Shuttlecock XXIX: You Snooze, You Get a Boring Thread Title

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Yeah, for as delicious as cheese tastes, it's shocking how bad a town smells where it's being made.

I actually tend not to like cheese. I can only eat it in small amounts and if it's hot (pizza, cheesesteaks, macaroni ... that's about it).

I'm a painfully picky eater, and everyone around me hates that fact. I don't eat cold sandwiches, salads, most vegetables ... a shitload of things. Ugh.
I actually tend not to like cheese.

*gasps in horror, clutches pearls*

I used to be a pretty picky eater as well. I've gotten less so over the years, but I'm still very particular about a lot of things, mainly surrounding vegetables.
I actually tend not to like cheese. I can only eat it in small amounts and if it's hot (pizza, cheesesteaks, macaroni ... that's about it).

I'm a painfully picky eater, and everyone around me hates that fact. I don't eat cold sandwiches, salads, most vegetables ... a shitload of things. Ugh.

Would you like to meet my niece, the one that only eats burgers & chicken strips? :happy:
i hear you on the cold sandwiches. i'm not a deli person at all. occasionally i can be in the mood to go to one, but i just don't get the big deal. i don't like every/all deli meats, so for me it usually means i get ham and cheese or a club. that gets really old. that coupled with the fact that i'm not a fan of potato chips (again, i have to be in the mood for them) means i rarely like going. oh, right...i can get fruit or potato salad or something instead. too bad i'm not a fruit fan (i like apples, anything else has to be in something) and hate potato salad.
I had a guy from the Zootopia boards email me about trading tickets. I got all excited until I realized he wanted to give me 1 Mpls GA and 2 Chicago GAs. That does not help me. :(
I'm a ridiculously picky eater, as well.

The big one that I absolutely cannot stand to put on anything that I think 99% of Americans love is ketchup. Ketchup grosses me out. No thanks. And I'll eat a salad if I'm at something formal and I feel like it would be poor etiquette not to eat it, but other than that I don't ever do salads. Or most vegetables.
I'm a ridiculously picky eater, as well.

The big one that I absolutely cannot stand to put on anything that I think 99% of Americans love is ketchup. Ketchup grosses me out. No thanks. And I'll eat a salad if I'm at something formal and I feel like it would be poor etiquette not to eat it, but other than that I don't ever do salads. Or most vegetables.

I hate ketchup and mustard (and barbecue sauce and relish and whatever else you try to put on your food). Thank God I'm not the only one.

When I get a burger, it's with bacon and that's it. Fuck condiments, man. That's why I love Five Guys: they actually offer a bacon burger that doesn't require you to put cheese on it.
She's exactly 19. :)
She likes to bowl and watch crappy TV game shows, George Lopez, The Dog Show, and whatever other crap is on TV.

Well, now I don't feel so bad. I'm a picky eater who prefers not to watch TV most of the time, with exceptions for great shows like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
i eat just about everything and anything.

except for raw onions (onion soup is okay), and fresh tomatoes have to be right-off-the-vine.

other than that, you name it, i eat it. mostly. it would have to be pretty weird for me not to eat it.
I can't even imagine where some of our friends are going to take your comments, Irvine. :wink:
I've started up on listening to some Christmas tracks since it's December. I Believe In Father Christmas isn't as good as I remember it being.
I'm a ridiculously picky eater, as well.

The big one that I absolutely cannot stand to put on anything that I think 99% of Americans love is ketchup. Ketchup grosses me out.

:sad: This makes even the Baby Jesus cry (since he was American and all).

except for raw onions (onion soup is okay), and fresh tomatoes have to be right-off-the-vine.


I Believe In Father Christmas isn't as good as I remember it being.

Christmas songs usually aren't.
we could play a game -- "will Irvine put it in his mouth?"

and then you could name things.

A couple of years ago in class, the power went out and a friend of mine commented "lets play Guess Whos In My Mouth". The only one to laugh was the Prof
Oh hai, Shuttlecock!

My computer crashed at work today and they took it away to fix it. Therefore, I could do absolutely no work, as everything I could work on, I needed my computer to do. Good times.
i may have to add mustard greens to my list of things i'd rather not put in my mouth.

i mean, it wasn't *bad* -- i cooked them up in a curry sauce and added chick peas, but they just weren't terribly good and i'd rather have kale and/or collards if i'm going to get my greens.

which apparently i need to do because deep thinks i'm obese. :angry:
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