-Front row spot in the ellipse to make up for my shitty seats the nite before!!!!!
-bono blowing a kiss in my direction
-screaming "we love you bono" wen he was doing his dramatic blindfolded scene and having him TURN TOWARDS MY DIRECTION WOOOO HOOOOOO

$200....15 HOURS IN THE SUN....front row at u2....WORTH IT!
* Entire first concert the other night. Nothing else like it in the world.
* Making Larry smile within the first song! For ages!
* Having Bono stick out his chest toward me and my friends in a "hero" pose on the walkway.
* Playing poker and soccer, having geography and history lessons in the world of U2, and joining in on massive sing-a-longs with my fellow U2-obssessees for over a day in the sun. Not fun losing $15 in blackjack, but hey, the things you endure to see the boys...
* Kind of heartwrenching, but the guy next to me crying while he sang during Sunday Bloody Sunday. His best mate died in the Bali Bombings (Bono dedicated the song to the victims) and the mate's favourite song was Bloody Sunday.
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playing pool at the Brisbane PopMart aftershow party with the drummer from Sidewinder against........
Larry Mullen Jr!

It is two all and I want a final decider!

I'll be hunting Larry down for one last game!
- Actually getting the November tickets for my FIRST U2 show after all 4 LA shows in the spring sold out and missing the elevation tour due to MONEY

-Getting to my "row 11" side view seat and FREAKING out when I discovered it was actually row 3 ...right by Adam and Larry at the Staples center in LA last November

- Adam smiling and nodding at me when most around me were sitting down (briefly)

- my jaw hanging open and unable to sing along for like 30 minutes. I was in awe and shock

I can't wait for Honolulu! my first GA. I can't afford it but hell, we only live once :-D
The first time I got Bono eye contact :drool: I was terrified, in lust, and most of all spellbound in a way I can only hope someone else will some day match.

The man just looks straight into your soul...
-Being right down the front for Brisbane Vertigo-waited 8 hours in the Aussie sun, but it was so worth it!

-And then...during SYCMIOYO Bono stopped on the runway and stared straight into my eyes, this drawn out, intense look full of pathos and thought...we locked eyes, and I saw him not at that moment as a rock star, but as a deep man who was hurting for a lost loved one. I smiled at him encouragingly, thinking of how I felt when my late uncle shuffled off the mortal coil...then Bono moved on, and all the girls around me started screaming to me, OMG HE STARED RIGHT AT YOU FOR AGES! HE SO LOOKED AT YOU!

-After the show my friend saying, "That was so weird the way Bono looked at you..."

-Getting dragged into my boss's office that Friday with him accusing me of fraud (for getting 2 days' sick pay) and going AWOL for the concert, and shirking my responsibilities (even though I had that 2 days' worth of work done before I left) and telling him I didn't ask for sick pay, his admin just gave it to me when I said I wouldn't be in for two days. What I didn't tell him was that I regretted nothing, and I'd do it again in a flash!

-Getting blistering sunburn that I'm still peeling from, and tan lines all for the cause of BONO!
meeting bono outside the pepsi center in denver on 4/21/05.another fan caught my handshake w/bono,took a pic and posted it on this web site (as well as others).now i am frozen in cyberspace w/ the b-man
Lots of things, but definately meeting all four members of the band, shaking hands, having a few words and possessing the autographs in my U2 by U2 book, lots of pics and video footage to keep from that particular day.

They say you should never meet your idols because you might end up disappointed. That statement couldn't be any further from the truth on this occasion.

Thanks U2.
neilm, you're so right when it comes to U2!

I love this thread. So many of us from all over the world sharing our thoughts.

Making new friends from different countries in the queues and at the second Auckland concert.

Bono, right in front of us after singing Sometimes, I cried for him.

Edge, Mysterious Ways, again right in front of us and winking and smiling at my daughter.

One Tree Hill, so very special for us in New Zealand, thank you so much U2.

Spending time with Larry on an Auckland street at 1.00 am. Finding out he has a wicked sense of humour!

The whole band giving us autographs the day after the last show, when we thought they'd already left for Japan. Bono's soft, musical voice. Edge blushing when my daughter kissed him (she's only 15!). Adam the gentleman, taking his time to talk to everyone. Larry remembering us, smiling and laughing!

The best of times.
Oh gosh...what beautiful posts all of you!! Unfortunately i've never had the fortune of meeting any of U2...never in the right place at the right time (story of my life LOL). Neither have i had that front row eye contact with a band member which must just be SO special. But most exciting moments...

1. The MASSIVE adrenaline rush as COBL started, and the huge rush of emotion as I (and everyone around me) screamed out 'OH YOU LOOK SO BEAUTIFUL!!!' It was exactly 13 years to the day since I'd seen U2, and I swear 13 years worth of anticipation, longing and dreaming came pouting out of me at that moment!!

2. Being only a couple of feet from Bono as he sang Miss Sarajevo, a song I was certain i would never hear live. Trying to take in every moment, every emotion etched on Bonos face, and completely losing my mind as he sang the opera part...just beautiful.

3. Crying like a baby during Kite. I knew the setlist...I knew what was coming...yet the sheer beauty of that song (always my fav off ATYCLB) just blew me away. Again only feet away from Bono, but knowing somewhere in the back of my mind that I may never ever again have the chance to be so close to the man who i have idolised for the past 18 years of my life.

I always felt an amazing emotional connection listening to U2's music, and had gotten emotional at both the shows I'd seen previously, but this time round something was different, perhaps being older, and reflecting on life, seeing paralells between the songs and my life...I don't know...but I doubt if I'll ever feel as connected as I did that night.

sorry for the rambling....
-MSG 5/21 seeing the band in concert for the 1st time

-MSG 10/14 shaking Edge's hand and giving him the 1st caption book

-MSG 11/22 seeing U2 play with one of their musical idols Patti Smith on stage

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