Things I love: Part XVII

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When a totally unexpected email can make your whole night!:up:

Agreed! And a requested PM that arrives generously and quicker than expected. :wink: :hug:

Another thing I love: Irish pubs. And the fact that I will be visiting actual Irish pubs (and by that I mean those that are located in Ireland) in a few days. :hyper:
INXS's album, The Swing. I listened to part of it while taking a shower today. Definitely one of my favorites ever. It just gets better and better.

Oh, and having less homework than I thought! Yaaaaay!
I'm interviewing Joel Edgerton in October... nervous but also excited. Happy though, cos I finish work exp this Friday and it's well after that. So I must be doing something right :D
Fall weather
Hoodies and my purple Chucks. :heart:
night drives with my boy. :love:

These babies, that I just purchased today.
brewer_Mini_red.jpg Nevermind [2 CD Deluxe Edition]: Nirvana: Music Nirvana: Live at the Paramount: Nirvana: Movies & TV

(potential? hmm) EXCHANGE STUDENTS.

Oh and...more Oreos. I think my life's complete. Except for all the work I've got to do.
my purple Chucks. :heart:
so how you doin' :sexywink:

He's promoting the movie Warrior, which is a mixed martial arts fighting film... so I better not :lol:
you big wuss :p :wink:

A warm bowl of soup on a chilly, rainy night . . . and antibiotics for my "acute bronchitis" (I don't find anything "cute" about it! :D)


I love that my mind is slowly shifting back to good. Painfully slowly but I feel it.

:loveshower: slow and steady lovely :hug:
I love when that 4am phone call is a friend (who knows it's ok to call me then) and not the always dreaded bad news.

And I love when I hear a song by a favourite band while grocery shopping.
Sat down with the editor today... looks like I've got myself a job :) they've got a staff freeze, so they've gotta work a way around that, but it looks like I'll be going in and writing and getting paid for it. Very exciting :) Two weeks ago I was getting up at 11 every day and wondering what the fuck I was doing with my life... and now this opportunity has somehow fallen in my lap.

Now if I could just get a girlfriend... :hmm: I'm pretty fucking sure my life would actually be perfect :lol:

Lightning and decent storms :up: (Preferably when I'm on the ground) We copped a pretty decent battering last night and it was awesome!

:up: was awesome watching it from out the window over the roof of Southern Cross station
cobl04 said:
Sat down with the editor today... looks like I've got myself a job :) they've got a staff freeze, so they've gotta work a way around that, but it looks like I'll be going in and writing and getting paid for it. Very exciting :) Two weeks ago I was getting up at 11 every day and wondering what the fuck I was doing with my life... and now this opportunity has somehow fallen in my lap.

Now if I could just get a girlfriend... :hmm: I'm pretty fucking sure my life would actually be perfect :lol:

:up: was awesome watching it from out the window over the roof of Southern Cross station


had to throw that in there - :rockon: cobbler! nothing less than you deserve young man :cute:
thanks team :)

cin, massive lols at the cobbler/cobber exchange on my status, even bigger lols to the guy who liked your comment "this one is cobbler", he clearly has no fucking idea lol.

with regards to GASP, i was sitting directly behind the journo who broke that story today. she got in touch with the store who confirmed the email was legitimate :|
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