What Are You Doing Now?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Oct 10, 2005
Winding down from the day, seeing what's for supper
What your dinner? I meant did talk of me being drunk shock you?! :wink:

How was your day at work? I'm off to bed pretty soon actually as i'm tired even though i had a good sleep :huh: odd eh! I don't get it at all :(
Oh no Susan not at all I was just kidding with you. I feel a little tipsy myself right now.

I had the day off, but will have to work the next two days.

Have a good sleep! :hug: :wave:
Ah, i see! That's good - we could be drunk together someday, perhaps :wink:

Hope you had a good day off :wave: :hug:

Might see you tom night, take care! :wink:
Enjoying the freedom of the long weekend I have ahead of me :wink:
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