Passengers Original Soundtracks 1 - 25th Anniversary Thread

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Hollow Island

New Yorker
Jan 16, 2011
Passengers Original Soundtacks 1 was released 25 years ago today. I didn't hear it until Christmas - I saw the Miss Sarajevo video a few times, but never heard it on the radio or heard much about this album. I knew it was a low-key largely ambient side project with Brian Eno as a full collaborator, but I didn't really know what that meant because I only knew him as the guy that produced U2 and played with David Bowie. I found the lack of profile of it strange - it was new U2, even if it wasn't U2 in name (I would learn later that the decision to use another name was contentious). It was like people were keeping this album secret, and it increased my already considerable curiosity.

When I finally heard it on Christmas 1995, I was baffled. It was the mid 90s, I was in my mid teens, so you can imagine what I was into.

United Colours was without a doubt the strangest and most jarring piece of music that I'd ever heard. The guitar the explodes in the back half of the song and is then swallowed by its aftershocks reminded me of Neil Young but frighteningly insane. I hated that song and rarely listened to it for years.

Slug hypnotized me - the synths and organ were so pretty and lush, and Bono's voice...the whole thing seemed adult. Mature. Achtung Baby was definitely adult in content, but I didn't really get the lyrics, and it was still fun and rockin'. Zooropa was blast. OST 1 was a different thing entirely. The list style lyrics called back to Numb, but seemed to mean something more, even if I didn't know what it was. Really, I think it was just Bono's voice than imparted the meaning.

The organ continued into Your Blue Room, which was immediately one of my favorite U2 songs, and it's still in top 10. I was sucked i by the world created by organ riff, brushed drums and spacious bass. I had never heard anything like it. I can't stress that enough: this album was my introduction to electronic music (beyond pop), to ambient music, to music that wasn't rock (or pop, or rap). I was a NIN fan, and I was into Bowie - Outside had just come out - but they were still pretty full-on. Passengers was vague, as Eno would likely say.

Always Forever Now confused me again - it was just the same thing over and over and over again. It was a study of momentum and restraint, but more that is was weird! A mantra? What the fuck? But man, it got me. Over the years its become another favorite. It wasn't a favorite at the time - this album wasn't a favorite - but it grew on me as I grew up and understood it better and was able to place it in context.

I could go on about every song but I won't. The sequencing is excellent - going from Always Forever Now to Miss Sarajevo is like traveling down a steep hill into a valley with a lake, and then back up again...but it's on a different planet. It loses its way towards the end - Elvis Ate America is an atrocity, Corpse is disruptive, Let's Go Native is underdeveloped (and fun as hell!)- but I'd stack the stretch from Slug to One Minute Warning up with any sequence of songs in their catalog.

As I became more familiar with ambient music - ambient, jazz, and rock are my favorite genres, and I don't listen to that much rock any more - I became more and more confused by the accusations of dilettantism leveled at this album, because to my ears it sounds as good, interesting and original as any album of its kind. I wish U2 had reissued it on vinyl and with some outtakes, but it's fitting that the 25th anniversary of the secret album in their catalog will pass unnoticed. I think it's a key album in their career, and would completely change how the band is perceived, but it's ok. We know how far out they went.
That was a lovely read Hollow Island. Original Soundtracks is one of my favourite U2 albums, gets into my top 5.
Great review! I remember all the talk from Bono in 94-95 that U2 were working on two new albums, which Passengers obviously was one. I thought it fit the experimental direction that they were in, and I think the first half of the album is excellent, fits perfectly with their 90’s work. The second half of the album was ok for me, though I found Elvis Ate America pretty cool . Good, creative period!
It's terrific, and I'd dearly love a proper reissue, but we all know that won't happen. The liner notes are hilarious.

We all love Your Blue Room, I think Slug is its equal, and I like every song, even Elvis, but the song that is my personal favourite and doesn't get enough love is Beach Sequence. Stunning.
It's terrific, and I'd dearly love a proper reissue, but we all know that won't happen. The liner notes are hilarious.

