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We don’t really have all the facts. There’s great reason to believe AB is capable of this. Why the state declined to prosecute I do not know. But from the perspective of the NFL, they are in a sticky position. The patriots are in an even stickier position. Even when guilt is more or less written on the wall, due process is a must. Lay the facts out. If the facts are damning, the NFL needs to come down harder than they normally do.

for sure, due process is really important. it's just kind of a bad look for all involved to send him out on the field on sunday to be cheered by thousands on national tv less than a week after it comes to light that he's been accused of this. and (sorry dude but tbh) it's the dolphins, the patriots can afford to bench him for this week and investigate things and try to get a better determination of what really happened.
Well, the state deferred to the league. Why they truly did, I do not know. The league deferred to the team. That’s not fair for the team, who has a relationship to nurture with their psycho $15 million signing. The two hierarchical powers both declined to act immediately. To expect that the patriots, who probably know the least, are expected to take the fallout, is unfair to them. Start by blaming the state for denying the case - that’s where uncertainty is being sourced.
let me tell you how truly shocked i am that the NFL would pass the buck on making a decision against a player accused of violence against women.
I am torn on this one. I think AB USA not trustworthy at all which has me leaning towards that he's probably guilty.

But I've also been on the other side and have been falsely accused for someone else's gain (not nearly at that level for the record), so I'm naturally empathetic towards the accused. Being falsely accused is an extremely scary situation.
The timing of this accusation couldn't be worse and makes the lawsuit seem frivolous as hell, but seeing as this is Antonio Brown we're talking about, I wouldn't be surprised if her story actually undersold how bad the situation was.


This guy's humor probably isn't for everyone, but his riffing on that outfit at the beginning of this video had me in tears:

for the record, the fact that antonio brown is going to be allowed to play this sunday is fucking disgusting.

"it's a civil case", so you don't even bother benching the player for a game and doing your own investigation until you have a sense of whether or not you're employing a rapist for millions of dollars?

fuck the patriots and fuck the NFL. this is inexcusable.

Saying this not as a racist and sexist Patriot fan, but from a neetral perspective:

The fact that its a civil lawsuit and not criminal (even though it alleges rape), puts the league in a position where they really can't just take him off the field without at least investigating first. If they did it sets a precedent where any frivolous civil claim would require them to pop a play on the exempt list without any evidence.
The accuser is getting married this weekend, so wasn't able to meet with the league till next week (supposed to happen Wednesday from what I have heard), so after that they will likely meet with Brown and then can decide how to proceed.
No player has ever been put on the exempt list for a civil suit before without some other evidence.
As for the Patriots, the decision to dress him or not comes tomorrow, so while he has been practicing, its not a slam dunk he plays. But they are in a similar situation. From all reports, this was an ongoing negotiation for a settlement which included a gag order until the suit got filed Tuesday. So contrary to some opinions out in the ether, the Pats were completely unaware of the situation (as apparently were the Raiders) as Brown & Rosenhaus were not permitted to publicly disclose anything about the situation. That of course changed once the suit was filed. They are now on the hook for 10 Million guaranteed. And they obviously have talked to Brown and Rosenhaus about it since the news broke, they have heard his side of things, and maybe they feel he's not guilty of rape, who knows. But we'll see if he's active tomorrow.

If this wasn't Brown, but a player with an otherwise clean image and history (Let's say Drew Brees just to keep it away from teams you love or hate aka Eagles and Patriots respectively) and this came out, he categorically denied it, there were no criminal charges, would you be disgusted if he weren't immediately suspended or put on the exempt list?
Until at least some of the facts are known, can't just use Brown's reputation as a loon against him.
The timing of this accusation couldn't be worse and makes the lawsuit seem frivolous as hell, but seeing as this is Antonio Brown we're talking about, I wouldn't be surprised if her story actually undersold how bad the situation was.

I assume like in most situations like this, the truth likely lies in the middle somewhere, whether or not that area in the middle constitutes a crime or not we'll have to wait for things to play out.
The fact that its a civil lawsuit and not criminal (even though it alleges rape), puts the league in a position where they really can't just take him off the field without at least investigating first. If they did it sets a precedent where any frivolous civil claim would require them to pop a play on the exempt list without any evidence.

No player has ever been put on the exempt list for a civil suit before without some other evidence.

i don't see how removing someone from the field when they've been accused (and there is evidence that has been presented to a court) of rape sets the precedent that "any frivolous claim would require" them to bench someone without any evidence at all.

it seems to me like a pretty big stretch to say that benching a man accused of rape (again, for which there is evidence already before a court of law) sets a requirement that if, say, next week someone sues tom brady for accidentally destroying some their property during a party but hasn't presented any evidence that tom actually did it, that they'd have no choice but to bench tom.

