Teen PLEBAn Party: Goodbye Claw. We'll miss you.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I liked mine more :lol:

But we will miss the Claw *sigh*

We'll have to think of a cheerier title for the next one!
Hopefully it'll be more active than the last thread?

If not, we can always picspam. I call Larry this time :lol:
I'm gonna start a Zoo picspam. :drool:


Edge actually sweats. :shifty: :drool:
I miss The Claw- I'm probably one of its biggest fans...

Anyway, Zoo picspam is always apreciated in my book. Let's see what I can add to this...


I didn't know The Fly came in red!!!
Bonogirl777 said:
:faint: :combust:

It no fun picspamming by mahself! :(

This is mine. I'm taking him upstairs and not sharing. *sticks tongue out*

In other news, I'm still waiting for my maturity to return...

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