Sadness in the music/bar scene

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Ali Rose

New Yorker
Jan 6, 2002
Mpls, MN USA
What the heck??? This is so sad. :sad:

I was pretty bummed when i heard about my fave place here in Minneapolis(Fine Line Music Cafe) getting burnt earlier this week but at least nobody was hurt and they will be open again in a couple weeks.

Now this Rhode Island incident...what now 80+ casualties?? I really think these pyrotechnics need to be banned from these little places after all this.

OH and of course the Chicago Incident with everyone getting trampled. :(

What the heck is going on??? I mean i hear about this stuff and I worry about Us here!!! all being music lovers. Everyone please be careful out there at your shows. And scope out the nearest exits when you get there. I dont want to be losing any of you guys. :sad: :hug:

Condolences to any of you who may possibly have lost someone in these tradgedies. So sad. :tsk:
Ali Rose said:

Now this Rhode Island incident...what now 80+ casualties?? I really think these pyrotechnics need to be banned from these little places after all this.

They weren't supposed to be using fireworks. The place didn't have a permit for using them indoors and they claim the band used them without prior notice. Nice.

And I saw a clip of the lawyer for the club here in Chicago and he actually had the audacity to blame the police for not pulling people out from being trampled fast enough. Because them being trampled had NOTHING to do with the building's flagrant code violations.

Sorry, but this shit pisses me off. :mad: :sad:
Yeah i just saw a bunch of this today. Stupid stupid stupid.

People shouldnt die over such stupid stuff. :mad:

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