If this wasn't Brown, but a player with an otherwise clean image and history (Let's say Drew Brees just to keep it away from teams you love or hate aka Eagles and Patriots respectively) and this came out, he categorically denied it, there were no criminal charges, would you be disgusted if he weren't immediately suspended or put on the exempt list?

i appreciate the implication that i'm really this concerned about an accused rapist because i just don't like his personality or the team he plays for. :rolleyes: for the record, if this exact same thing came out about carson wentz the day before the super bowl, yes i would 100% still say he should be benched. morally, it's the right thing to do.
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The distinction here is civil vs. criminal.
If Brown had been charged with Rape criminally, he would have been suspended immediately by the league and cut by the Patriots.
The evidence presented is what...his text messages. They are from after the 2nd "back" incident, not the purported rape. And with his grasp of the English language when he texts, who can tell for sure if he's admitting that incident went down exactly as she alleges, or if they were engaged in something consensual and he was just bragging about how it ended, possibly in a way she wasn't happy about (without getting too graphic here).
Is he a good guy...obviously not.
Did he rape her...we don't know. But the fact that she is asking for money and not criminal prosecution, coupled with evidence that she had been seeking money from him to open a gym while they had some relationship, and that she had been trying to reach a monetary settlement for a while, gives his side of the story at least a little glimmer of possibility.

And please don't put words in my mouth, I didn't imply you were concerned about "an accused rapist because of his personality", I asked if in general does his prior reputation make folks presume guilt more readily than someone with a clean past. Which would go against due process.

He's not a good person, we can agree there. But we don't know if she is being completely truthful yet. And where he is not charged with a crime, his right to earn a living shouldn't be taken away...yet. Had she called police and reported a rape 18 months ago and had him arrested, very different story, playing career over unless later vindicated.
The only reason why he's not suspended by the league is because the CBA requires an investigation if there isn't a criminal complaint. They haven't done that yet. They're talking to the accuser next week. She wasn't available this week because she's getting married.

If a criminal complaint had been filed, they could suspend him immediately even without any sort of due process.

This doesn't prevent the Patriots from leaving him at home, which they have chosen not to do.
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And what the headster just said is what I recalled reading (couldn’t find the link) when I said something about the NFLPA. In this case, I was referring to the CBA.
I get the reasoning that it’s a civil case, but based on morals, not sure I would want him playing. Quite honestly, I have mixed emotions having him on the team at all. The contract clearly lets them get out of it in these cases.
Actually from what I've seen so far the wording in the contract wouldn't let them out of the guarantees where things stand currently.
Yeah I saw hat, and there's question raised about if it would hold up because the incidents didn't happen while he was under this contract. Would end up with a legal battle for sure if they try and void the guarantees at this point.
The patriots got dealt the shittiest card and they did it to themselves. The onus is on the state. Everything else seems systematic.
The patriots got dealt the shittiest card and they did it to themselves. The onus is on the state. Everything else seems systematic.
I would never call that the Patriots getting dealt a shitty card. That implies this is an unfortunate circumstance they couldn't have predicted. Instead, they likely colluded with Brown's agent to get him on the team for pennies instead of draft picks. They got what was coming to them, if he doesn't play another game this season. As it is, they're doing great with him today and boy is it making me steamed up.
I would never call that the Patriots getting dealt a shitty card. That implies this is an unfortunate circumstance they couldn't have predicted. Instead, they likely colluded with Brown's agent to get him on the team for pennies instead of draft picks. They got what was coming to them, if he doesn't play another game this season. As it is, they're doing great with him today and boy is it making me steamed up.

Well I said “they did it to themselves.”

Under the assumption that the patriots did not know about the lawsuit pending (highly doubt they did given the contract they agreed to), it is a shitty card to be dealt when nobody above you can/will do it, and you’re trying to forge a new relationship with a psychopath of an athlete.

They got dealt a shit card. But. They did it to themselves. I don’t see why that’s an unfair statement. Playing with fire and now they’ve got to deal with both AB and the publicity.
today's raiders-chiefs game is the last NFL game being played on a dirt baseball infield. the raiders don't play another home game in oakland until november.
Instead, they likely colluded with Brown's agent to get him on the team for pennies instead of draft picks. .

I'm sorry, but this conspiracy theory that's been thrown around is complete horse shit.
To think the Patriots were part of a grand scheme to get Oakland to send draft picks to Pittsburgh, then wait 6 months and have Brown shoot his way out of Oakland and 30 million guaranteed while a back door deal for 10 million guaranteed is waiting for him in Foxborough is just laughable.
Its not laughable to think the organization knew fine well that Brown was putting on a show to get his way out of Oakland. It’s not laughable to think they were aware that he wanted to play there. Come on.
Its not laughable to think the organization knew fine well that Brown was putting on a show to get his way out of Oakland. It’s not laughable to think they were aware that he wanted to play there. Come on.
Yeah, more this than to think they were in on it the entire time.
Its not laughable to think the organization knew fine well that Brown was putting on a show to get his way out of Oakland. It’s not laughable to think they were aware that he wanted to play there. Come on.
Brown was clearly trying everything he could do to get out of his deal, and he clearly had a destination in mind.

Whether or not the Patriots knew about it? I have no idea. They probably had an inkling - but as long as they didn't, like, email him ideas on how to be a dick, there's really nothing wrong with it if they did know. The Raiders easily could have just suspended Brown and let him sit and rot. They didn't have to release him.

As for the sexual assault allegations - only reporting I've seen was that this was completely confidential and neither the Raiders, Steelers or Pats had a clue until she filed the case in court.
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