US Politics XXIV: Your Country Sucks

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Can't imagine where he got it from

I may have said this before, but I really mean it this time.
What the actual fuck

Was watching him live do his briefing last night and saw this. And nobody follows up or raises an eyebrow.
A little later a reporter asks him (he started this briefing talking about how much better we were doing regards to economic recovery from the pandemic than Europe) why we have had over 1,000 deaths daily from Covid-19 and Europe has had relatively few including 0 in UK and France on recent days. He responds "not deaths, more cases, we have more cases" and moves to the next question. Nobody bats an eye, just lets him get away with spewing bullshit.
the idea that i may never be able to listen to Touch the Sky or Flashing Lights again because of this jackass's behaviour over a decade after writing those songs breaks my heart. but at least for now i have stopped listening to his music - i can't support any of this, however miniscule my contribution to his bank account with a few spotify streams here and there might actually be.

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“I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes…. Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else… Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.”

— Donald Trump. In 1991

Proceed with caution.

Don’t make me feel like I’m defending this animal, I’m not. I’m just making a case as to why he doesn’t give a shit about anyone, period.
Pardon the long, and maybe boring post for some, but hope there are some polling nerds that may enjoy it.

I think we are at an interesting point right now. No conventions have happened yet, and the results of Covid and opening schools won't really be seen for a few weeks.

While we will probably see another round of polls after the DNC. After that, the next round of polls that actually give us a good idea of the state of race probably won't hit until around the second week of September.

Here is where things stand right now. This is all from 538. The National Average and then I listed the most competitive "swing" states from Biden's lead - least to greatest. I also included early voting info that I could find, that gives you an idea that the election really begins in late Sept. to Mid October for most.

National Average is now +8.4 for Biden

Swing states

IA - Trump 1.5 - Early voting Oct. 5th
TX - Trump .8 - Early voting Oct. 20th - Good luck voting by mail here.
OH - Tied - Early voting Oct. 3rd
GA - Tied - Early voting Oct. 12th
NC - 1.4 - Early voting Oct. 15th
AZ - 3.4 - Early voting Oct. 7th
FL - 5.2 - Early voting Oct. 24th and no excuse mail voting
MN - 5.4 (crazy MN polls lately, see if this is real over the next month) Early vote Sep. 18th.
NV - 6.4 - Early voting Oct. 17th
PA - 6.4 - No early voting - but no excuse mail in
WI - 6.9 - Early voting variable, sketchy mail in rules
MI - 7.4 - No early voting - but no excuse mail in

One thing to notice off the bat is that there are 12 states that are swing states now. I would say that his is about 50% more than were realistically available for Clinton.
The other is that the 3 most important states remain the best for Biden.
Remember, that if Biden wins those three, that's all he needs.
I personally think that FL and AZ are very likely to go for Biden, giving Biden 318 to 220. Any more would be gravy, but obviously helpful to send a message.

And probably the number that keeps me sleeping better at night is FL still up around 6. Without FL, it is all over for Trump.

The effect of Harris on the ticket, I don't think will be reflected in the polls so much - maybe a very small bump - But I think it will be a more unseen solidifier and excitement boost. Most people won't be swayed at this point to say,
"well, I was gonna vote for Trump, but now Harris is on the ticket!! Whoa, I'm all for Biden"

But what it will very likely do, is take many voters that were saying "well, I guess I gotta vote for Biden" to "I'm really excited now to get out and vote for Biden/Harris"
This is also good to move over some undecideds.

One side note on that. I think we should look at polls in FL, AZ, and TX post-Harris. From the coverage I've seen, the immigrant communities have been very happy with the Harris pick. So we shall see.

I've been really pleasantly surprised at the outpouring of excitement for the Harris pick. I think you will see new enthusiasm and purpose for communities of color that are feeling seen and heard for the first time in a long time.

If any of that boosts Biden in the polls remains to be seen, or only helps once the election arrives. Either way, Harris seems to be a big positive for the ticket.

Why can’t the Dems impeach ? I get the outcome won’t be removal but this is serious shit he’s doing. This is more than asking a foreign country for dirt, this is directly destroying our democracy

First - Jesus Fucking Christ. This is complete insanity. Truly unnerving. I would hope their could be some way to deal with this in the courts or something. But Trump may have found the one way to fix the election, with no way for Congress or anyone else to do anything about it.

