The All Purpose College Football Thread

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Color me surprised: an easily criticizable “#7” Oklahoma team that has struggled in its last three matches is being handedly beaten by Texas.

But they definitely are the seventh best program in the country. Everything suggests that, right??? Right?!?
Maybe it's also time to admit that Texas' week 1 loss was flukey.

Texas looks good. I don’t know if it was flukey, per say. Maryland has looked great. Their only loss came to a really confusing Temple team, which you could call flukey in its own right.

I mean look at Maryland right now. They’re toe to toe right now with media darlings Michigan. Michigan, who has done nothing impressive all season by losing their only competitive match and then picking on a bunch of 1-win or 0 win teams. Yet, belief in a program has had no problem keeping them in the conversation.

So, Texas probably is being victimized as “wasn’t supposed to be good this season,” but mostly by virtue of “well, teams like Michigan are supposed to be great.”

This is just my take of course.
I actually pretty much 100% agree with you.

Texas has been on the verge of either pulling it together or completely collapsing for the last few years. I think (*think*) we're seeing the former coming to fruition right now. You're right, as well, Maryland isn't looking like such a bad loss, especially when it was by one score. So yeah, it's like, "Texas wasn't supposed to be good, therefore they are not good." Except we're seeing the exact opposite at this point. Especially when you throw in an assumption that of course Oklahoma's going to take the Big XII again.

I expect the narrative to change after this week and all eyes will be on Texas and at that point the "Wins games they shouldn't, loses games they shouldn't" team from the last few years will suddenly reappear, just to give me and the rest of the Big XII the finger.
Hopefully. Unfortunately, Texas let up quite a bit at the end. So the score won’t tell the story very clearly. Despite the fact that that game came down to the wire, Oklahoma never really stood a chance once they were down 21. The game was statistically over. Oklahoma did manage to tap into some wild odds by tying the game, so for that, they deserve some credit. My heavy criticism of them isn’t that they’re not good. It’s that they have only played like a top 10 team maybe once this season. Top 10 team doesn’t find themselves statistically out of the game by the start of the fourth quarter.

So that’s what I was advocating for last week. Texas deserves far more credit for this win than they’ll get. Sure, they only won by 3, but I would say their control of victory was established well before the game ever got close again. And that says something.
Ohio State is an honest example of a team playing a tough schedule and therefore not dominating their games but still doing well.

They look like a top team by all accounts, and otherwise are playing hard fought victories against their good opponents.

The same can’t be said for imposter LSU, who isn’t a top-10 team (and neither is Auburn) and had no business being #5.
“#8” Auburn only managed 3 field goals in their first road game and was definitively handled by a supposedly lesser team?

You don’t say.

Also, let it be noted, it took 6 weeks for UCF to pass Auburn in the polls** after defeating them, where both teams faced minimal losses relative to their overall composition. Six. Weeks. And this isn’t about my home team bias, we can save that for every other week. This is about an inherent bias for SEC teams. Auburn has looked like shit and already lost a game and had no business being ranked in the top 10.

**assumed passing, you never know!
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Oh shock, AP places Texas in front of UCF.

Also USF finally gets some respect. But still pretty much none. Same team that has two losses in two years and needs six weeks to get a petty rank around two loss dumpy teams.
I really don't know what to say about the way they treat schools in the rankings except to say I feel your pain, obviously. It's a joke and I realize there's really no fixing it, but obviously it's incredibly annoying.
We can pretend it’s not about money (bowl season is ran by the conferences/the mob so it’s important to have juicy matchups for big bowls), but it is. That’s the main side of it.

But I have a proposition of a hybrid expansion to the playoff. It stops Alabama vs Georgia SEC vs SEC from ever happening again.

Simple clause. You must win your conference to be eligible for selection into the playoffs. We shouldn’t care about needing to see Alabama play Georgia in the playoffs, if Alabama was singly responsible for ruining their chance in their division “playoffs.”

This clause would basically make the final two games of the season “the playoffs” at the divisional and conference level.

It would qualify roughly four to eight teams in any given season.

You’d have to work out the independent qualification parameter, but that’s the only difficult part. I mean, make teams caucus with specific conferences, I don’t know. ND basically plays an ACC schedule right now.
Ok so my heart rate has been at a sprint for the last two quarters.

That’s what happens when you don’t play any good teams until week 7. Fewf.
I’m pretty nervous for the updated rankings. I know the CFP is all that matters, but this is our shot right now.

Up until this week with Memphis, we played zero competitive matches (though I’ll happily say look at what UCF did to Pitt and look at what Notre Dame did to Pitt).

If we push forward big on this poll, we suddenly see our schedule looking good in our conference. We potentially have undefeated cincy, undefeated USF, and presumably 2 loss Houston championship game left on our schedule. So if we can win out from a position of a #7 team, which will be incredibly hard, we might actually have a real chance.

