The Troubles

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I don't think it's dead yet. I just can't see any other place for it other than as the final or penultimate song, just like Love Is Blindness on Zoo Tv.
Bono apparently told a fan that they're committed to making Troubles work but haven't been able to decide where's right for it in the setlist.
I don't think they've given up on it, I happen to think they think it's one of the most important songs on SOI. Perhaps they didn't want to attempt anything brave with it during the opening shows of the tour, when the spotlight was on them in terms of initial reviews
It would be a good closer, it can be far more dramatic than Moment Of Surrender was on 360 that was as flat as a pancake.
I've said elsewhere that I think it would be great after UTEOTW to round out the first set, a haunting way to end that very intense political end-of-innocence section.
before or after Bullet is the natural place for this song. it can work!

I'm glad they haven't given up on it though, it is one of the best on the new record.
Shocked that it hasn't returned. My daughter and I really enjoyed it on the opening night. It deserves to be in the set. I'd place it just before EBW and make the 2nd act 11 songs consistently.
I've said elsewhere that I think it would be great after UTEOTW to round out the first set, a haunting way to end that very intense political end-of-innocence section.

Uteow is absolutely perfect as the first set closer. Troubles would totally kill how they pull it all together and it wouldn't fit the narrative at all.
Uteow is absolutely perfect as the first set closer. Troubles would totally kill how they pull it all together and it wouldn't fit the narrative at all.

See, the one thing I miss with UTEOTW in that slot are its great segues of the past.

And I'm not sure why you think it wouldn't fit the narrative - it would wrap up that whole SBS/RBW/UTEOTW bit very nicely indeed.
UTEOTW is amazing as the first set closer, with Edge's guitar ringing out at the end. Perfect segue into the "intermission". Troubles would be great as the penultimate or last song of the encore, or maybe after Bullet

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See, the one thing I miss with UTEOTW in that slot are its great segues of the past.

And I'm not sure why you think it wouldn't fit the narrative - it would wrap up that whole SBS/RBW/UTEOTW bit very nicely indeed.

I think of the first act culminating in a struggle of faith. The rbw, I don't believe anymore in light of cedarwood and sbs. Uteow is the perfect culmination of that. That and the catharsis of the ending and the visuals is perfect. Troubles would totally changed the mood, and I don't think it fits lyrically (in my interpretation anyway).
This is the first time I've seen the video or heard it live after being there right in front of Edge at Vancouver... and this song DESERVES to be in the setlist.

Something this good can't be left out of the shows. Specially with Larry making a hell of a drum work for this song.

Before BULLET is the best spot for this song. But EBW ---> Bullet is really tight now, and EBW ---> The Troubles would be kinda weird.

EBW should be the full band version. That should solve everything :wink:
I agree, also..this is the first U2 tour in which no new songs are played in the encore

While this is true so far, on the UF Tour it was extremely rare for a UF song to appear in the encore (ASOH appeared a couple of times on the first European leg but that's it; most encores were Party Girl/Gloria/40).
From the videos (which as we know are NOT THE SAME AS BEING THERE) the huge screen of Lykke Li is more interruptive than supporting. From those who were there, does it seem like the alt version with the band on live backing vocals would go over better?
Just saw the video from last night (hadn't seen Vancouver)......:hyper:

Looks awesome live. Definitely needs to stay in the set and especially nice to break up the warhorses.
I thought the visuals were super cool in Vancouver. Kind of eerie, which matched her vocal part well.
I´m up for that. And Wave deserves to be played in full band version, too.

Bono sounded amazing on EBW last night, but I agree I'd love to see the full band version. That big chorus would have more of an impact. Such a great tune. Just love this album, it keeps getting better and better! For me it's the best since ATYCLB and maybe earlier, and the tour is also. Phenomenal stuff last night!
I loved the screen for The Troubles. And I do not like the alternate version at all so I'm totally OK with Lykke Li's vocals being piped in.

Totally agree, the alternate version is pretty poor in comparison in my opinion, Lykke Li's vocals really raise it a few levels, doesn't matter to me if the vocals aren't live.
The lack of live vocals don't make much difference either way and the visuals are cool, so I'm good with it staying in the set. It's definitely one of the better songs on SOI.

But I'm going to go ahead and say it: without an extended solo, it really just sounds exactly like the album version.

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