US Politics XXXVII: hiiiii Kevin, I’m your biggest fan!

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And that’s where you’d be wrong. Tell me Diamond Mine isn’t a drag name. How about Queen Coal? Maybe a duo - Salt and Lime.

Here all week, thank you.
Yet he's still not a Jet.
I'd say there's still a 30% chance this blows up and the Jets are left with Mrs. Wilson's son.

Yeah Rodgers was trying his best to look like the good guy while also trying to make the Packers look greedy. But the Packers hold all the cards here. They still own the player. If the Jets want to go all in, time to pay up.
Zach Wilson will be a better QB than 39 year old Rodgers who plays like he doesn't give a fuck the last few years and accidentally won the MVP twice and lost to Brady on his way to his 7th SB.
So cut to Trump vs Biden again. Biden has a stroke. It's Kamala vs Trump. And people hate women. And black woman. So Trump wins.

Trust your Jewish and other minority friends... ask your gay cousins ... or your one black friend... don't trust straight white people to do the right thing.

K, I can't help it clerks :)

Gonna offer just a little general pushback on a few of the many takes from the past couple pages.

You've found a home here, though :)
We out here acting like one-lung Don isn’t equally (if not more) likely to fall over and die versus Joe Biden. They’re both dinosaurs and should both be retired.

A Eugene high school is fielding furious questions from parents after Churchill High’s health teacher and football coach assigned students to write a short story about a sexual fantasy short of having sex.

The goal of the assignment, which was first reported by TV station KEZI in Eugene, was to demonstrate that it was possible to “show and receive loving physical affection without having sex,” according to screenshots shared with The Oregonian/OregonLive by Churchill High parents.

Teacher Kirk Miller wrote that students’ short essays should not involve “penetration of any kind or oral sex,” but that they should reference at least three items from a list of suggestions, including “romantic music, candles, massage oil, feathers, a feather boa and flavored syrup.”

Another assignment by Miller, who is new to the school this year, was titled “With Whom Would You Do It,” said parent Katherine Rogers, whose 16-year-old daughter attends Churchill but was not in the class. The instructions for that assignment read: “List on the handout the initials of a male or a female that you would do each activity with. You may use the same person for multiple activities.”

Miller did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday.

Parents said that the activities in question were sexual in nature, spanning kissing to oral sex. Rogers said her understanding was that students in the class felt “mortified, awkward and creeped out,” by the assignments. Some students chose to respond to the fantasy assignment from the point of a view of a character in the cartoon “Kung Fu Panda” to avoid being too personal, she said.

“What are we promoting?” Rogers asked. “What is an adult doing with this information?”

Weird... I was told none of this is happening, and it's all just in my right-wing imagination. Or, as "dan smee" would say, my "puritanical, close-minded" imagination.

"Okay 16-year-olds, it's time to hand in your erotic stories that I'll read through while in my bathtub tonight. What? Perverted? No! This is just an assignment about... uhh.... showing love, or something."

This is beyond creepy and borderline illegal. And yet, Doug Emhoff (who is as much of a worthless piece of shit as his dumbass wife) believes that if I were to show up at a school board meeting and confront this pathetic, perverted "assignment," that I'd be showing the same kind of hate that led to the Holocaust. These people are evil.

But remember, guys, these people always know better than us* and we're never to question what they're doing, especially to to our kids.

* See also: the Newark sister-city story.

Weird... I was told none of this is happening, and it's all just in my right-wing imagination. Or, as "dan smee" would say, my "puritanical, close-minded" imagination.

"Okay 16-year-olds, it's time to hand in your erotic stories that I'll read through while in my bathtub tonight. What? Perverted? No! This is just an assignment about... uhh.... showing love, or something."

This is beyond creepy and borderline illegal. And yet, Doug Emhoff (who is as much of a worthless piece of shit as his dumbass wife) believes that if I were to show up at a school board meeting and confront this pathetic, perverted "assignment," that I'd be showing the same kind of hate that led to the Holocaust. These people are evil.

But remember, guys, these people always know better than us* and we're never to question what they're doing, especially to to our kids.

* See also: the Newark sister-city story.

want to have a discussion of all of the priests and right wing activists caught molesting kids?

'cause we can.
want to have a discussion of all of the priests and right wing activists caught molesting kids?

'cause we can.

Do you want to talk about Ed Buck and Patrick Wojahn and Neil Goldschmidt and Harvey Weinstein? I'm actually opposed to anyone molesting kids regardless of who they are, so I'm not sure where you're going.

So, do you want to discuss my post, or deflect to something that's not really relevant?

What are your thoughts on what I posted?

my thoughts are that it's quite easy to cherry pick a story that fits your given narrative.

the teacher in question should be fired and stripped of his license.

generally? parents should have input into education - but should not have control. you can not allow the political whims of a particular party to teach falsehoods in order to fit in with their chosen narrative.

high school students should be taught sexual education - including scientifically accurate teachings around gender.

children should be taught of the awful history of racism in this country. that's not to say that we should erase or "cancel" every founding father because they owned slaves. i don't agree with that either. but perspective is good.

the problem with the right - desantis and whatnot - is that you all only want to focus on the things you want to focus on.

you know - like picking out this article as some sort of proof of a pattern.
oh - and as for the idea that systemic abuse in the catholic church is irrelevant to the discussion at hand - i think not. pointing out hypocrisy is always relevant, especially as your party continues to attack LGBTQ+ individuals as pariahs.

you don't want to go down this road. you're out of your element.

