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Someone suggested it'll look good on a tee shirt, and I can see it already. Oh dear.

But full disclosure, I bought a Stand Up Comedy tank top on 360 because "stand up to rock stars" was a great phrase to have on a tee shirt. (Refujesus, however, is not.)

I almost bought that "loose electricity" Breathe shirt in 2009 because that lyric is good and the shirt looked neat. But I just couldn't bring myself to pay money for a shirt drawn from one of my least-favourite NLOTH songs.

Glad I didn't now, because I've got very little wear out of the 360 Tour shirts I bought. Most of my U2 merch is now folded up in a storage container in my wardrobe, though I still occasionally wear my Joshua Tree shirt. And one of these days I'll get my 11OTT single lithograph framed...
The hilarious thing is that these shirts and such that went for a penny end up selling for nothing on years after the fact....plenty of tour-shirts for like $4 a piece last time I checked...not that you'll really want to walk around with a Vertigo Tour shirt with some guys in their forties on it.

Pitchfork review is pretty much on the money with my thoughts in that it's four guys shamelessly trying to be relevant. They talk about U2's desire to be relevant ever since the late 80s, but this album more than any other clearly borrows the tropes of the day. I basically made the same statement in a review I made on a certain Album critiquing website I use.

I disagree with the score though. 5.3 seems a little high as that's slightly above the "middling" line for an album they didn't have much good to say about. Hell, seemed like only Adam's "Blackout" bass got any praise.

Also, rethinking the album again, "Little Things" is basically equivalent to "Iris" for me...a very good song live ruined on the record by terrible production. Sadly, I'd make the argument that the best track on the record is in fact You're The Best Thing About Me....the crunchy guitar part and Bono's verses make for a good enough moment and I still believe it's their best attempt to score a hit this decade. And it's not even what I'd call a good song. But so much of SOE is lacking in actual good ideas whereas on SOI at least half the songs had some really cool moments but just weren't fully fleshed out on the whole to become a winner. What makes SOE so boring is that it just lacks any there's plenty of shittier music out there, but at least comes from the artist's own perspective and maybe they're being revealing about themselves or just having a good time, etc. SOE is just a forced try hard.
Best Thing the best thing on the album?

I have some pretty... offbeat opinions from time to time but that's just lunacy.
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