"The Ring"

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That's what I'd like to know too. My co-worker is telling me I MUST see it and that it was crazy and that she was scared for two days after seeing it.
It is a spooky movie, but it's not as scary as they're making out, I was disapointed to be honest.
The music is superb at creating the uneasy atmosphere, but the don't use it enough, there are certain scenes that could have done with music to make them even more scary.
Watch it, it's a good film and don't worry it won't keep you up at night.
TheHedge said:
It is a spooky movie, but it's not as scary as they're making out, I was disapointed to be honest.
The music is superb at creating the uneasy atmosphere, but the don't use it enough, there are certain scenes that could have done with music to make them even more scary.
Watch it, it's a good film and don't worry it won't keep you up at night.

I agree with all of the above.. I would venture to say though that I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. It's entertaining, suspenseful and fun to watch, but after it was over, it was a feeling of "eh" as I was leaving.

See it if you want to, if the premise appeals to you... there are repetitive frightening images and it is stressful to sit through the movie. I was shaking afterwards - not because of fright, but because I was psyching myself up for what I was predicting might happen.

The movie is a tad longer than needed, and you need to suspend disbelief when thinking about how the tape (the focus of the movie) could have possibly been made (you'll see what I mean once everything plays out). Thinking about this might help ease the fright factor if you find yourself scared shitless afterward.
The movie never really gelled in my mind. I guess I was just never really scared. Mostly the movie was just disturbing imagery and people trying to piece together supernatural phenomenon. Kind of like a mix between a NIN video and an episode of X-Files. Overall it was rather meandering and never seemed to find its focus properly. It had its moments, but it just left too many things unexplained for me.

I give it 5/10.
I saw it.

Yes. I saw it.
Kinda scary........kinda disturbing.
It was pretty good.:ohmy:

Foxxern- The NIN video thing! That's exactly what I thought!
Ok. Argh.

I hope you know that Ring is the American remake of the hit sleeper film Ring (and subsequently Ring 2, 3, 4 etc) from Japan. They didn't release it in the US because it was such a hit, some Americans decided to buy the rights to remake it in English or something. Frankly, I don't see the point in remaking the movie Hollywood style; it's just rehashing what somebody else did well. I mean, why bother??

Do yourself a favour and watch the Japanese one. That's the original, where all the hype started from.

-end of rant-

It freaked me a little bit

I saw it yesterday afternoon. It did creep me out. It has been a while since I had seen a "scary movie" so I think I was a little jumper that usual. It left a little out there (which I think was intentional because the star actress said there was already a sequel in the making). I feel kinda like a tard becuase it did freak me out last night when I was laying in bed and could not sleep. Every little noise irked me. I am really interested in seeing the Jap version and see how it was org. done.

I kinda guessed the end. I won't say anything becuase some have not seen it, but I guess alot of movies endings and I think I a pretty good at it. My friend that I went with usually gets pissed becuase I am right. This time was no exception I think.
Ok. subject shift. Is that a pic of you mad???? If so it is too small and I can not see it. :angry:
shit! sorry. I have no idea what I was thinking. by bad. You know i have a sex problem. *remembers the salome sex scandel. I think it was becuase you had a different avatar and that shit throws me off, plus I had not had my second cup of coffee.

sory sorry sorry. :banghead:

I feel very nebie-esk :reject:

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