Weird... I was told none of this is happening, and it's all just in my right-wing imagination. Or, as "dan smee" would say, my "puritanical, close-minded" imagination.

"Okay 16-year-olds, it's time to hand in your erotic stories that I'll read through while in my bathtub tonight. What? Perverted? No! This is just an assignment about... uhh.... showing love, or something."

This is beyond creepy and borderline illegal. And yet, Doug Emhoff (who is as much of a worthless piece of shit as his dumbass wife) believes that if I were to show up at a school board meeting and confront this pathetic, perverted "assignment," that I'd be showing the same kind of hate that led to the Holocaust. These people are evil.

But remember, guys, these people always know better than us* and we're never to question what they're doing, especially to to our kids.

* See also: the Newark sister-city story.

So, this teacher should be at the very least fired. Clearly some pervert who shouldn't hold the job. Don't see where this becomes political though. How do you know the political leanings of this guy? Just because he's a degenerate perv doesn't automatically make him a libtard.
This is a bit of a different case than some of the things that have people up in arms, this is not something in a school district's curriculum, it's one person's doing.

Weird... I was told none of this is happening, and it's all just in my right-wing imagination. Or, as "dan smee" would say, my "puritanical, close-minded" imagination.

"Okay 16-year-olds, it's time to hand in your erotic stories that I'll read through while in my bathtub tonight. What? Perverted? No! This is just an assignment about... uhh.... showing love, or something."

This is beyond creepy and borderline illegal. And yet, Doug Emhoff (who is as much of a worthless piece of shit as his dumbass wife) believes that if I were to show up at a school board meeting and confront this pathetic, perverted "assignment," that I'd be showing the same kind of hate that led to the Holocaust. These people are evil.

But remember, guys, these people always know better than us* and we're never to question what they're doing, especially to to our kids.

* See also: the Newark sister-city story.

Well, you were right about the midterms …
my thoughts are that it's quite easy to cherry pick a story that fits your given narrative.

Cherry-picking, really? Between this story, and child drag shows (which are perverted and not normal, no matter how much you guys here mock the opposition to them), and teachers encouraging their students to experiment with their gender, and so-called "experts" saying that wanting your child to grow up to be cisgender is "unethical,".... there's a disturbing trend, and as a parent, it's one that I'm going to fight against when I see it. This goes well beyond basic sex-ed. This is grooming at worst, and weird and gross at best. But when the Second Gentleman, if that's what he's called, says that anger at school board meetings over things like this is akin to what sparked the Holocaust? What a fucking asshole. We recently decided that we're going to be home-schooling our kids, and while I was skeptical at first, I'm more and more onboard every day.

oh - and as for the idea that systemic abuse in the catholic church is irrelevant to the discussion at hand - i think not. pointing out hypocrisy is always relevant, especially as your party continues to attack LGBTQ+ individuals as pariahs.

I'm not Catholic, and I've got no love for the Catholic church. If you're implying that Catholics are overwhelmingly on the political right, though, that's not true. So I genuinely don't get why you brought them up.
Don't see where this becomes political though. How do you know the political leanings of this guy? Just because he's a degenerate perv doesn't automatically make him a libtard.

Never said he was. But let's be honest, if he's a teacher in Oregon, it's likely. My point was the connection between speaking out against this assignment and an increasing number of examples of things like this, and Kamala Harris's husband saying that this kind of anger is what started the Holocaust. And no pushback to this.
and there it is.

if you didn't live in your fox news right wing bubble - you'd know that most of what you're arguing - that teachers are encouraging students to experiment with their gender - is absolute bullshit. it's not happening on any sort of scale. kinda like that voter fraud thing you all like to harp on.

are there anecdotal examples of it happening? i'm sure there are. that doesn't mean it actually happens at any sort of scale.

the whole "GROOMERS" argument is absurdity.

the overwhelming - as in over 90% - of sexual abuse is committed by those close to the victim. kids are infinitely more likely to be abused by a relative than anyone else. those are the actual facts.

kids who are LGBTQ+ are also MUCH more likely to be victims of abuse themselves. they are also much more likely to commit suicide.

but GOD FORBID we upset you by teaching in school that it's okay if you feel different.

this idea that kids are deciding to become gay or transgender because a teacher taught them it was okay is absolutely absurd and flies in the face of actual science. you are who you are because of genetics - not because of a health teacher.

if a child is gay, they're going to be gay whether they're sent to public school, private school, religious school or home schooled. unfortunately in some of those situations the child will be made to feel ashamed of themselves - leading to mental health issues that could turn fatal.

but sure - drag shows.
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