U2 Not Impressed with Fans

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Nov 11, 2004
DUBLIN -- According to sources, U2 are sick of seeing the same fans at show after show. Bono was quoted as saying, "If I hear one more person shout out requests for songs we'll never play, I'm going to fucking lose it mate." The Edge was more direct, "If I see that guy with the cell phone who is more interested in taken pictures than enjoying the show, I'm going to break my guitar over his head."

Larry and Adam combined to form an ultra band member like a Transformer whose name is LARDAM and Lardam was dismayed that frosty345, lemon5head, streetwithoutyou, pickleface, I Luv Cats... among many others would not stop posting in forums how awful their setlists were. Lardam said it made him sad inside to know that his fans were disappointed in their choices and that he might consider retirement rather than suffer any longer.

Somehow U2 continues to sell out show after show even though they are obviously hacks with no talent. One person said, "If only there was a way for people to listen to whatever songs they want when they want, then they wouldn't have to wait for the band to play it live. Some type of device." At press time, no device is know but that really would change up the music landscape making playing live as pointless as most fans seem to think it is.

No need to check back -- We will run this same article for the next 365 days.
Not funny. Not sure why anyone's laughing, isn't this just the latest in a series of same jokes (Mad about same band, mad about same Stage, mad about same fans)...
"If I see that guy with the cell phone who is more interested in taken pictures than enjoying the show, I'm going to break my guitar over his head."

More interested in taken pictures? What is this? Pictures of the DVD of the film Taken, starring Liam Neeson? I don't understand.
This thread should be moved, shouldn't it? Isn't this the place for commenting setlists and songs? :reject:
You think someone with an GOB picture would have a better sense of humor. First you call me a troll (after 500 plus posts) and now you want me moved.

It's obvious that you are in love with me. It's okay. It happens.

Please respect the thread. Your post should be moved to the HUMORLESS SECTION.
You think someone with an GOB picture would have a better sense of humor. First you call me a troll (after 500 plus posts) and now you want me moved.

It's obvious that you are in love with me. It's okay. It happens.

Please respect the thread. Your post should be moved to the HUMORLESS SECTION.

Well, I get it that this thread is a joke, as well as the last one, but I feel it's directed at some of us who have different opinions about the setlists... valid, honest opinions. And we've been flamed on the other threads, why make one or two more threads?

But that's not really the point, I mean, you know I'm right about the thread not being in the right place, even if I disagree with its content..
This thread and it's twin brother are only directed at people's funny bone. You see it as mean spirited, but it was for the opposite. In the 100 set list threads it goes in circles. So offering up another viewpoint.

I didn't flame any posts. Technically, you sort of flamed both of mine.

I forgive you.
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