Neil Peart RIP

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
May 17, 2005
I know many here aren't huge Rush fans like myself... But Rock and Roll lost a God this week RIP Neil Peart.. "Get on you're way Hit the open road theres magic at your fingers,"
he was born on the same day as my dad, which is messing with me a little bit today. fuck cancer.

neil peart is easily on the mount rushmore of rock drummers without question. the man had an absurd amount of influence on the art of drumming. rest in peace.
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Fuck cancer. The man was a force of nature, an unreal drummer and one of the most intelligent lyricists out there.

He will be missed.
he was born on the same day as my dad, which is messing with me a little bit today. fuck cancer.

neil peart is easily on the mount rushmore of rock drummers without question. the man had an absurd amount of influence on the art of drumming. rest in peace.

Hey, you stole my line from the general music thread. :wink: But, yes, agree completely. A major loss for Rock n Roll and certainly for those that loved, respected, and appreciated his gift.
Just finished watching a concert video, since I never did see them live :sigh:
I've heard Limelight like half a dozen times over the past couple of days and enjoyed every second of it.

RIP Neil Peart, what a legend.
Of all the deaths over the last few years, this has hit the hardest, moreso even than Bowie who was one of my first forays into music during the Aladdin Sane era.

RIP Neil.
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