It’s still slim and requires help, but it’s actually possible if we get some respect in this poll.

The thing is, I can totally see the poll coming up with *both* LSU and Georgia in front of us. I can also see Oregon or Michigan being put in front of us. Simply because nobody respects Memphis, which is bullshit because the only difference between our story being their story instead was the fact that their two regular season losses last year were to us by 1 score. And one of those was a 2OT AAC championship thriller that saw 130 points of offense.

Anyways, really hoping that we can actually move up the 3-4 spots worth of losses that happened in front of us.
What sucks is none of this matters because this is the top 6 (I'm assuming):

1) Alabama
2) Ohio State
3) Clemson
4) Notre Dame
5) Georgia
6) Texas

So you're going to have to contend with the fact that the CFP are already jizzing themselves over the fact that that top four may be their final, because there's a better to decent chance that all four of those teams win out.

ND's biggest challenge left this year is USC.
Clemson plays fuck no one.
tOSU has the biggest chance of losing, IMO, but they also have the hardest remaining schedule, giving them a chance to jump back in, too.
Alabama's best shot at losing is @LSU.

Then of course there's Georgia. They have an extremely difficult schedule the remainder of the year. Which is terrible for you guys if they win out, because if any of the remaining top four were to lose, they're in for sure, probably even if they were to lose to Bama in the SEC championship.

And then Texas has WVU and the Big XII Championship game as well left, so again, they have a great shot of jumping into the top 4 if they can win out.

Obviously, though UCF being in the division they are in has every chance of the world of winning out, so they'll very likely stay in the convo until the bitter end, because you'll be ranked very highly when the CFP starts.

That's my two cents in a year where I don't have to even think about this shit, because we are *SO SO SO SO* bad.
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What sucks is none of this matters because this is the top 6 (I'm assuming):

1) Alabama
2) Ohio State
3) Clemson
4) Notre Dame
5) Georgia
6) Texas

So you're going to have to contend with the fact that the CFP are already jizzing themselves over the fact that that top four may be their final, because there's a better to decent chance that ll four of those teams win out.

I know you can relate to all of this because I know TCU only started to be truly considered post conference realignment with their Big 12 invitation.

As for your rankings, I think Georgia genuinely will fall, but my vision of what the top 6 looos like otherwise is simply replace Georgia there with LSU (LSU will be forgiven and placed just ahead of Georgia).

That’s actually really good news, more on that later.

ND's biggest challenge left this year is USC.

Notre Dame plays fuck all leftover, you’re right. They’re our biggest problem and we need them to lose, and preferably to a nobody. No “quality loss” bullshit. Because we *need* that similar matchup up with Pitt to be the de facto tiebreaker, and sadly they need 1 loss to be considered equal to our 0 losses. Though, they might even need 2 losses for us.

Clemson plays fuck no one.

Probably unimportant to us - I don’t think ACC chaos is necessary.

tOSU has the biggest chance of losing, IMO, but they also have the hardest remaining schedule, giving them a chance to jump back in, too.

Probably don’t want them to lose either.

Alabama's best shot at losing is @LSU.
Definitely do not want Alabama losing to LSU - this will surely eliminate us, as the CFP will not not put Alabama in the playoffs. We saw it last year. Alabama doesn’t need to win their important games to be considered. They can lose to LSU and that just allows the CFP to put two SEC teams in again.

Then of course there's Georgia. They have an extremely difficult schedule the remainder of the year. Which is terrible for you guys if they win out, because if any of the remaining top four were to lose, they're in for sure, probably even if they were to lose to Bama in the SEC championship.

This is also why bama can’t lose to LSU. If/when Georgia claws their way back in, we need bama to give Georgia their 2nd loss knockout punch. A two loss team is just as unprecedented as a non P5 team. They won’t get in. Especially considering their loss was a slaughter, not a good game.

And then Texas has WVU and the Big XII Championship game as well left, so again, they have a great shot of jumping into the top 4 if they can win out.

Yup, and we need them to lose, but I don’t think asking for either of these teams to lose is a lot to ask. I also think, if there’s any conference this year aside from the PAC-12 who the CFP might cave under the (nonexistent) pressure of a group of 5 riot, it’s at the expense of the Big 12. I do think they would consider taking undefeated UCF over a 1 loss Big 12 champ. If only because of the way this season is playing out, with those teams all finding themselves on the outside looking in early. Many of those teams suffered early losses, and will spend the rest of the season earning their reputations back. The same can’t be said for SEC teams, who supposedly don’t have to earn their reputations back after losses, as their reputation doesn’t ever seem to go away amongst voters.

Obviously, though UCF being in the division they are in has every chance of the world of winning out, so they'll very likely stay in the convo until the bitter end, because you'll be ranked very highly when the CFP starts.

That's my two cents in a year where I don't have to even think about this shit, because we are *SO SO SO SO* bad.

