Random Music Talk CXVII: Leaked Emails Show Hillary Likes Both Kanye & Taylor Swift

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Blue Crack Supplier
Feb 2, 2001
Your own private Idaho
Random Music Talk CXVII: Leaked Emails Show Hillary Likes Both Kanye & Taylor Swift

Cobbler had like 30 hours and failed to take the opportunity...

Carry on
Anyone else like this album?

Random Music Talk CXVII: Leaked Emails Show Hillary Likes Both Kanye & Taylor...

So today it was announced that Robert Pollard started a new project called ESP Ohio, dropped a new track from that upcoming album and also announced Doug Gillard returned to Guided By Voices and a new GBV album will be recorded soon. Doug Gillard was in Guided By Voices from 1997 to 2004... An era that did produce a lot of good albums, my favorites being Mag Earwhig!, Earthquake Glue and Half Smiles of the Decomposed. Anyway, info and new song is here:


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I'm also enjoying the Marissa Nadler album. She has a wonderful voice. I think iYup was a big fan.

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I like her well enough. The most recent album was a major step up from the previous ones IMO.
I saw James Blake tonight. I was feeling pretty lethargic going into it, as I really only love one song from the new album that I knew he wouldn't play (Forest Fire), and listening to his first two albums it struck me I find both of those incredibly hit-and-miss as well. And I just thought it would be an hour-and-a-half of either barely decipherable crooning over sparse piano or beats or the same phrase sung in the same intonation over and over and over and over. Now that happened a few times, and time feels interminable on those occasions, but the show greatly exceeded my expectations, thankfully.

Life Round Here was great early, Choose Me fucking rules, one of the very few tracks on Colour in Anything that I really dig. Was followed by Radio Silence, another one of those. Limit to Your Love I've long had a love-hate relationship with because it just feels like the bones of a song, but it was pretty great (the lighting helped). Love Me in Whatever Way is aggressively annoying but it soon gave way to I Hope My Life//Voyeur, which was fucking wicked. Voyeur of course is his only real banger, and it ruled. Great moment.

Modern Soul is a great song, I love the fucking shit out of those spacey piano notes. That was followed by Retrograde, which was awesome, then a song I didn't know - setlistfm tells me it was a cover of Joni Mitchell's Case of You? If so then I need to listen to her, the lyrics were enthralling. Quick encore break then The Wilhelm Scream, which was fantastic (and apparently a cover of a song his father wrote..?!) and had a great climax. He stuck out for one more song - haha fuck you Sydney - and let me tell you, this was one of the most amazing things I've seen at a gig.

He introduced it as a really old song he hadn't played in ages, but it's from his self-titled. Couldn't pick it, but it was Measurements. And he asked the entire crowd to be quiet so he could do a loop, and for three or four minutes he just sang the lyrics in slightly different ways, looping the vocal each time, before eventually playing synths along with it until the lights completely died and he bowed and walked off stage, with the vocal loops still playing. It was positively meditative and an absolutely stunning, beautiful moment. I was a bit annoyed at my friend leaving as I wanted to just stand there til it ended. Very, very nice. :up:
Oh that was the other thing - it's just a very impressive show overall; obviously he makes all the music on his own then ropes in bandmates for a tour, but they create every sound live on stage, and there's only three of them, James on piano/synths, a dude on percussion and another on guitar. I've seen a lot of great producers create beats and the like live, like Jon Hopkins, but never without a laptop. So that was stunning.

People were shouting out for I Need a Forest Fire and he was like "how the fuck can I do it without him?!" haha.
I've seen James Blake once, a few years ago after his previous album and I was equally impressed. They only played with three back then as well. Feeling all those slow heavy beats all over your body is always a great sensation. And you don't have that with many artists.

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Voyeur live must be incredibly good. He generally doesn't excite me too much, even though I like all his albums (and really like Overgrown), but good to know the show is worth it.
Keep reading that you guys are seeing James Blunt and getting very confised.

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True story: I once saw James Blunt in a festival, while waiting for the next band. It was possibly the worst concert I've ever been to.
I've seen James Blake once, a few years ago after his previous album and I was equally impressed. They only played with three back then as well. Feeling all those slow heavy beats all over your body is always a great sensation. And you don't have that with many artists.

Almost made me wish I still took drugs.

Voyeur live must be incredibly good. He generally doesn't excite me too much, even though I like all his albums (and really like Overgrown), but good to know the show is worth it.

It was. I wish they had gone with an actual cowbell (sounded like some sort of proper bell, as in it actually rang and reverberated) but that's minor nit-picking. With the extended jam it was wicked.

True story: I once saw James Blunt in a festival, while waiting for the next band. It was possibly the worst concert I've ever been to.

Ke$ha is the worst show I've ever seen.
One of my favorite ever albums is Elton John's Tumbleweed Connection, which IMO is easily is his best and most consistent LP. But hardly anyone remembers or talks about it.

I'm struggling to think of another artist whose best album is so little known within their catalogue.
Seconded on it being EJ's best. And it's not even close for me, either. Captain Fantastic would be the runner-up but it's not as consistent.

My Father's Gun and Burn Down The Mission are my top tracks on there.
It balances the honky-tonk stuff with more moody tracks so well. Probably Come Down in Time and Son of Your Father would be my faves.
Didn't they just create a new band? Seriously these guys are just going to become a serial backing band.

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Yeah, and Cornell is busy with the upcoming TOTD reunion.

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I keep forgetting to recommend this album; it came out last year (I think) and I dig it a lot.

The band is Dream Police, and the album is called Hypnotized. Dream Police include members of The Men, so it sounds a bit like that. I'd include a youtube clip, but I'm on my old desktop, so I can't.
I've been trying to be more of a completionist with artists I like, so the other night, instead of listening to Tumbleweed Connection again I listened to Caribou.

It wasn't bad, actually. Starts off well and Ticking is excellent. Really glad I got that song out of it.
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