Shuttlecock XXIX: You Snooze, You Get a Boring Thread Title

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Because the camera in my phone is shitty, my Vancouver pictures only looked good while on my tiny phone screen.

You should have seen this one on my phone - it was spectacular! Here, not so much. But hey, it's a shot of the Claw with a roof over it, from the very back of the floor.


Very cool! :hi5:
Happy Thanksgiving to my Shuttlecockian friends! I'm very thankful I've gotten to know you over the past year, and had the wondrous pleasure of meeting some of you in person.


Oh, and please eat some turkey on my behalf. My friend (whose house I'm going to today for T-day dinner) is a vegetarian and there will be other veggie people there as well, so I'm not holding my breath that there will actually be turkey. :(
Ok, I've got to see this <> springsteen story. Please? :)

I'm surprised you guys hadn't heard the picking up Boner story. He only posted it every year for like 5 years afterwards on the anniversary...
I'm surprised you guys hadn't heard the picking up Boner story. He only posted it every year for like 5 years afterwards on the anniversary...

Let's just say that the more certain people around here post, the more I tend to stay away... Plus I'm usually only over in B&C, where Bono-talk is at its lowest on this site.
Thanks for the PM, martha. I bet he harbored a grudge against the Boss himself for that incident. Apparently he held one against Boner for not recognizing his righteousness at subsequent shows.
Sorry to hear, Elfa.

Hopefully I can cheer you up with these amazing pictures I took at 3:33 from my deck here in MALIBU. Nevermind the watermark - they really are my's just that so many people have stolen my pictures before! I hate when that happens!

I want to go to there!

I made my first post over at the Zootopia forums, looking for a Seattle - Mpls GA swap. I think my best bet is to try and swap GAs for GAs and then try and look for someone with Mpls seats who really wants GA instead.

If that doesn't work, I'm crossing my fingers for a ticket drop, and absolute last ditch scenario, I'll have to swallow my principles and buy scalped tickets. :angry:
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