Sorry for responding in this incredibly annoying block format, I’m just really really attentive to this right now haha.

The one thing I’ll say is that it’s kinda bullshit that everyone thinks we have it easy to win out. We have had it easy the last six weeks, there’s no doubt. But visiting this week and all the games from last year, it’s apparent that (1) the best of the best in the AAC can and will go toe to toe with the best of the best in the nation. UCF proved that. USF played a lesser bowl opponent but they did their business. UCF barely squeaked by USF, and barely squeaked by Memphis the last three goes. USF has been awkward but won all their games this year. I can’t vouch for Cincy being as good as their record because admittedly I never paid attention to them the last few seasons, as they came out of nowhere this year. But, they’re still undefeated.

The bottom line is that, yes, the SEC is the top flight. No question. Inter-conference records agree. There’s also no question that the AAC is a middle of the pack gray area, and that they have been unfairly put in a binary black and white picture where instead they belong as “the gray area,” where the best of the best in that conference can and will stand up to the nation’s best (Top 25) teams. With that being said, how often do you see said top flight teams booking AAC opponents? Never. They split their inter-conference games with (1) money makers (Miami v Florida, for example), and (2) pettier opponents. Because they can rely on their conference games to spot them for the pettier opponents they play.

Teams like UCF are excited for the chance to play lower billed SEC teams etc. that will book us. Did you know Florida refused to book UCF many years ago because UCF wasn’t willing to put their home game of the home and home in a gator friendly citrus bowl? There’s no benefit to playing teams in the gray area that might be good without respect.

Aaaanyways, long post-babble summary: Notre Dame needs to lose, and lose bad. Clemson, Ohio State, and Alabama preferably need to obliterate everyone, and some Big 12 help wouldn’t be so bad. Though, if any of these teams choose to suck, hopefully it’s Clemson. Because the other two will just create further problems for us if they start sharing 1 loss records with their rivals.
Oh trust me, when it comes to what you're saying about people sleeping on the challenges of winning out in a non-p5, I know what you mean, but if UCF is as good as they look, I just don't see those teams being much of a problem.

I agree with basically everything else you said, one thing: if that one Big XII team was anyone but Texas, I think you might be right they'd jump them with an undefeated UCF. The problem is it isn't, and that's one popular franchise right there. So you have that intangible going against you as well.

You are correct, though, I got mixed up on what would get Georgia back in, and losing to Alabama in the title game would definitely eliminate them. It's Alabama losing to Georgia that would keep Bama in.
I was actually going to say that about Texas, but my unnecessarily long post was already unnecessarily long. It’s sort of a gimme though - Texas is already ahead of us and will remain as such until they lose.

But you also brought to my attention that the ACC is silently having a pretty awful year. Clemson losing a single match could actually mean something, but I wouldn’t bet too much on that if they win the ACC thereafter. However, any other ACC champion would likely not get in, aside from an unlikely undefeated NC State.

Anyways, lots of football still to be played, and I don’t take any game for granted and hope we can just keep doing business until the time has come.
AP poll out: we failed to move a single spot after 4 teams lost ahead of us.

Some of it is vaguely justified. Michigan did have a dominant win over a good defensive opponent. UCF did barely inch by their opponent.

But the hypocrisy? Texas barely inched by their opponent in a similar division matchup against a good but not great team, but Texas moved up. Extra hypocrisy:

Highlight this:: Notre Dame can’t muster up more than 19 points on Pitt and needs a miracle just like UCF does but Notre Dame secures a #4 spot on a team losing in front of them, and nobody jumps ND.

Holy fuck, you can’t make this shit up. There is *no excuse* for that. If UCF gets passed by a team ON A BYE WEEK for judged poor performance, WHY IS NOTRE DAME NOT TREATED THE SAME WAY?!?
Color me surprised, I did not see that top ten coming in that order at all.
I surely didn’t expect Michigan to surge the way it did, which was shortsighted because I literally called them media darlings last week for a reason.

But I knew for sure UCF would be *the* barrier for how far they would let Georgia drop. I just totally wasnt expecting Oklahoma to move past us. That’s some bullshit.
Nope, I didn't expect Oklahoma to jump during a bye, I didn't expect Michigan either, but I probably should've. LSU doesn't surprise me as much, I should've definitely seen that coming.
So I’m watching TCU-Oklahoma and TCU on commercial had one of their university research and excellence plugins.

I got a kick out of “every day, Horned Frogs are striving.” Calling someone a horned frog is weird hahah.
So I’m watching TCU-Oklahoma and TCU on commercial had one of their university research and excellence plugins.

I got a kick out of “every day, Horned Frogs are striving.” Calling someone a horned frog is weird hahah.
Lol I'm so used to it at this point. Calling each other fellow Frogs and all that.
Good call.

Though since they are coached by Urban Cowboy Meyer, they'll only drop to #3.
I didn't think it'd be THIS game though, lol!
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