Russian/Irish U2ers

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
....and a post nubmer 180 , let's celebrate!!!!
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There are Irish Russians?

Taste is the enemy of art.
Originally posted by MrBTH:
Hope everybody had a great Christmas! And happy New Year too! Good to see the old thread going strong...

Look who's talking now!!
Where've you been?
We can always be sure that you'll pop in at
least twice a year: your birthday and around
Christmas/New Year time.

Ivan,your last post is superb!

Life is cool,be happy!

Peace and love,slan agus beannacht,poka!
Nothing changes on New Year's Day,
I will be with you again...
Brevyet A! Just wanted to add my hellos to you all as I too am interested in Ireland(traveled there in '85 to see U2 Croke Park then hitched to Belfast to see friend!)as well as Russia. i work with some Russian people and they are teaching me the Language. I've loved U2 since 1981! I would love to travel to St. Petersburg! Bye for now hope to chat with you all soon! Peace n' love, Sorry A about the speeling! Dulsvidanja! Rose* **Bono**
Brevet to you Aine! Ok-like what? I have seen *U2* lots, from 1983-LA, CA(i'm from LA,CA now in JAcksonville, Fl.!)to 1992, caught U2 also in '85 at Milton keyes, UK(june) and Live-Aid, Wembly The BEST u2 or any concert I ever attended!! And I caught *U2* 3 times for the "Popmart tour" in las Vegas, NV, San Diego, Ca and phoenix, Az. and I caught them during their "Elevation" tour in Tampa, fl. how about you Aine?
Privet (that's actually the word
You would't believe but I've NEVER ever seen
U2 live!!!That's a disgrace I know,more so
cause though they don't come to Russia there is still Scandinavia at hand.Oh well,hope I'll make it sooner or later.Speaking of which have you heard anything trustworthy about their new "punk" album? Is that true
that they're already in the studio working?
And you,what do you do?Where do you work with
those Russian guys?Are you going to St.Peter
soon? Do you know any Irish?

see ya!

[This message has been edited by Aine (edited 01-30-2002).]
one things for sure..Clinton Morrison is definately not Irish

However I am..from the most beautiful of cities....Limerick.I'm impressed that ye are still here after 5 pages.
The thieving poet...This is one of the most
impressing handles I've seen here so far!
So there're two of you Limerickmen here now (well,not exactly - Lazyboy's originally from Shannon and he doesn't appear here that often - he's the Master of the E-mail Genre
and keeps pretending he's terribly shy above all
Anyway,ta failte romhat!

And Michael,it's time the Irish had their
share of medals,isn't it ?

Get your head out of the mud,baby,
Let's go overground

[This message has been edited by Aine (edited 02-20-2002).]
well, its no secret that us Limerick men burn like shining stars falling from the you could imagine i didnt have time to read all 5 pages of the conversation so would ye mind identifying yourselves?
Haven't been around much of late.
How's things,Russian Irishers ?

Did I waste it?
Not so much I couldn't taste it.
Life should be fragrant...

[This message has been edited by Aine (edited 04-10-2002).]
Alright then
I know I must do some Russian/Irish e-mailing
,hope the black spot's over...and
spring is really fine,sunny and very warm
- don't believe Euronews when they tell you
it's +8 here in Peter's:it's between +14 and
+18 - probably it's winter for Australia but I feel it's almost summer! Hope Dubliners
and Limerickmen aren't freezing either
And where's Whiteflag gone? I haven't heard
from her for ages,hope everything's alright.
If I crawl,
If I come crawling home
Will you
Be there ?

[This message has been edited by Aine (edited 04-15-2002).]
Wow! I love this new forum!;) And well,congrats to my Irish buddies as well as to my countrymen (I've been glued to my TV
set cause of the World Cup 2002).But oh NO,my favourite team,
Portugal,lost! :( Ah,nevermind,I still love ya,GO Luis Figo,GO Nuno
Gomes :) !!!
za should be sleepyza

i was just informed that the legendary russian/irish u2ers thread hadnt been posted in for a bit so i didnt want to let it slide

u guys do realise this is now an interference institute?
Re: za should be sleepyza

zooropamanda said:
i was just informed that the legendary russian/irish u2ers thread hadnt been posted in for a bit so i didnt want to let it slide

u guys do realise this is now an interference institute?

Nice of you,Manda.We've been all too busy with the Worldcup I guess and in addition I was having a bet over it with someone from this thread ;) ;he owes me a van packed with Guiness now but he doesn't seem to want to remember that (because of the zapoj :p - yeah,I'm talking bout YA!)...This thread's really like some Flying Dutchman,I believe it's bound to be here til
Interference's Judgement Day...
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There ya go, I turn my back for 1 minute(or 1 month;) ) and you go spouting at me!:mad:
And no Guinness for you either, until at least you tell me all!! ALL!! Zapoj, the truth about you lying to me and trying to take advantage of me when under the influence:sexywink:
Hehe, sure, I'm referring to the bet, which I have no recollection of! Which I don't think was even carried out!:scream:
Can't you see I'm in a state of ill mental health?!:sad:

lazyboy said:
There ya go, I turn my back for 1 minute(or 1 month ) and you go spouting at me!

Yeah!Now that you've met ME say goodbye to your regular Irish
man's boring routine :D cause it's gonna be a life full of surprises, fireworks and passion :mac: so let them envy YOU! :tongue:

tell me all!! ALL!!

U want too much too soon,mo buchaill leisciuil...after all,we have
the whole world of private messaging at hand! :angel:

Hehe, sure, I'm referring to the bet, which I have no recollection of! Which I don't think was even carried out!

:eyebrow: *Anya's carrying out a search for a piece of evidence in her e-mail archives* ...:evil:
"Hehe. So a bet huh?;)) I'm sticking with Spain, but surely you must get odds on the bet, and the lady has to choose of
course, so, what is the possible prize gonna be??:p"

So-o-o ?!?!?!?!?!?

Can't you see I'm in a state of ill mental health?!

That makes you even more appealing...:sexywink: a way!
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Aine said:
Yeah!Now that you've met ME say goodbye to your regular Irish
man's boring routine :D cause it's gonna be a life full of surprises, fireworks and passion :mac: so let them envy YOU! :tongue:

So-o-o ?!?!?!?!?!?
So! You never named your conditions, which makes the bet void, well.......depending on the conditions

That makes you even more appealing...:sexywink: a way!
I think I understand a sense!


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