Second. I agree with your sentiment, but The time for impeachment is gone. We are literally 45 days away from some states to begin casting ballots. It would take them weeks just to start getting hearings going for impeachment. So that ship has sailed.
In 2016, 36.6% of all voters voted early.

Given everything going into this election, I can’t imagine why that number wouldn’t double. The vast majority of voters will have made up their minds after the debates (and I’m being generous with that timeframe), so who in their right mind would want to wait until Election Day to stand in line with hundreds of others to cast their vote? At the very least to vote on a more convenient day than the first Tuesday in November.

Now I don’t know know how many early voting places there are in each state, but with all the blatant sabotage of the postal service, the Dems should be focussed on getting people to these early booths as often as possible before Election Day. Voting in person is always best, but doing so early to avoid the lines and at your convenience is even better.
You’ll note that that’s referencing a different quote altogether, though.

And it’s clear he doesn’t give a shit about anyone. But it’s also clear he’s got some racist beliefs.

No it’s not. The statement is not out of line with something he said but there’s no evidence that points towards him having made it.

Donald Trump hates poor people and people who are different from him. Donald Trump, like the rest of America and yourself and myself included, suffers from some sense of covert racism. He’s not out there, to our knowledge, making statements like “laziness is a trait in blacks.” That’s just not a thing.

He’s willing to dog whistle because it gets him votes. But so far as I’m aware he has no issue with rich black people. Just poor ones.
Well, if you were wondering what the next line of attack was on Biden/Harris, here ya go!

“They don't want to have cows, they don't want to have any form of animals."

"Sen. Kamala Harris said she would change the dietary guidelines of this country to reduce the amount of red meat that Americans can eat."
Well I've got some red meat for you: We're not going to let Joe Biden & Kamala Harris cut America's meat!"

I will open the floor for multiple (who cut's Pence's meat for him jokes)
I normally don't watch drumph's news conferences but I did today

And at least heard the historical question which he did totally ignore and turned to take another question: "After 3 1/2 years how do you feel about All The Lies You Have Told?".

NOW IF ONLY more, and more Reporters start DOING THAT!!!!!

Proceed with caution.

Don’t make me feel like I’m defending this animal, I’m not. I’m just making a case as to why he doesn’t give a shit about anyone, period.
Donald Trump is racist as fuck. His entire family is racist as fuck and always has been. This has been true long before he ran for president.

Yes, he says things simply for attention, and he says outlandish things to draw attention away from other things. All true. And yes, he's incredibly transactional in nature and cares first and foremost about himself.

That doesn't change that he's unabashedly racist.
They should.

Dems are not above reproach on this.

Both parties are insisting on their pet project funds to be included instead of focusing strictly on getting the proper help to citizens in dire financial need.

The house passed their bill in May. GOP sat on it until two weeks to deadline.

There’s always going to be back and forth, but by leaving it to the last minute it gave the illusion the Dems share the blame

Nothing in the GOP proposal was worth passing
The house passed their bill in May. GOP sat on it until two weeks to deadline.

There’s always going to be back and forth, but by leaving it to the last minute it gave the illusion the Dems share the blame

Nothing in the GOP proposal was worth passing

They passed a bloated bill they knew had zero chance of passing the Senate let alone getting signed by the President, Just as disingenuous as the Republican strategy of leaving the bloated bill twisting in the wind for 2 months, Grandstanding and nothing more. No real attempt at passing something realistic so folks receive the help they need.
Donald Trump is racist as fuck. His entire family is racist as fuck and always has been. This has been true long before he ran for president.

Yes, he says things simply for attention, and he says outlandish things to draw attention away from other things. All true. And yes, he's incredibly transactional in nature and cares first and foremost about himself.

That doesn't change that he's unabashedly racist.

Oh mah lord stop posturing yourself as though I’m claiming he’s not racist. He’s just not going out fucking saying “laziness is a trait in blacks” and regardless of whether or not we think he’s capable of saying something like that, which... of course he is... you can’t propagate fake news. He’s not some unabashed outspoken racist who genuinely hates black people. He genuinely hates poor people for sure? Don’t spread misinformation though. It only weakens the opportunity to criticize him for truths.
I imagine there's pretty significant overlap on the Venn diagram circles of those who say there's good people marching in white supremacist rallies and those who genuinely hate black people.
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