I'm actually sliiiiiiiiiiightly optimistic about a reissue.

I can't find any solid info about whether or not the new Brian Eno collection - Film Music 1976-2020 - has remastered versions of the songs, but I'm willing to bet they've been gussied up/ at LEAST remastered for vinyl. Since Beach Sequence is on there, it MIGHT stand to reason that the rest of OST1 has been worked on and they could quietly drop it leading up to the holidays (or miss the 25th altogether, which would be on brand).

I don't expect them to, but it would be an instabuy for me. Now that I have the Zooropa reissue on vinyl, my holy grail search for (reasonably priced) original pressings could finally end.
It's terrific, and I'd dearly love a proper reissue, but we all know that won't happen. The liner notes are hilarious.

We all love Your Blue Room, I think Slug is its equal, and I like every song, even Elvis, but the song that is my personal favourite and doesn't get enough love is Beach Sequence. Stunning.

Time...sheets of glass...

That song is gorgeous.
I really like this album... in a way it epitomises the creative & experimental period of time which I still think was the most exciting time to be a U2 fan, from Achtung Baby & Zoo TV to Zooropa being recorded between shows with them flying back and forth, to Passengers and then the wonderful world of Pop and Pop Mart.
I'm actually sliiiiiiiiiiightly optimistic about a reissue.

I can't find any solid info about whether or not the new Brian Eno collection - Film Music 1976-2020 - has remastered versions of the songs, but I'm willing to bet they've been gussied up/ at LEAST remastered for vinyl. Since Beach Sequence is on there, it MIGHT stand to reason that the rest of OST1 has been worked on and they could quietly drop it leading up to the holidays (or miss the 25th altogether, which would be on brand).

I don't expect them to, but it would be an instabuy for me. Now that I have the Zooropa reissue on vinyl, my holy grail search for (reasonably priced) original pressings could finally end.

What is this collection? Link me to it?
Good to see Howie B answering some questions about this last week on Twitter. Sounds like he really enjoyed the experience.
Good to see Howie B answering some questions about this last week on Twitter. Sounds like he really enjoyed the experience.

Between what he and Eno have said of the sessions it seems like there's stuff in the vault waiting to be released.
Finding a sealed copy of the original US vinyl pressing at a used record store in 2006 for around $7.00 was a rare holy shit moment in my record collecting life. I actually kept it sealed up until 2013 or 2014 when I finally decided to spin it.
I guess I misheard it the first time, liked it, and my brain refused to be corrected. This is very disorienting!

don't feel too bad, it took me 30 years to realize that in the bridge to carry on wayward son, the lead singer of kansas is not in fact singing about a pair of evil suspenders.
Finding a sealed copy of the original US vinyl pressing at a used record store in 2006 for around $7.00 was a rare holy shit moment in my record collecting life. I actually kept it sealed up until 2013 or 2014 when I finally decided to spin it.

wow that's cool. post pics!
Finding a sealed copy of the original US vinyl pressing at a used record store in 2006 for around $7.00 was a rare holy shit moment in my record collecting life. I actually kept it sealed up until 2013 or 2014 when I finally decided to spin it.

Oh wow, I'm super jealous. I found Pop around that same time, sealed & brand new for $14 only to *much* later figure out that it's actually fairly rare and the shop probably hadn't bothered to reprice it since 1997.

As great and valuable a resource as Discogs is, it's made it so much harder to find random grail deals like these anymore.
don't feel too bad, it took me 30 years to realize that in the bridge to carry on wayward son, the lead singer of kansas is not in fact singing about a pair of evil suspenders.

My feelings towards this album can best be summed up in the words of Leslie Feist:

Let it die and get out of my mind
We don't see eye to eye
Or hear ear to ear
Looks like we finally found Larry's Interference account!
I used to make experimental music for a coupla years... I was what they called a 'glorified triangle hitter'.

Making the Passengers record... I enjoyed it and all that, but listening to it, and seeing the eternal songs go on and on... I wish I could bury it somewhere where it couldn't be heard. I don't know why, it's just one of those things...

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